House Hence

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The Big Gay
Nov 30, 2016
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A blade can win a battle, A pen can win a war.

Family Race

House Sigil
A golden moon rising on a crimson red wolf, surrounded by feathers.

Family Necessities
Strength, Trust, Loyalty



High-Wealthy Commoner

Family Craft
Guard Work & Statesmenship Work

Family Colors
Pitch Black, Golden & Crimson Red

Family Motto
A blade can win a battle, A pen can win a war.


Family History Gist
Nathan's family practically started with him, His parents and all ancestors living a fairly average life. However an odd thing surrounded them, with every Hence of this generation, has had twins.

When Nathan's parents died, his siblings chose him to lead the average house to be extraordinary, with hopes to leave a mark on this world. During Nathan's lead his generation of the Hence family was the first to set sail and head to Regalia. The Brown Haired, Blue Eyed Family would make their presence, being smuggled in during the Lo reign, being suppressed & silenced, However Nathan was nothing of the sort and led a small rebellion, however not making much impact, against the Lo's. Nathan was met with his first defeat and fled Regalia, The Hence family would be lost without their Patriarch and wouldn't have much of an appearance, however while Nathan was gone, He'd meet Darren of House Ultar, Jason & Natalie of House Aggard & Drake & Rosaline of House Lourn, They'd lead a small fleet, and sail across the seas. Nathan would become well acquainted with all of them, making them one of House Hence's most powerful allies.

Life Story Notes
The Hence's had a great childhood, living in a fairly high class family
The Hence's had no favorites the parents would love equally
ANY questions please ask for the sake of lore complaint story's.
The Hence's are allied with the Vengeful Spirits
Nathan Hence is a General of the Vengeful Spirits Fleet.

OOC Notes
-Nathan is the Patriarch of House Hence
-They know the Vengeful Spirits leading the ground troops.
-The current generation of House Hence are all twins.

Family Tree

The only thing House Hence is known for Physical appearance wise is dark brown hair & blue eyes, And a fit build for men. While the females would sport a more Average build, but also with dark brown hair & blue eyes.
Mentally, most would sport a passion for school like no other Ailor alive. They have a burning passion to learn and will most likely graduate from a school.

You can make your own character just get it approved through PurrPleh and we'll go from there!

Red - Deceased
Purple - Played

Blue - Playable
Grey/Gray - Reserved

Nathaniel Hence,65: The Father Of Nathan Hence, Loving, Known for Combat

Rose Hence,62: The Mother Of Nathan Hence, Loving, Known for Medicine

Nathan Hence, 32, @PurrPleh : The Son Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Current Patriarch, Known for Guard Work, And Graduating in Turall as a Warrior

Traits: Leadership, Proficient in Sword Wielding, Workaholic

Nolan Hence, 32: The Son Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Current Head Of House Guard For House Hence, Known for Graduating the Combat School of Viridian, At the title Champion.

Traits: Leadership, Proficient In Sword-Shield Wielding, Strong

Sara Hence, 31 @MiniPurrPleh : Wife of Nolan. The Daughter of -Unknown-, Known for Graduating the School of Medicine at the title Learned

Traits: Optimistic, Caring, Late

Nikoli Hence, 28: The Son Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Known for graduating the Discipline of Law.

Traits: Headstrong, Fierce, Procrastinator

Rosemarie Hence, 28, @Heaven_of_ash: The Daughter Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Known for Graduating the School of Mariposa

Traits: Quick to assume, Quick Reflexes, Agile

Eva Hence, 24, @Mid_Wolf : The Daughter Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Known for Graduating the Discipline of Diplomacy

Traits: Cool Tempered, Strategic, Loving

Nur Hence, 23, @RandomTheChosen : The Son Of Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Known for Graduating the School of Medicine at the title Scholar

Traits: Shy, Stubborn, Photographic Memory

Aikaterine Dahmnait, 19, @MiniPurrPleh : The Adopted Daughter Of Nathan Hence, Known for Music-Piano

Ruben Hence, 15: The Son Of Nolan & Sara Hence, Known for currently attending the Combat School of Viridian.

Traits: Optimistic, Hot-Headed, Strong

Lillian Hence, 15: The Daughter Of Nolan & Sara Hence, Known for currently attending the Combat School of Jeanarcc

Traits: Refined, Loyal, Hot-Headed


Application Family Member:
Discord Tag:
Person Applying For:

Reason for applying:

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 1/10 - Combat 1/10 - Noble 1/10 (or NO EXP)

Application Staff Member:
Discord Tag:
Position Applying For (Guard - Servant):
Reason for applying:

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 1/10 - Combat 1/10 - Noble 1/10 (or NO EXP)

Last edited:
Application Family Member:
IGN: randomthechosen
Age: 15
Discord Tag: blondeparadox#9372
Person Applying For: Nur Hence

Reason for applying: Because I feel pitty for you.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 8/10 - Combat 6/10 - Noble 7.5/10
Application Family Member:
IGN: randomthechosen
Age: 15
Discord Tag: blondeparadox#9372
Person Applying For: Nur Hence

Reason for applying: Because I feel pitty for you.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 8/10 - Combat 6/10 - Noble 7.5/10

I hate you so much that I love you. Approved

OOC - Ringo0310
IGN:Nur Hence
Discord Tag:

Reason for applying: I am applying because I want to be a High Family member.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette: 6 maybe 7 depending on the day.

Although I appreciate the application, it will be Denied
Application Family Member:
IGN: Mid_Wolf
Age: 17
Discord Tag: MidWolf#3585

Person Applying For: Rosaria Hence

Reason for applying: Because I was forced to, please help me..

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 8/10 - Combat 7/10 - Noble 7/10

Please notice me Senpai.
Application Family Member:
IGN: Mid_Wolf
Age: 17
Discord Tag: MidWolf#3585

Person Applying For: Rosaria Hence

Reason for applying: Because I was forced to, please help me..

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 8/10 - Combat 7/10 - Noble 7/10

Please notice me Senpai.
Discord Tag:Ringo0310#7668
Person Applying For:Nikoli Hence

Reason for applying: I want to know how it feels to be important, Also I like you Nathan.
Notice me.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 1/10 - Combat 1/10 - Noble 1/10 (or NO EXP)
Stanard: 7
Combat: 6
Noble: None.
Discord Tag:Ringo0310#7668
Person Applying For:Nikoli Hence

Reason for applying: I want to know how it feels to be important, Also I like you Nathan.
Notice me.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 1/10 - Combat 1/10 - Noble 1/10 (or NO EXP)
Stanard: 7
Combat: 6
Noble: None.
Accepted on a two weeks trial
IGN: Heaven_of_ash
Age: 15
Discord Tag: Heaven_of_ash#7064
Person Applying For: Rosemarie Hence
Reason for applying: I'd like to join a smaller, more quaint family. I also made an application yesterday but it was deleted.
Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 7/10 - Combat 8.5/10 - Noble 7/10 (or NO EXP)
IGN: Heaven_of_ash
Age: 15
Discord Tag: Heaven_of_ash#7064
Person Applying For: Rosemarie Hence
Reason for applying: I'd like to join a smaller, more quaint family. I also made an application yesterday but it was deleted.
Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 7/10 - Combat 8.5/10 - Noble 7/10 (or NO EXP)
I saw it right before I went to sleep and went to accept it, although you are still Accepted

Application Staff Member

Bush Not quite approved but you can take a swift looking to see if they are applicable.


Fourteen years of age.

Discord Tag
You have my discord if I am not mistaken.

Applicant's Desired Position
House Servent

Reason for applying
To get a job to sustain current living spaces, as well as a desire to help with any extra work House Hence may need doing.

You're my friend and mate, and I want to support you in a way I can because I can't have more than one character,

Rate your Roleplay etiquette
Standard RP 8/10 - Combat RP 6/10 - Noble Experience 5/10

IC Letter to the Esteemed House Hence
(A Parchment that was beautifully made, a small stamp on it that wasn't too fancy, probably a basic format of stamp seen on the paper was a typical one that any stamp shop would hold. The grammar wasn't the best, but the sheer effort put into the letter made up for it)

To being to the esteemed House Hence

Helloing and good day! My name is Ecaloausto Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque, and I bear news of mine interest in becoming of a servent to yours house. I bear much experiences in housekeeping, chores doing, and serving in general. I am hoping to bear a job in yours house.

From Ecaloausto Cuáless'atucolloafavoraus Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque


Application Staff Member

Bush Not quite approved but you can take a swift looking to see if they are applicable.


Fourteen years of age.

Discord Tag
You have my discord if I am not mistaken.

Applicant's Desired Position
House Servent

Reason for applying
To get a job to sustain current living spaces, as well as a desire to help with any extra work House Hence may need doing.

You're my friend and mate, and I want to support you in a way I can because I can't have more than one character,

Rate your Roleplay etiquette
Standard RP 8/10 - Combat RP 6/10 - Noble Experience 5/10

IC Letter to the Esteemed House Hence
(A Parchment that was beautifully made, a small stamp on it that wasn't too fancy, probably a basic format of stamp seen on the paper was a typical one that any stamp shop would hold. The grammar wasn't the best, but the sheer effort put into the letter made up for it)

To being to the esteemed House Hence

Helloing and good day! My name is Ecaloausto Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque, and I bear news of mine interest in becoming of a servent to yours house. I bear much experiences in housekeeping, chores doing, and serving in general. I am hoping to bear a job in yours house.

From Ecaloausto Cuáless'atucolloafavoraus Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque

IC Letter:
Misses Ecaloausto Cuáless'atucolloafavoraus Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque,
I'd like to formally welcome you to the Hence House! Come by and meet at the Hence Household.

Mister Nathan Hence

Application Family Member:
IGN: MiniPurrPleh
Age: 13
Discord Tag: you have my discord
Person Applying For: Sara Hence

Reason for applying: I need more than a background character.

Rate your Roleplay etiquette:
Standard 9/10 - Combat 3/10 - Noble 5/10
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