House Hetton


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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House Croy
House Hetton

"Honor before Glory"



Basic Information

Name: Hetton (Het-tun)
Etymology: The name Hetton derives from an Old Ceardian word, "Heppedune", meaning "Bramble Hill". It is said the first Hettons took their name after the shrubby, bramble-ridden landscape that used to be prominent around the township they originally lived in.
Words: "Honor before Glory" | Traditionally speaking, the Hettons are heavily involved with the Bloodcast Knights, and have been for over one hundred and fifty years. Honor is valued therefore above all other things, and likely has been a reasoning behind little political advancement for the family.
Sigil: A knight upon armoured horseback. However, knighted members tend to take custom colors and sigils.
Colors: Yellow and Ash Grey. However, knighted members tend to take custom colors and sigils.
Values: Honor and Chivalry. While it is irrational to expect this in everyone, the rulers and patriarchs have the highest expectation to adhere to these ancient values.
Physical Traits: The Hettons tend to be more random in their traits, but darker hair is much more consistent over lighter colors.
Religion: Reformed Old Gods.
Business: House Hetton has no centralized income. Individuals find their way, typically through knightly work.




House Hetton saw its beginnings around the 2nd century, the first documentation being found regarding them specifically mentioning 122 A.C. as the earliest date. Around the creation of the School of Bloodcast in the aforementioned date, Alfred the Red participated in the shift away from the Viridian Order with other disillusioned knights, following the original five Bloodcasts' example, and established himself as one of the first Bloodcasts. This was due likely in his struggle to balance his duty to the Faith of the Old Gods, and the Viridian's emphasis on the upholding of the Unionist faith. Many modern-day Hettons attribute to the Old Gods surviving in their dynasty to Alfred, as his boldness allowed their practice to continue unaffected.

House Hetton migrated from the Gallovian Lowlands to Dragenthal in roughly 179 A.C. under the leadership of Alfred's grandson, Henry the Morningstar. Henry oversaw the beginning of the Hettons separation from the culture surrounding the Gallovian Highlanders, and assimilation to higher cultural association. Henry established a guild hall within a small township in the Dragenthal territories, where he and his fellow Bloodcasts in the family centralized their knightly ventures. Formally, they called themselves The Brotherhood of the Royal Oak, though were and still not an organized order. The Brotherhood styled themselves as active protectors of the common folk in and around the township, led at the time by Henry, who titled himself "Grand Master Henry I".

Further down the line, many Grand Masters came and went, House Hetton earning the small wealth and power they held by working to uphold the values of a Bloodcast, and the Brotherhood itself too, and protecting the common people to the best of their abilities. This was the case to this very day, when Grand Master George VII and his brothers left the Dragenthal sect to expand their work into the capital city, for the first time in Hetton history.

(To be expanded at a later time.)



Played Members

George "The Bronze Knight" Hetton (@Muffins_)

  • Grand Master of the Brotherhood of the Royal Oak. Son of Grand Master George VI.
  • 46 years of age.
  • No issue.
Geoffrey "The Belly" Hetton (@Tiber_)
  • Exchequer of the Brotherhood of the Royal Oak. Son of Grand Master George VI.
  • 42 years of age.
  • Issue: Ser Edward Hetton
Hyram "The Flame" Hetton (@AntonVoron)
  • Knight-Commander of the Brotherhood of the Royal Oak. Son of Grand Master George VI.
  • 39 years of age.
  • No issue.
Edward Hetton (@_XIII_)
  • Knight in training.
  • 16 years of age.
  • Son of Geoffrey Hetton.


Misc. Lore

The Brotherhood of the Royal Oak: The Brotherhood dates back to roughly 182 A.C., when Henry the Morningstar established the ragtag group of Bloodcasts. While possessing no official uses or privileges, the Brotherhood historically has done all in its power to protect people who cannot help themselves, and generally uphold good in society. It is currently led by Grand Master George VII since 285 A.C.

Halberd of Grandmaster Edward I: Edward was the first son of Henry the Morningstar, and famously wielded a massive halberd in battle. It is kept in the guildhall back home in Dragenthal to this day.

Cloak of Grandmaster Albert I: The cloak of Albert is a relic from one of the earlier days of the Hettons. It was said he wore a massive red cloak day in and day out, signifying his allegiance to the Bloodcast Knights and the Brotherhood. In fact, in one of the only forms of pomp carried by the Brotherhood, the red cloak is wrapped around a newly elected Grandmaster as he is sworn in by the Knight-Commander of the order.

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