
Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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"We are the House Fenross. Lords of the Ashen Hills and keepers of the Steelsong. May the Gods show favour upon us this day. Through Rain or Shine, War or Peace, we shall prevail over mortality."

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Basic Information
Family Words- Dominion over Mortality

Family Sigil- Blackened Hunting Horn

Family Titles- (Unrecognized) Lords of the Ashen Hills

Family Liege- House Norrvakt

Family Religion- Old Gods

Family Colours-
Black, Brown, Grey

Family Wealth-

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The House Fenross originated from the Fenross Tribe and can trace their lineage to the first tribes of Drixagh. For generations the Fenross found themselves as nomadic hunters and trappers, moving around the southern coast of Drixagh and into the western forests. As the years passed and barons and dukes grew up to rule the lands of Drixagh, the Fenross continued to traverse the region, hunting and foraging to maintain their populace. It wasn't until the early 100's AC that the Fenross tribe had found themselves forced into central woodlands of Drixagh, cast off of the coast by the local Lords.

By the mid 100's AC the Fenross tribe had found themselves in need of changing their ways. The lands which were once free to roam were now distributed amongst the Lords of Drixagh and thus the nomadic ways of old were being forced to change. The leader of the tribe, a man by the name of Baltric, had sought out the local Lords to begin trade with them in order to gain the needed supplies the tribe required for their survival.

The Fenross swore fealty to no Lordship, rather hunting within the wooded parts of Drixagh, trading the furs and pelts with the baronies and towns they happened upon. By the time the 200's AC approached the Fenross tribe adapted once more. Baltric learned of a foreign nation known only by the word Regalia. As Baltric learned of the influence of what he perceived to be a powerful Lord he had his tribe learn the Common language. This would allow them to trade with this foreign power. While large scale trade with this Regalia had not occurred, many of it's citizens would trade with the Fenross tribe as they would enter the western territories of central Drixagh.

It wasn't until much later, in the second half of the 200's AC that the Fenross gained what the Lords around them referred to as "true power". A young hunter, by the name of Baldur, was assaulted by armoured men of the Regalian Lordship. His savior, an aspiring Lord in his own right by the name of Einarr Norrvakt. Einarr gifted Baldur the lands of the Ashen Hills to watch over and maintain. In return for this, they were to swear their allegiance to him alone. And thus the Fenross tribe split into two factions. The direct kin of Baldur became the House Fenross, taking the tribe as a surname, while the Fenross tribe continued to hunt the Drixagh wilderness as they had done since the dawn of the first tribes.

While the House Fenross had no actual titles or claims to the lands, they watched over them as though they were their own, acting as hunters and warriors for their liege, Einarr. For over twenty years, House Fenross acted as the Wardens of the Ashen Hill, referring to themselves as the Lords of the Ashen Hills, feeling themselves as powerful as the Lords of Drixagh they had traded with.

When Einarr marched upon Nastrond to claim the lands the usurper Vilhelm had taken, the Fenross rallied behind him as bannermen. They were there the day Einarr committed avunculicide and every day since.
When a new host entered the stronghold of Nastrond, the Fenross held their ground in the Ashen Hills and continue to fight a guerilla war against this new usurper with the hopes of returning Nastrond to it's rightful heir once again.

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Should House Fenross garner any titles they shall be passed upon to the most capable among them, though strictly a male shall hold the titles.

Familial Lines

The House Fenross originated from a tribe of over forty. Inbreeding was frequent and therefore there is no true lineage other than the direct offspring of Baldur.

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Familial Applications are open but with strict pretenses. The Fenross are meant to be tribal Northerners and this should be reflected as such. They are strictly hunters and subservient to House Norrvakt. No deviation is permitted.
Format for Application

Understanding of Lore:
Knowledge of House Norrvakt (State what you know):
Reason for Applying:
How Active Are You?:
Roleplay Weaknesses:
Roleplay Strengths:

Character You Wish to Portray:

(Fenross are nomadic tribesmen. They have inbred to the point where most everyone is a cousin/brother/uncle. Men are strictly Hunters while women should portray the Nomadic lifestyle. Everything else is up to your own choosing. Baldur is in his mid forties so do with that information as you will)

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looks great wump!