House Kaeppler


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
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Forever Service in Brawn and Mind
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Culture: New-Regalian - Imperialized
Religion: Unionism
Trade: Smithing/forging
House Colors: Purple, Red & Gold
House Sigil: Longsword with scales of justice hanging from the hilt
House Values: Faith, Family & Skill
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The earliest records of House Kaeppler can be traced back to around a little before 212 AC, before the family ever came into their wealth. The family was of New-Regalian descent, though argued to be Alt-Regalian for many years, and were simple smiths and forgers. It is often rumored that the house could be traced back to the days of the Skagger Wars but no proof ever turns up when a stray Kaeppler or two go looking.

Roughly two decades later, through aiding in the Regalian military and supplying it with weapons and tools, Antonin I Kaeppler brought the house into wealth and mediocre prominence. The family grew from there to have few forges and smithing companies but never quite managed noble status. To this day the family continues aid the Empire, most if not all sons finding their way into the Regalian Armies one way or another.
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The males of the family tend to be of stronger builds due to most, if not all, of them taking on military duties, as well as learning to forge/smith from the family's trade. Their hair color is always black and their eyes range from predominantly green shades to the much more rare browns. Skin tones tend to be pale, however, some develope light tans due to their military occupation and other outdoor activities. Men in this family have been known to reach 6'2".

The women hold a much sleeker and gentle figure bar the few who decide to wield a weapon or take up a military position and grow more toned. Similar to the men, their hair is always black and their eyes are predominantly green, with their skin tones often being pale. Women in this family don't often get taller than 5'10".

The mentality of the members of this house still hold some similarities with New-Regalian culture but have largely shifted to more Imperialistic ideals along with their own beliefs, setting them apart from the two cultures. They are ever-loyal Unionists, some even crossing into the Unionism Aspects to further dedicate themselves. The majority has a strong sense of military but do not shy away from the lavish life but not losing themselves to the fortune. And perhaps the most controversial opinion is that of equality amongst genders. The older members of the house hold to their prior values but newer generations have been more accepting of women serving but still, hold distaste towards women who believe they are superior. Overall, the family looks to the future to better the Empire and believes everyone should be doing their part.
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Recruitment is currently OPEN

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Lines will expand and adjust as the family develops OOCly.
Unplayable, Strict Playability, Played, Open

Antonin II Kaeppler (56) - Father to mainline, married to Katharina. General.
Katharina Kaeppler (51) - Mother to mainline, married to Antonin II. Historian.
Jeremias Kaeppler (32) @Timisc - Firstborn son and acting patriarch. Experienced Paladin, The Fiery Knight.
Lennard Kaeppler (29) - Second born son.
Theresia Kaeppler (25) @Walnoodle - Firstborn daughter.
Marlene Kaeppler (23) - Second born daughter.
Bernhardt Kaeppler (11) - Youngest born son.
Second Lines
Erhard Kaeppler (54) - Brother to Antonin II, married to Patrizia.
Patrizia Kaeppler (53) - Married to Erhard.
Elias Kaeppler (35) @TheMoistestMan - Firstborn son, twin to Elsbeth.
Elsbeth Kaeppler (35) - Firstborn daughter, twin to Elias.
Liesel Kaeppler (27) - Second born daughter.
Laurenz Kaeppler (22) - Second born son.
Adelbert Kaeppler (43) - Youngest brother to Antonin II. Grand smith.
Verona Kaeppler (39) -Married to Adelbert.
Kilian Kaeppler (20) @Nesstro - Fresh Viridian, The Hushed Knight.
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It looks daunting but is rather easy and shows dedication. Take your time.

(Your in-game name.)
Nobility Experience: (Any experience you've had with nobility. Ever play a noble? Work for one?)
Roleplay strength: (What are your strengths in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness: (What are your weaknesses in roleplay?)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
Interest in the family/reason for applying:
(Why do you wish to be a part of House Kaeppler?)
Have you an understanding of Imperial culture?: (If not, that is okay, it can be confusing but easy to grasp within a short time.)
Have you an understanding of Massive's lore in general?: (Are you familiar with the server lore?)
Activity: (How active are you, preferably in hours per week. Give me a rough idea.)
Timezone: (What timezone are you in?)
References: (Any players who can vouch for you in roleplay and on the server alike. 3 is fine.)
Skype and/or Discord?: (Skype is required while discord is optional but recommended as we like to keep in touch on more than just an RP basis. Usernames will be exchanged in PM.)

Character Name: (Name of the character you wish to play.)
Character Age: (The character's age.)
Relation: (What is their relation to the acting patriarch? Brother, cousin, etc.)
Physical Description: (What does this character look like?)
Personality: (What is their personality like?)
Biography: (A summary of their life up to this point. Think about including their ambition, any life-changing experiences, etc. Let us get to know this character.)
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