House Fidelis


Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score

~Fidelis Family~

Librans fide et virtute~


Brief Family History~

The Fidelis family started off as a small mining family, owning a quartz mine in Ithania. Originally, they sold the raw ore to local markets, earning little from it. As their knowledge of quartz grew, they started to refine the ore, making the mineral more valuable to those they sold it to.

As the family continued to work the quartz, they found more uses for it. Quartz could be used for anything, ranging from a delicate stone on a ring, to aiding with architecture. This meant there was always an order for the family to fill.

**Currently Being Edited**


~General Information~

Culture: Leutz-Vixe
Motto: Librans fide et virtute
House Colours: Black, white and gold
House Sigil: Lion and wolf
Religion: Unionism
Business: Quartz

General appearance: light brown or blonde hair. Any shade of blue eyes. Generally wears the house colours.
Current Patriarch: Bailos Fidelis
Please note, no magic casters are allowed in this family.


~Family Members~

Black = Unplayable or deceased

Red = Already taken
Orange = On trial
Green = Available
Blue = On special applications

Main Line
-Gallus Fidelis (67 years)

-Emile Fidelis (65 years) Wife to Gallus

-Aetius Fidelis (42 years) @SalsaPotater
-Lunata Fidelis (41 years) Wife to Aetius

-Castien Fidelis (19 years) @Ghirko
-Caius Fidelis (18 years)
-Eliana Fidelis (16 years)
-Faust Fidelis (40 years)
-Kamila Fidelis (Deceased) Ex-wife to Faust

-Arabella Fidelis (19 years)
-Lorin Fidelis (37 years)
-Magnus Fidelis (34 years)
-Bailos Fidelis (30 years)
Secondary Line
-Rowan Fidelis (64 Years)
-Sara Fidelis (64 years) Wife to Rowan

-Olwyn Fidelis (32 years)
-Joanna Chauve (Nee Fidelis, 32 years)
-Antonie Chauve (33 years) Husband to Joanna

-Marie Chauve (12 years)
-Claire Chauve (11 years)
-Marcel Fidelis (30 years)
-Axelle Fidelis (29 years) Wife to Marcel

-William Fidelis (9 years)

Note: By *special application*, we need someone with enough experience to run the family. Applications for these family members will be tougher.


~Application Forms~

Family Application
OOC Information
Are you available on Discord/Skype?: Yes/No. If yes, we (Ghirko or I) will contact you via PM.
How often are you on?:
Any server penalties?:
Current/Pending character applications:

IC Information
One RP strength:
One RP weakness:
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family:
Character Name:
Any additional notes:

Staff Application
Any server penalties?:
Position you are applying for:
Character name:
Reason for applying:

Current Open Staff Positions
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Are you available on Skype?: No
How often are you on?: 1-2 hours unless it is Sunday, then I'm on longer.
Any server penalties?: No
Current/Pending character applications: No
One RP strength: The ability to handle a lot of characters.
One RP weakness: Starting rp with people I don't rp with frequently.
Character Name: Caius Fidelis
Are you available on Skype?: No
How often are you on?: 1-2 hours unless it is Sunday, then I'm on longer.
Any server penalties?: No
Current/Pending character applications: No
One RP strength: The ability to handle a lot of characters.
One RP weakness: Starting rp with people I don't rp with frequently.
Character Name: Caius Fidelis

I'm going to ask that you get a character app going before we accept you.
Change of plans. You have a 2 week trial period in which to RP. If we like you, then submit your character app and you are added to the family. @Korgex12
Albeit a bit late... Your application is rejected, on the grounds of lack of role play. Please contact Ghirko or I if you wish to discuss further.

IGN: Jacobcraft04
Are you available on Skype?: Yes/No. If yes, we (Ghirko or I) Yes.
How often are you on?: Everyday.
Any server penalties?: jailed for RP disruption once.
Current/Pending character applications: None. Only WIPs.

IC Information
One RP strength: RPing as a kind Char. Because i think i'm kind IRL.
One RP weakness: Combat Rp.
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: Another member you kinda know and a nice Char.
Character Name: Caius Fidelis (18 years)
Any additional notes: Nope.
IGN: Jacobcraft04
Are you available on Skype?: Yes/No. If yes, we (Ghirko or I) Yes.
How often are you on?: Everyday.
Any server penalties?: jailed for RP disruption once.
Current/Pending character applications: None. Only WIPs.

IC Information
One RP strength: RPing as a kind Char. Because i think i'm kind IRL.
One RP weakness: Combat Rp.
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: Another member you kinda know and a nice Char.
Character Name: Caius Fidelis (18 years)
Any additional notes: Nope.

Your application has been REJECTED due to limited RP with other members combined with lack of a character application. We would like to see an accepted character application to gain a better insight as to what type of role player you are. Once one has been accepted, you can re-submit your family application.
I am applying for the character of Arabella.

Ooc Info
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee
Skype: Sadly no.
How Often Are You On?: I'm usually on whenever I can be, but due to the piling work from school, my role play time has been limited.
Server Penalties: Nope :)
Character Apps: Helena Payne (I will soon be making another one for my new upcoming character.)

Ic info
RP Strength: I feel like I have some sort of a creative imagination and give my characters an interesting backstory and I'm able to follow through with it as my character evolves.
RP Weakness: I have not done many combat role-plays giving me slight inexperience of the sort, but I'm willing to learn and partake in such an RP.
What Will You Bring To The Fidelis Family: A dedicated member to the Fidelis household, ready to participate and do all thats necessary to bring glory to the family name.
Character Name:
Arabella Fidelis
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@JennaLikesCoffee Oh damn, so sorry but Eliana has been taken but the page not updated. Sorry I didn't spot this sooner.
Ign: SK8T10
Skype: Unfortunately no
How often are you on? I'm usually on at least once an hour everyday.
Server penalties: No.
Character apps:
I am currently applying for my tigran character, Aelwyn Ryall
RP Strength: I think I am an interesting and enjoyable character to play with (ask Ghirko, he'll know)
RP Weakness: I haven't played as a noble before, but I am willing to learn how to behave like one.
What will I bring to the fidelis house? I Will bring a fun but loyal member, ready to try and help expand the family's power.
Any further notes? I frequently play with Ghirko and have also played with Chrome before
Character Name: Caius Fidelis
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I was able to discuss this with the family despite Chrome's absence and we conclude that due to (as we feel) a lack of experience and any approved character application, this character is DECLINED. Because of the nature of this, you can re-apply in a month or so. Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this.
Family Application

(Despite being on a trial period without having to make this, I wanted to make it fair to others. So here's my application.)

OOC Information

IGN: Fuu_Chan (Subject to rather frequent change, though I'll probably keep my current one)

Are you available on Skype?: Indeed I am.

How often are you on?: About 2-3 hours a night unless gaming on other things. But I'll make an effort to be on nightly.

Any server penalties?: None at all.

Current/Pending character applications: All character applications of mine are in development (Mostly due to me being lazy)

IC Information

One RP strength: I'm good at making characters seem 'fleshed out' and in-depth by dropping hints through actions and peculiar styles of talking, using the way a character talks to reflect their current attitude or demeanour towards another

One RP weakness: Initiating RP with some form of catalyst such as an event or friend who brings me into it. I'm awkward, sorry :P

What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: A rather interesting character that's a little more mature than her age would depict her to be. And a rather intelligent kid that's willing to learn about many things, and the world.

Character Name: Claire Chauve

Any additional notes: Since I'm on trial without making this, I suppose I'll begin to develop a proper character application along with character sketches and such. And if I'm rejected, then I'll just try again, this family intrigues me, and rping as part of it seems like a good time!
OOC Information
IGN: Daekon
Are you available on Discord?: No, sorry
How often are you on?: at least 2 hours a night.
Any server penalties?: nope, I'm clean
Current/Pending character :
IC Information
One RP strength: I get very wrapped up in roleplay and feel what my character feels to some extent. This means my characters seen more fleshed out/detailed.
One RP weakness: I can get too wrapped up and it can affect me on an OOC level. I also can sometimes have trouble initiating role play on my own, especially with new characters.
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: a dedicated Character ready to do anything it takes to help his family advance.
Character Name: Caius Fidelis
Any additional notes: @Ghirko can vouch for my role play abilities. I have also played as a noble for more than a month, and Ghirko has also seen this character. In addition to this I now have two (hopefully nearly three) approved character applications.
How often are you on?: Usually everyday
Any server penalties?: No
Current/Pending character applications: None

IC Information
One RP strength: I enjoy roleplaying with new people and I am told that I am really good at roleplaying
One RP weakness: Sometimes I forget the commands
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: I will bring power and intel if needed to the family
Character Name: Xander Fidelis
Any additional notes
I usually play with SalsaPotater
Never played as a noble but would love to have a go
I will start by pointing out Xander is not a playable character. If you want to apply, please choose one of the available characters from above.
Sorry may I choose Magnus please
My bad on this one as I meant to include this in my first response but due to your recent arrival to the server, we would like you to wait a while then reapply again if you still want as we haven't had many examples of your RP. As for your strengths and weaknesses you provided, forgetting commands is hardly a weakness of you and if you should reapply, be more critical of yourself as no RPer is perfect and have far better examples. For these reasons, your application has been rejected. If you feel any points I made are unfair, please discuss this in MP with myself and Chrome_Eevee.
Family Application
OOC Information

IGN: AtticCat

Are you available on Discord?: I have it but I never use it, I'm sometimes on TeamSpeak though

How often are you on?: Most days, every other weekend I won't be though because I'm visiting my father.

Any server penalties?: Nope.

Current/Pending character applications: Juliette Le Seur , Noelle Hath

IC Information

One RP strength: I'm good at accents and spelling.

One RP weakness: Still learning how to master combat roleplay and magic. (No mages in this family though so, yay~)

What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: A shy, but sweet girl, except for her strange obsession with learning about wars. She tends to enjoy showing off her rather vast knowledge- that is if she's willing to talk to you- about the battlefield and it wouldn't be surprising if she went off to it once she got of age.

Character Name: Marie Chauve

Any additional notes: Fair warning, she wouldn't be my main, as Juliette is my main. So if that's a problem I understand getting rejected~
So long as you give a decent amount of regular RP to this character, you shouldn't get rejected. Putting you on trial.
I was informed that I can't play another noble if I have a Le Seur, fck
IGN: saltyboi
Are you available on Discord?: Yes
How often are you on?: Every day for a few hours, maybe less depending on the day.
Any server penalties?: No
Current/Pending character applications: G'weyr, Saelihn Ceretlan

IC Information
One RP strength: I'd say I am able to relate to characters on a personal level and therefore can "predict" what my character will do in a certain situation and how their emotions will be effected.
One RP weakness: I consider myself rather shy, and have trouble initiating roleplay.
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: I hope to bring some fun and a fresh-face to the family, along with a dedicated and loyal character that will do anything to help her family achieve greatness.
Character Name: Eliana Fidelis
OOC Information
Are you available on Discord?: Nope
How often are you on?: Usually everyday unless i have school work
Any server penalties?: My account was "Warned" for saying "Oh gosh" in help chat
Current/Pending character applications: Xerack Rodrik Crux

IC Information

One RP strength:
I can make my character more "interesting" by using emotes or saying certain things during roleplay to create a more in-depth story.
One RP weakness: I find combat roleplay quite hard and would like some help if accepted
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: I will bring a Clever and interesting character to the family that is sure to give a good roleplay if approached IC. He will bring more respect and power to the family as he grows stronger in his groups of friends.
Character Name: Marcel Fidelis
Any additional notes: Thanks to some help from Chrome_Eevee i decided to go for a member of the second line because it will be my first time playing a noble and will help me get a better understanding for the future
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Good to see you have made some improvements since last time, including the suggestions Chrome has made. Unfortunately, we are going to have to reject your application. Please speak to Chrome or I for further details. Following this, we are barring you for applying for this family for a month.
@SK8T10 has been declined from this character, due to patriarchy in their own family. Feel free to re-apply should this change.
Family Application

Out Of Character Information:
Are you available on Discord/Skype?: I'm available on both Discord and Skype!
How often are you on?: I'm on /very/ often. On average about 25 hours a week.
Any server penalties?: I have no current or previous standing server penalties.
Current/Pending character applications:

In Character Information:
One RP strength: If I had to choose one RP strength I'd have to say it's commitment. When I play on a character I'm serious about I commit to it hardcore getting very into it. Typically I'll roleplay primarily on this character trying to advance them and make friends and connections for them.
One RP weakness: One roleplay weakness I have is a bit of difficulty initiating roleplay. Just as in real life it'd be hard for me to just waltz up to people and start conversations it can be difficult for me to do it in character as well.
What will you bring to the Fidelis Family: I think that I can bring an entertaining new face to the family while also retaining an air of professionalism and nobility.
Character Name: The character I am applying for is Caius.
Any additional notes: @SalsaPotater can vouch for my competence in roleplay.