House Fiyneij


Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
A rather new family, House Fiyneij originated in Saivale when Daimelir and Ajeliä had two twin daughters in 288 AC, Zëlindae and Rosáille. The two gave birth to several other children throughout the years, all of which were taught some form of magic. Sixteen years after, Daimelir had some disagreements with members of the Magistratum. Being a rather arrogant and irritable man, Daimelir began spreading rumors that the Magistratum had become corrupt, even going to the extent of telling a few friends that Magistratum officials worshipped the Virtues in private. This was an unwise decision, for House Fiyneij was quickly silenced and exiled. Upon moving to Regalia, Daimelir decided to try gaining as much power in this new land as he possibly could. All his children chose a Vice on their own, due to the fact that none of them were twenty, and as such none had chosen a Vice. A few of Daimelir's close relatives eventually followed him to Regalia, taking his surname. House Fiyneij began to grow, and they have begun to seek a presence in Regalia's politics.
House Colours: Black, green, and blue.
House Sigil: A snake, symbolizing cunning.
Religion: Saivalthar denomination of Estel/Void Worship.
Physical Appearance: Members of House Fiyneij are often rather short for Saivalthar; the females range from 6'0 to 6'4 on average, and the males range from 6'4 to 6'7. The most common hair colour is tawny orange, but platinum blonde is not unheard of. All members of House Fiyneij are on the pale side, even for Saivalthar, with the typical alien features that most Saivalthar seem to possess.
This is a write-me-in family. The only chars that are definite are Daimelir (age 60) Ajeliä (Age 56) Zëlindae (age 17) and Rosáille (Age 17). Ajeliä is available to be played. If you wish to apply, use the format below-

Any IG Punishments?:
Anyone who can vouch for you?:
How long have you been roleplaying?:
Reason for joining OOC?:
Character name: ( Ajeliä is reserved for people I know very well that are active ig.)
Relationship to Daimelir: (Sibling, Child, Cousin, etc.)
Character Age: (None of Daimelir's children can be above sixteen or below ten.)
Brief physical description of character?: (One paragraph minimum.)
Brief description of character's personality?: (One paragraph minimum.)
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level:
OOC rules:

You are to keep on your best behavior oocly. If I hear that someone in here is excessively rude or salty, with proof to back it up, they will be warned. After three warnings, they will lose their char.

Absolutely no metagaming or letting ooc bias slip into rp. After three warnings of misconduct, you will lose your char. Be warned. Same goes for powergaming and win rp.

I expect grammar in rp to be excellent. OOCly, talk however you want- heck, I never capitalize things outside of rp and forum posts such as this. But in rp I expect capitalization, grammar, and spelling to be nearly perfect.

After a two week trial, if I decide to let you into the family, you are expected to start a character application, which you will have one week to finish.

I expect your Fiyneij char to be a main. You should play them at least 50% percent of the time. While I won't be angry if you get into an rp with another char and it lasts ridiculously long, please do make an effort to play these chars as often as possible while fulfilling other obligations you may have.

Lastly, it should be obvious just by the character names that this is a rewrite of House Grimaldi. A lot of members in that House never participated, so I will say this once and only once. If I post a question in our social forum and tag you, you're expected to answer within two days. There are two warnings for this. Third strike and you're out. No exceptions.
Played Members:
Zëlindae Heln'Fiyneij - @SpamanoTomato
Rosáille Leta'Fiyneij - @Streako
Fayteh Le'Fiyneij - @DockedRelic
Daimelir Ung'Fiyneij @SpamanoRelic
Raeranthur Leta'Fiyneij @OwiverVan
Anestier Dah'Fiyneij @Zytus
Sïlaúdas Śerësié Gweth'Fiyneij - @The Unknown
Merethyl Ung'Fiyneij @WildRoze

i'll make this pretty later lmao​
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@SpamanoTomato @Streako @OwiverVan @DockedRelic
:Roleplay longevity:
1 1/3 years not including rp outside of massive
: Why Join?:
I wish to join because one, I need a character to easily replace Alvah, she had died and her time is up... This character will reincarnate her, except more friendly and maybe doesn't want to murder her closest friends. And I really want to support you and your endeavors to climb up the social ladder of rp. Plus I like the idea of Saivalthar families, I don't see many of those.
:Given Name:
I put it in fancy text above, but for the sake of application; I will do it otherwise.
Fayteh Ler'Fyneij

:Relation to Family Head:
Close cousin maybe? From what I see the head had twins and the twins had many children... This part seemed weirdly worded out, since the twins are both seventeen I don't see how they can have many children unless they were wed young... I'm going on a limb here and say daughter of the head... If not close cousin.
:Number of Years Lived:
Sixteen years of age.
She has the tawny orange hair, it is put on a ponytail with white flowers strewn through it. She is rather skinny, she had little to no body fat, to the point it seems unhealthy for one to be this skinny, though she just ate really well as a child, fat cells having little to no time developing through preteen years. Her clothing ranges from simple to overly extravagant. She will almost always wear a corset beneath her clothes, there has been a recorded time she broke her bottommost ribs tightening it for an event. She is very pale, with tattoos strewn across her facial area, arms, abdomen, and pelvic areas have tattoos that resemble very dagger-like patterns, tattoos of which taking the form of a bleached purple (having mixed violet and white to make the tattoos).
Very fancy-like, preferring quality over quantity. Not saying she'd noble formal but she tends to prefer a way of acting that isn't- well, bad. She isn't friendly but she isn't bad, she will help with kindness but don't expect a cheery mood for annoyingly long periods. She is often overprotective over people she loves, and often seeks people who she can care for a lot, mainly of male gender (she is sorta a tom boy as far as personality goes, but how she dresses begs otherwise.).
: Magical and/or physical abilities :
Despite being rather of the void side of pantheon, she exceeds in starlight magic, being a rather easy form to learn, but the upkeep is rather high, as far as retrieving light, constantly learning, etc. She often carries around a lantern, only if she knows that she's safe, she won't carry her lantern on surfaced areas.
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So, still kinda confused, are we making our own characters or do we have specific characters that you made?
So, still kinda confused, are we making our own characters or do we have specific characters that you made?
I do believe we're converting the characters to Saivalthar that we had in the previous circumstance. Perhaps you keep Fabrizio separate and create a new char for this, since Fab has enough relations that such a change would be nigh impossible?
Close cousin maybe? From what I see the head had twins and the twins had many children... This part seemed weirdly worded out, since the twins are both seventeen I don't see how they can have many children unless they were wed young... I'm going on a limb here and say daughter of the head... If not close cousin.
lmao the head had twins and then had other kids after. I thought that was specified but. oh well.


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@SpamanoTomato @Streako @OwiverVan @DockedRelic
:Roleplay longevity:
1 1/3 years not including rp outside of massive
: Why Join?:
I wish to join because one, I need a character to easily replace Alvah, she had died and her time is up... This character will reincarnate her, except more friendly and maybe doesn't want to murder her closest friends. And I really want to support you and your endeavors to climb up the social ladder of rp. Plus I like the idea of Saivalthar families, I don't see many of those.
:Given Name:
I put it in fancy text above, but for the sake of application; I will do it otherwise.
Fayteh Ler'Fyneij

:Relation to Family Head:
Close cousin maybe? From what I see the head had twins and the twins had many children... This part seemed weirdly worded out, since the twins are both seventeen I don't see how they can have many children unless they were wed young... I'm going on a limb here and say daughter of the head... If not close cousin.
:Number of Years Lived:
Sixteen years of age.
She has the tawny orange hair, it is put on a ponytail with white flowers strewn through it. She is rather skinny, she had little to no body fat, to the point it seems unhealthy for one to be this skinny, though she just ate really well as a child, fat cells having little to no time developing through preteen years. Her clothing ranges from simple to overly extravagant. She will almost always wear a corset beneath her clothes, there has been a recorded time she broke her bottommost ribs tightening it for an event. She is very pale, with tattoos strewn across her facial area, arms, abdomen, and pelvic areas have tattoos that resemble very dagger-like patterns, tattoos of which taking the form of a bleached purple (having mixed violet and white to make the tattoos).
Very fancy-like, preferring quality over quantity. Not saying she'd noble formal but she tends to prefer a way of acting that isn't- well, bad. She isn't friendly but she isn't bad, she will help with kindness but don't expect a cheery mood for annoyingly long periods. She is often overprotective over people she loves, and often seeks people who she can care for a lot, mainly of male gender (she is sorta a tom boy as far as personality goes, but how she dresses begs otherwise.).
: Magical and/or physical abilities :
Despite being rather of the void side of pantheon, she exceeds in starlight magic, being a rather easy form to learn, but the upkeep is rather high, as far as retrieving light, constantly learning, etc. She often carries around a lantern, only if she knows that she's safe, she won't carry her lantern on surfaced areas.
but yeah. Accepted.~
Love the effort you put into this btw!
also lowkey I think you meant le for the prefix as in leruhn. rather than ler.
I do believe we're converting the characters to Saivalthar that we had in the previous circumstance. Perhaps you keep Fabrizio separate and create a new char for this, since Fab has enough relations that such a change would be nigh impossible?
Yeah @OwiverVan. Basically, Streako and I made our Grimaldi chars into Saiv because I didn't mind the change and he only really had a wip concept. However it'll probably be difficult to change Fabrizio, so I'd suggest changing his surname and making him commoner and then making a new char for this. That way Fab stays the same, for the most part.
It's perspective. You see it as le-ruhn, i see it as ler-uhn.
I guess, but- it would seem that every vice's name ends in ruhn so to make prefixes I simply cut out the ruhn. le shrug. Whatever floats ya boat. anyways. Instead of being on trial you can get right ahead to the char app since you were accepted to House Grimaldi before the redo. Same goes for Owiver and Streako, blablabla.
i wanna join but i have too many characters
i jsut wanna join to help u keep it in order tbh and enforce the rules
sugar sister could i be an ooc person just around to enforce stuff? because all of my chars are permanent (d'eluise, heiwynn, kat, bugga)
ye u definitely could I mean
Kat is sorta but not rly shipped w/ Zëlindae but hey they're like besties so
I guess that counts as being in the family ic lmao I'll add u to the chat when it's ready
Any IG Punishments?: One from over two years ago for running away from guard role play. That was a mess.
Anyone who can vouch for you?: @Wolf_Cobra @uhgly (You mom) @FabulousMoon @Varisus
How long have you been roleplaying?:Three years now with Roleplay outside of massive, two years and six months of massive rp though.
Reason for joining OOC?:Bcuz mom owns this family and I'm making a Saivalthar character and you shamelessly self-advertised this house to me. Also this looks like a neat family to be in and it's nice to see unique families!
Character name: Anestier Dah'Fiyneij
Relationship to Daimelir: Niece
Character Age:37 years of age.
Brief physical description of character?:
She has thick blonde hair that runs in curls but she has it pinned up most of the time. Her eyes glow with a teal glow, her iris's are pure aquamarine blue. Anestier has extremely pale skin and doesn't have much weight on her. An has prominent cheekbones and collarbones, and full lips. She has a hourglass figure and no muscle toning whatsoever. Anestier has elegant inkings up her arms, along her shoulders and neck aswell. Even under her left eye she has tattoos. All of these represent her magic. Quite a few snake-like swirls are added into her tattoos. An always seems to be smirking for some reason, a natural uplift in her lips. Her skin is smooth and she constantly tried to keep it that way. Anestier is very beautiful but is rotten inside. A facial reference for her,
Brief description of character's personality?:
Anestier is quite the evil person. She is self-loving and very cruel. An sees others her are not any form of Elven heritage as beneath her and other elves. This woman has close to no empathy nor sympathy in her cold heart. The only time she seems like she cares is when she is faking it or if it is an Elf. Anestier is very manipulative and doesn't care about the damage that can cause. Elves are all dominant in her mind, but Saivalthar above all. She snakes her way around in peoples minds and pecks at their weaknesses. Knowing the right words to say at what time. She has a heart made of ice and tar. The only people she has close to any emotions for is her family. She worships the Vice, Wrath.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level:
She is mage level in both forms of Slither magic. Able to cast both very fluently she uses these often in the Tavern. Poison peoples drinks.
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Any IG Punishments?: One from over two years ago for running away from guard role play. That was a mess.
Anyone who can vouch for you?: @Wolf_Cobra @uhgly (You mom) @FabulousMoon @Varisus
How long have you been roleplaying?:Three years now with Roleplay outside of massive, two years and six months of massive rp though.
Reason for joining OOC?:Bcuz mom owns this family and I'm making a Saivalthar character and you shamelessly self-advertised this house to me. Also this looks like a neat family to be in and it's nice to see unique families!
Character name: Anestier Fyneij
Relationship to Daimelir: Niece
Character Age:37 years of age.
Brief physical description of character?:
She has thick blonde hair that runs in curls but she has it pinned up most of the time. Her eyes glow with a teal glow, her iris's are pure aquamarine blue. Anestier has extremely pale skin and doesn't have much weight on her. An has prominent cheekbones and collarbones, and full lips. She has a hourglass figure and no muscle toning whatsoever. Anestier has elegant inkings up her arms, along her shoulders and neck aswell. Even under her left eye she has tattoos. All of these represent her magic. Quite a few snake-like swirls are added into her tattoos. An always seems to be smirking for some reason, a natural uplift in her lips. Her skin is smooth and she constantly tried to keep it that way. Anestier is very beautiful but is rotten inside. A facial reference for her,
Brief description of character's personality?:
Anestier is quite the evil person. She is self-loving and very cruel. An sees others her are not any form of Elven heritage as beneath her and other elves. This woman has close to no empathy nor sympathy in her cold heart. The only time she seems like she cares is when she is faking it or if it is an Elf. Anestier is a manipulative sociopath whom enjoys seeing mental or physical pain. Elves are all dominant in her mind, but Saivalthar above all. She snakes her way around in peoples minds and pecks at their weaknesses. Knowing the right words to say at what time. She has a heart made of ice and tar. The only people she has close to any emotions for is her family.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level:
She is mage level in both forms of Slither magic. Able to cast both very fluently she uses these often in the Tavern. Poison peoples drinks.
Accepted, though I see two things a bit wrong with this- 1. What Vice does she worship? And 2. I do not recommend playing a char with a mental illness since evil chars that are mentally ill are often rejected. Update your application when you finish these edits, if you chose to make em.
Accepted, though I see two things a bit wrong with this- 1. What Vice does she worship? And 2. I do not recommend playing a char with a mental illness since evil chars that are mentally ill are often rejected. Update your application when you finish these edits, if you chose to make em.
Sure thing, shes just really ampathetic. And she worships the Wrath Vice
Accepted, though I see two things a bit wrong with this- 1. What Vice does she worship? And 2. I do not recommend playing a char with a mental illness since evil chars that are mentally ill are often rejected. Update your application when you finish these edits, if you chose to make em.
Updated her application.
*looks at Fayeth* "Well sh*t... There goes that..."
i'm, really, really sorry. fay is an amazing character and you are free to continue playing her. heck, take over the family if you want. I feel like an incredibly sh**ty person rn but irl comes first and I honestly haven't been enjoying rp on massive much at all. like I enjoy rping with you guys but in general it feels more like a responsibility than a fun hobby. if you wanna contact me, u have my phone number. i'll text you the server I've relocated to.
gonna be p damn inactive until summer however.
Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy f*ck sh*t
I want to apply but I'm inactive and I'll be too tied up with Angolben and Noriko for events, and Angolben and my upcoming Alf 2.0 for casual rp. *cri*
Aaaa I want apply but I have a bunch of characters already and also I'm not hugely active. I'm just about to go on holiday as well, so I'll rethink once I'm back and maybe apply then.
Aaaa I want apply but I have a bunch of characters already and also I'm not hugely active. I'm just about to go on holiday as well, so I'll rethink once I'm back and maybe apply then.
Honestly, your overall activity is p fine considering how good you are at rp. I'm willing to make exceptions if, for example, you have meetings for organizations other chars are in and you're unable to play your Fiyneij char for a day or so. The issue with House Fiano/Grimaldi was when people in the family were on 24/7 but never played their Grimaldi char once. Which I don't think you'd do anyways.
anywho ye we could always work somethin' out for ya.
Honestly, your overall activity is p fine considering how good you are at rp. I'm willing to make exceptions if, for example, you have meetings for organizations other chars are in and you're unable to play your Fiyneij char for a day or so. The issue with House Fiano/Grimaldi was when people in the family were on 24/7 but never played their Grimaldi char once. Which I don't think you'd do anyways.
anywho ye we could always work somethin' out for ya.
I will hit you up with a conversation when I get back then! Should be a week on Friday roughly. But yeah, until then, reserved I guess?
I will hit you up with a conversation when I get back then! Should be a week on Friday roughly. But yeah, until then, reserved I guess?
I'm gonna have to say that Daimelir and Ajeliä are sadly off limits since they'll basically have to co-lead the family, so it'll require a lot of activity. I hope you understand bro ;n;
I'm gonna have to say that Daimelir and Ajeliä are sadly off limits since they'll basically have to co-lead the family, so it'll require a lot of activity. I hope you understand bro ;n;
Of course! I wasn't expecting to even be considered for that, so there's no problem there - and thanks for thinking of me. :)
IGN: OwiverChan
Any IG Punishments?: Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: @SpamanoRelic @DockedRelic @Zytus @Streako
How long have you been roleplaying?: 9 months and 3 weeks
Reason for joining OOC?: I've never played a character that isn't Ailor and doesn't practice any sorts of magic. It would be nice to have a new type of character rather than just Ailors that don't have much of a skill set or religion. And I'm also joining because you told me to :I
Character name: Raeranthur Fiyneij, or Rae as a nickname
Relationship to Daimelir: The son of Daimelir and younger brother of Zelindae
Character Age: Fifteen years old
Brief physical description of character?: Rae stands at 5'11" and has a skinny body build. He has tawny orange hair, (like his siblings) blue eyes, and very pale skin. He usually wears casual clothes that are baggy and have bits of blue, black, and green mixed with it. He has a tattoo of a snake running down his right arm, as it's the house sigil. Rae keeps his hair short and swept to the side, and has an earing on his left ear.
Brief description of character's personality?: Rae has a very humorous and energetic personality. He likes to joke around a lot and hardly takes anything seriously. He's also very laid back and carefree, not worrying about the bad things in life. He loves to interact with other people, and cares a lot for the people that he's close with.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Uhhhh, idk yet
IGN: OwiverChan
Any IG Punishments?: Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: @SpamanoRelic @DockedRelic @Zytus @Streako
How long have you been roleplaying?: 9 months and 3 weeks
Reason for joining OOC?: I've never played a character that isn't Ailor and doesn't practice any sorts of magic. It would be nice to have a new type of character rather than just Ailors that don't have much of a skill set or religion. And I'm also joining because you told me to :I
Character name: Raeranthur Fiyneij, or Rae as a nickname
Relationship to Daimelir: The son of Daimelir and younger brother of Zelindae
Character Age: Fifteen years old
Brief physical description of character?: Rae stands at 5'11" and has a skinny body build. He has tawny orange hair, (like his siblings) blue eyes, and very pale skin. He usually wears casual clothes that are baggy and have bits of blue, black, and green mixed with it. He has a tattoo of a snake running down his right arm, as it's the house sigil. Rae keeps his hair short and swept to the side, and has an earing on his left ear.
Brief description of character's personality?: Rae has a very humorous and energetic personality. He likes to joke around a lot and hardly takes anything seriously. He's also very laid back and carefree, not worrying about the bad things in life. He loves to interact with other people, and cares a lot for the people that he's close with.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Uhhhh, idk yet
Accepted, though, y'all need to decide what Vice he worships, and what magic he uses before I can make it official.