
Not Stinky
Jan 23, 2015
Reaction score
under your floorboards
signature (1).gif
"A través de las llamas, crecemos,"
Through the flames, we grow


Family Race

Daendroque Ailor

Revered Traits
Self Sufficiency, diligence and creativity

Family Trade
Sell swords and Art

House Colours
Primarily blue and red, with the occasional appearance of grey and gold.

Physical Traits

The male members of House Ziade are encouraged to remain fit and healthy, resulting in a large majority of the male portion of the family having well built bodies, ranging from athletically built to muscular, sometimes with the strongman body type. All members of the Ziade family have almost strictly dark brown hair though black hair is most common amongst the male portion of the family, the dark shade complemented by the green or blue hue of their eye. Male members of the family typically stand at 5'9 to 6'5 with a darker toned skin as they are usually the members of the family who follow in their predecessors footsteps and become sell swords.

Like the male members of the family, the women are encouraged to care for their bodies resulting in overall a fit body type amongst the women of the family though the artisan members often have more chub on them therefore the body types for the women typically range from curvaceous to muscular, though Ziade women who are dedicated to their job as a sell sword can oftentimes have the strongman body type. The women almost entirely have deep or otherwise warm brown hair and green eyes, though sometimes they also have blue eyes like their male counterparts. The woman often stand from 5'5 to 5'11 foot, though rarely they tip over into the 6 foot range albeit never taller than 6'2.

As a family that is almost entirely unknown of House Ziade is, understandably almost wholly undocumented despite the family beginning almost 300 years ago.
From what has been discovered, the most recent generations are the result of a melting pot comprised of Qadir and Ceradian people, stemming almost entirely from an interracial couple.

The Ziade family history can only be traced back to Daendroque in early 194, where a brilliant poet named Nevaeh gave birth to twin boys named Absko and Timoteo, Absko being named after his late father, a loyal sailor and sellsword. Nevaeh raised her beloved sons as a single mother in the bustling city of Daenshore, the two children traveling along two very separate career paths as they grew, yet stayed close at one another's side. Absko soon became a sellsword, like his father before him whilst Timoteo studied the arts. Absko was the one who began to grow the Ziade families income, though due to being a roaming man he had many children with many women who he never even learnt the names of.

These illegitimate children are truly what began the Ziade family, but were also what resulted in its relative downfall. Absko returned to his home once he'd received news of an illness that had befallen his brother. He remained in Daendroque until Timoteo passed, spending several more weeks there to console his mother though she passed away soon after. The death of what family he'd had threw him into a downwards spiral, though also brought about his realisation of the importance of family. With the remaining four years of his life, Absko sought out his children and died with seven of them at his side.

These children grew up apart from one another and due to this, had very little respect or knowledge for one another. Four of the seven fought over what money their father had left them, taking what they could and disappearing to wherever they'd come from. Out of the seven children, only four remained together but collectively the money they had was enough for them to purchase a home. The siblings lived and worked together, selling their services to those who lived in the city around them and the travellers who passed by their home. The men followed in their father's footsteps, becoming sellswords while the sister of the three boys become a renowned musician, known for music that could shift even the stars themselves to tears.Each sibling earned enough money to expand the home and put good food on their table, eventually even being able to support their significant others and children.

As the siblings grew old and began to pass away, the final brother Lautaro and his sister Juliana moved to Regalia with their families to continue their business.
Once the family arrived at Regalia, Lautaro spent what remained of his life finding out what he could about his father and his father before him. He passed this onto his sister via letter before travelling back to his father's home, where he passed away peacefully.

Family Tree
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Generation One

Neveah Ziade (67) || 162 A.C. - 229 A.C.
The doting mother of Absko II and Timoteo, as well as an incredibly gifted poet.

Absko Ziade (34) || 160 A.C. - 194 A.C.
The late father of Absko II and Timoteo, and the husband Nevaeh. He passed away the mere months before the birth of his sons.

Generation Two

Absko II Ziade (50) || 194 A.C. - 244 A.C
The eldest of the twins born to Neveah and Absko, named after his late father he was a skilled sellsword and the man who truly grew House Ziade to its current size.

Timoteo Ziade (35) || 194 A.C. - 226 A.C.
The youngest twin, Timoteo was an incredibly talented artist who spent his life creating incredible pieces, some of which still remain in the families possession.

Generation Three

Lautaro Ziade (85) || 221 A.C. - 306 A.C.
The previous head of the family and the man who pieced together the families history. A kind and generous man, his memory will forever be a positive one within the minds of his family.

Marianna Ziade (82) || 224 A.C. - Current
The wife of Lautrao and the mother of his children, she is a mother to all Ziade children though is very rarely around, instead continuing her husband's legacy and continuing to discover more about the family.
Playable Under Specific Circumstances

Juliana Ziade (68) || 238 A.C. - Current
The only sister of the four siblings that stayed together, Juliana is highly independant and rather strict.
A brilliant musician, she still plays to this day.

Almerique Ziade (72) || 232 A.C. - 304 A .C
The second brother of the four, Almerique was a dedicated sellsword though Juliana insists he was a brilliant writer.

Jullian Ziade (71) || 234 - 305 A.C
The final brother of the four, known as a somewhat brash man he did what was needed to be done to keep the family afloat. When he passed away he left everything he had to his kids.

Generation Four

Narcisa Ziade (38) || 268 A.C. - Current
Eldest child of Lautaro, a silven with a peculiar social disposition. She is the current head of the family and a sellsword just as her father was when he was her age.
Played by @Heaven_of_ash

Ulises Ziade (34) || 271 A.C. - Current
The eldest son of Lautaro, he is a man devoted to his words. Ulises is an incredibly talented writer and public speaker, often encouraged by his Aunt and siblings to take his work to a larger audience.

Nadal Ziade (30) || 276 A.C. - Current
The final child of Lautaro, and probably the most talented of the three, Nadal is a skilled bladesman and incredibly headstrong. Despite being the youngest he is incredibly mature, dedicated to developing himself and furthering his skills.

Noemi Ziade (40) || 282 A.C. - Current
The only child of Juliana's and a woman with a flare for the dramatic, Noemi is an incredibly brilliant fighter and an even better lover. A flirtatious and daring woman, she has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ynes Ziade (24) || 282 A.C. - Current
The bastard daughter of Almerique, Ynes is a reserved and timid woman with a natural affinity for music she is taught by her Aunt. It is rumoured her mother is Marianna Ziade, the wife of Lautaro and mother to her beloved cousins, though this hasn't caused any bad blood between the three.

Generation Five

Zacarías Ziade (19) || 287 A.C. - Current
The son and only biological child of Narcisa, he is a born silven and his mother's pride and joy.
A child prodigy, he knows little of his scholar father but despite this seems to be following closely in his footsteps.
Playable Under Specific Circumstances

Galenia Ziade (15) || 291 A.C. - Current
A youthful Cielothar and the adoptive daughter of Narcisa, Galenia is a young girl with an aberrant obsession with Abberancy and magic despite her mother's wishes.
Played by @SpoopMelon

Angela Ziade (16) || 290 A.C. - Current
One of two twins born to Noemi, she has an obsession with forgery and often spends her hours sketching designs for weaponry she dreams of creating.
Playable Under Specific Circumstances

Bea Ziade (16) || 290 A.C. - Current
The second twin and the most like his mother, Bea is charming and flamboyant with a disregarded skill for acrobatics. He seeks out thrill and adventure where most shouldn't tread, though is brilliant at weaselling his way out of trouble with his aforementioned charm.
Playable Under Specific Circumstances

Family Applications

Jails / Mutes / Bans:
Discord or Skype:
Knowledge on Lore (out of 10):
Character (New characters and character alterations are welcome!):
Character Age:
Brief description:​
Last edited:
IGN: SpoopMelon
Jails / Mutes / Bans: No
Discord or Skype: You have em both babe <3
Activity: like none of the time when you're online ;-;
Knowledge on Lore (out of 10): lore is bae
Weaknesses: crp
Strengths: creating interesting situations aka a bit of drama
Character (New characters and character alterations are welcome!): GALENIAAAA
Character Age: 15
Brief description: Not silven cause cap has been reached but still obsessed with aberrancy and everything about it.
IGN: SpoopMelon
Jails / Mutes / Bans: No
Discord or Skype: You have em both babe <3
Activity: like none of the time when you're online ;-;
Knowledge on Lore (out of 10): lore is bae
Weaknesses: crp
Strengths: creating interesting situations aka a bit of drama
Character (New characters and character alterations are welcome!): GALENIAAAA
Character Age: 15
Brief description: Not silven cause cap has been reached but still obsessed with aberrancy and everything about it.
Sounds good! If you could flesh her out a bit more in her description that'd be cool (Add personality traits, appearance and stuff.) Thank you!