Blue Blood Noble Family House Somninat - Goodfaith

Apr 3, 2020
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Name | House Somninat-Goodfaith

Culture | Cantaluna
Province Ruled |
Minor holdings in Vultaro, Montania, and Anglia.
Lineage | Ailor
House Colors | Red and Whites.
House Iconography | A crowned stork devouring a snake- Above it, a black star stands.
Religious Alignment and Affiliations | Draconist, synchretized with Unionism In truth, Evolist, syncretised with the Broken Gods cult. No affiliations with the Knight orders.
Wealth | Money-lenders and investors.

House Somninat is more of recent appearence, and their rise has been involved in much tragedy and mistery. It is known that nearly eighty years ago, the Goodfaith of Anglia, took a vacation trip to Vultaro, as they so often did during the summer. It was there, that by some reason or another, Magria Goodfaith, heir to her family, fell in love with a minor noble of the region, the young, if a bit reserved, Serp Somninat. How or why the parents agreed to the matter is not fully well known, seeing as the Goodfaith held more influence than Somninat did, but Somninat married into the family name. As the years passed, the two were happily married. Magria's parents passed away, but it was not that surprising, seeing as they were old folks.

Then fifteen years after their marriage, tragedy struck. Lord Somninat died due to an unfortunate circumstance, though little is known of the matter, generally assumed to have been a hunting accident, or bandits shanking the man for coin. A few weeks later, it was revealed that Magria was pregnant- And the Goodfaith family breathed in peace, as it appeared the line would continue. Magria seemed to become hopeful for the future, maybe believing that perhaps her son could bring back some of that old joy in her loneliness.

And yet, something terrible is thought to have happened after the birth, for the woman that emerged was forever changed. Caring for her son, yes, and for the family's interests, but much colder and distant. She named the heir Ascurzo, as per her former husband's will, and allowed him to keep his father's last name, while still making him heir apparent- And while many branches of the Goodfaith family came to her, and argued that she was mad, all conflicts were seemingly resolved within a year. However, Magria's health slowly declined, and as such, she perished by Ascurzo's seveteenth birthday. The latest heir, due to the great tragedies he had suffered in his formative years, became somewhat of a more reclusive and introverted individual, which he has been for the past forty-eight years. He, however, has brought much wealth into the family's coffers, and his transferral to the Regalian Countryside makes it clear that in his 63 years of age, the man is getting involved in politics once more.

True History

Yet this is hardly the truth, which is much darker in nature. Known only to the closest family members, Amorronokh has been the one orchestrating this whole scheme- He first enthralled the young Magria, and charmed her parents to ensure their union, and played as a faithful husband for many years. Then, once he sensed a child within her, he faked his death, masquerading as a maid for a few months, and once Ascurzo had been birthed, and he found little use for her, Amorronokh supplanted Magria, and used her to make as many changes as possible to ensure that Ascurzo would have his wealth ensured, either turning rival family members, or enthralling them if they could not be reasoned with. Then, once the boy was old enough, he supplanted him as well, while faking his own death as Magria- Finally obtaining control of the family, opening the gates for futher political power.

Family Theme

The Somninat Family are your classical Cantalunas- Artists with a great mind for engineering. In fact, with the recent discovery of Unicores, Ascurzo has started developing them! Otherwise, they are great patrons of the arts and science, always delighted to buy the latest painting, or hear the latest opera. Ascurzo specially grows interested with all technological advancements, willing to fund all bright minds who catch his eye, yet at the price of a higher discount on their discoveries. As such, it is not uncommon to see artificieries around their Countryside Estate!

True Theme

The truth is- Not all can be a part of the family, not even your average Sanguine. Amorronokh has devised the Dreamborn Project, as he calls it, to craft a dagger at the very throat of Regalia for the Darkstar chapter of the Argentum, so that they have an easier time in their plans to bring forth the will of the Prince of Darkness. As such, only Darkstar sanguine can 'become' members of this family, as Amorronokh knows that the united goal of the Darkstar will remove the possibility of betrayers. Besides, he doesn't claim any more power than the rest within closed quarters.

This is a list of potential 'characters' a fellow Darkstar could play while disguised. All have been given reasonable covers as to why they haven't appeared before.
  • A child of Ascurzo: During his lifespan, Ascurzo has married on three separate occasions before all those macthes met unfortunate ends, and had a plethora of children. Any Darkstar could claim the role of Ascurzo's child. They just happened to have been studying around the Empire!

  • A distant Goodfaith cousin: Everyone knows that the rise of Ascurzo as the head of both the Somninats and the Goodfaiths caused some friction with the latter family, but it's all in the past now! A distant Goodfaith from Anglia just wants to meet and be closer to the main line of the family!

  • A Somninat sibiling: Who is to say Serp, Ascurzo's father, had no sibilings, or nephews and nieces? Well, he didn't use to have, but a few falsified families trees later, and there's now other branches from Vultaro and Montania who after seeing Ascurzo getting involved in politics, now want to draw closer to him!


Any Sanguine that is a member of the Darkstar Chapter of the Argentum, is allowed to participate in this scheme. To be able to shapeshift is highly encouraged, and if unable to, the Sanguine is responsible to be disguised in any hunting or scheming they do that can blow their cover up. Any other Sanguine that wishes to join in this scheme for the takeover of the Regalian Empire should first become a Darkstar ((enough to get to know you so you don't immediatley rat out))