House Cuevas ( Daendroque Commoners )


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
House Cuevas


amily Information

Family Culture: Daendroque
Origin: Kilarallis, Daendroc
Languages: Common (English), Daendroque (Spanish)
Wealth: Generally ranges from borderline poverty to middle-class
Religion: Old Gods
Business: Daendroque cuisine
Family Colours: Navy blue, sanguine, and ochre yellow
Family Sigil: Great jungle cat

  • Family and its many generations born into slavery
  • Worked together with the Escrebanos to bring about a revolution
  • Successfully revolted against tyrannical leaders
  • Establishment of family food business
  • Family business passed down between generations, frequently leading to disputes over its inheritance, and, ultimately, the patriarchy.
  • Destruction of family business and home due to the Bone Horrors
  • Moved to Regalia alongside the Escrebanos

Originating from Kilarallis, Daendroc, the family would begin with Marcello Cuevas, a man born into slavery from generations before him. His slave master, a cruel tyrant, frequently subjected him to laborious tasks, often using whips and other tools of torture to beat both himself, his parents, and his siblings into obedience. It was not until he met the endearing and lovely Ofelia Cortes, the daughter of another enslaved family, that his life would reconstruct itself and take a turn for the better. Trapped in the cycle of slavery, the two lovers clung to the little hope they had, and the prospect of a brighter future.

Time would pass and they would still remain under the rule of a tyrant, abused, tortured, and exploited, merely chess pieces for their slave master's own amusement. The labor would be more tiresome, more draining, to the point at which the weak collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, only to be beaten and whipped by none other than their oppressors. It was not until a body thudded to the ground, and the sickening crack of bone echoed in the halls, that Marcello's fantasy seemed to shatter before him. His brother's agonizing screams, pleas of mercy, and bloody corpse would forever haunt him in his sleep, torment his mind during the day, and harden him to the realities of such cruel enslavement. Hector was gone, and so was Marcello's soul, his eyes, turning to slits as he watched his world crumble before him. He saw only one way out of this darkness: revenge. Sweet, cruel, wicked, revenge.

Ofelia, of whom was not related to Hector by blood, was heartbroken by Marcello's pain, offering her affection, but Marcello's heart had turned to ice. Humor and love were non-existent to him, and Ofelia was at a loss. Driven by her lover's sorrow, she would remain loyal to him, clinging to the hope that one day, his face would lighten again, and his life would be restored. Together, the two broken lovers would join the revolution that was to come. Meeting Matias de Escrebano and his sons, Rodrigo and Diego, they would learn the ways of Nicoloan fighting in hiding, training during every spare moment they had despite their already worn bodies from the day's laborious tasks. The Escrebanos, their closest friends, and last hope were their only chance at escaping a life of enslavement not just for themselves but for their future generations.

However, like every other revolution, this one had its costs, and the price of freedom nearly drove Marcello to madness. Matias, the founder of the revolution, would pass away before his plans could take place. Rodrigo would put them into play, only to be betrayed and executed while doing so. When it came time for the revolt, hundreds of slaves gathered under the direction of Diego with Marcello by his side. They raised whatever weapons they had and set fire to walls encasing their master's home. Storming the gates and forcing their way through the barricade, the men and women thudded to the ground, one by one, their bodies collapsing in piles that seemed to ooze with blood as the guardsmen retaliated. Each side would lose more than half their men, yet, neither would retreat and so the heated battle continued, intense and merciless, the piercing screams only being silenced by the swing of a weapon and the thud of a body. The revolution would come to be a success at the cost of hundreds in the name of freedom, but Marcello, Ofelia, and Diego would stare at the scene before them, horrified by the bloodied corpses and the few injured survivors scrambling to find their loved ones. The tragedy would forever be ingrained in their memory, a reminder of the sacrifices made for freedom, and a life beyond slavery.

Marcello and Ofelia would remain in Kilarallis, Daendroc, giving birth to a number of children and establishing a small cafe on the outskirts of the city which would eventually grow into a boisterous tavern, run by none other than the Cuevas family themselves. They would remain in good relations with Matias' sons, Rodrigo and Diego, of whom established a wealthy aristocratic family.

Passing on the art of martial Nicoloan fighting to future generations, both Marcello and Ofelia would attempt to teach their children, of whom showed potential, but more often than not failed to master the art due to their impulsive and competitive natures. Rather, instead of teaching them the art form they taught their children unarmed combat, fostering violence within the family. As the family business, and ultimately the patriarchy, was passed down, each generation would fight each other for the position of power, some family members turned against each other for their own selfish ideals whereas others sought to establish their worth by means of hard work and fairness. And so, the family remained in constant turmoil, always teetering on the edge of destruction.


Every Cuevas member was taught basic cooking techniques, family recipes, and waitressing/serving skills, spending their youth working in the family business until adulthood, though they would involve themselves with nighttime activities such as dances, parties, criminal activities, and more. The art of Martial Nicoloan fighting would be taught to later generations, though most would fail to achieve a level of mastery, instead, developing these skills into a destructive unarmed combat style. Under these tough working conditions and cut-throat environment, family members were always pressured to do well, to succeed, and to work hard with what they had as the threat of poverty was almost always present. If they gained any knowledge at all, it would be through conversing with customers, rather than learning from books or through teachers, unless they had a mentor who would teach them during the night. Thus, literacy was uncommon within the family, though the curious few were likely to pick up a few words here and there. Both verbal and physical fights were frequent, even over the smallest of disputes, almost always resulting in the stronger individual winning the debate. Although criminal activity was not often discussed by family members, those with lesser value on integrity would have likely involved themselves with such.

Mental Traits
Observant - The Cuevas members have always been aware of their surroundings, having lived in the fast-paced environment of their food business. When it comes to interactions with others, they would be quick to pick up on the mood and atmosphere of the conversation, sometimes resulting in more judgmental perceptions.

Tenacious -Persistent in their objectives, The Cuevas members understand the hard-work involved for success from the cut-throat environment during their upbringing. Sometimes, this would lead to more stubborn personalities, and others, more arrogant. Regardless, each member would have a certain level of resilience and toughness learned from their youth.

Bold - The more assertive members took on leadership roles within the family, being more domineering in nature. Often, they would not be afraid to speak their thoughts. In such a case, some would say what they think without a filter whereas others would express their opinions in a somewhat more respectful manner. When it comes to the physical aspect of situations, some would act out of impulse, being more daring and risk-taking.

Note: Although these traits are present in every member of the Cuevas family, it is important to note that the degree of its prominence varies greatly for every individual. Some might be bolder than others, though less observant whereas others might be more hard-working, but less assertive. Thus, these only act as a foundation for the characters, but are not completely uniform across all members. Characters develop over time, and I hope that their personalities would eventually grow to be more complex.

Physical Appearance
Cuevas members have tanned skin and average or toned body-builds with the majority of their muscles built into their arms. Body shapes have always varied within the family depending on their particular role, though if there was any uniformity, it would be the sharper characteristics of their appearance. As such, their faces would range from angular, diamond-shaped to triangular with a spectrum of brown eye colors. For males, their eyebrows would be thicker, though both genders would have longer, arching brows and brown hair. Their attire was suited for their work, usually encompassing loose, woolen fabrics in an assortment of colors.

Family Members
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Hernando Cuevas (DECEASED: Would be 28) - Son of Esmeralda and Enrique
Florinda Cuevas Kraus (29) played by @tigrinetiger
Rosita Cuevas (24) played by @NeilAucoin
Esmeralda Cuevas (62) - Wife of Enrique
Enrique Cuevas (67) - Husband of Esmeralda; Son of Ofelia and Marcello

Roderic Cuevas
(22) - Son of Esther and Severo
Salvador Cuevas (26) played by @abbymadeline
Ercilia Cuevas (28) - Daughter of Esther and Severo
Esther Cuevas (59) - Wife of Severo
Severo Cuevas (64) - Husband of Esther; Son of Ofelia and Marcello

Demetrio Cuevas (24) - Twin brother of Sebastien; Son of Evangelina and Leonardo
Sebastien Cuevas (24) - Twin brother of Demetrio; Son of Evangelina and Leonardo
Evangelina Cuevas (60) - Wife of Leonardo; Daughter of Ofelia and Marcello
Leonardo Cuevas (60) - Husband of Evangelina

Lola Cuevas (21) - Twin of Lilo; Daughter of Estrella and Marko
Lilo Cuevas (21) - Twin of Lola; Daughter of Estrella and Marko
Estrella Cuevas (55) - Wife of Marko; Daughter of Ofelia and Marcello
Marko Cuevas (54) - Husband of Estrella

Ofelia Cuevas (DECEASED) - Wife of Marcello
Marcello Cuevas (DECEASED) - Husband of Ofelia; Son of Anita and Celio

Note: All untagged and living characters are available. If you are interested in a character but would like to change the first name, please suggest a new one in the application.

OOC Notes
My goal with this family is to aid players in developing their role-play skills, to foster a stronger role-play community, and (as always) to have fun while doing so. I think the best part about role-playing, for me at least, is creating these characters, integrating them into a universe, and collaborating with others to write a story that is in constant progression. Thus, the creation of this family thread was not for publicity, but rather an invitation to others to play these characters and allow them to integrate into the Alorian universe.

If there's anything I've learned, it's that our characters are in a constant dynamic equilibrium. If they seem unbalanced at some point, whether that is a lack of friends or a sudden onset of impulsive actions, they would eventually revert themselves back to a balanced state purely through in-character interactions (granted that their personalities are "balanced" to begin with). This process, organic and fluid, cannot be forced through out-of-character decisions as it would ultimately destroy potential role-play experiences. Although I am still grasping the ropes of role-playing, I hope to continue learning from others more experienced than myself, and to help those who are just beginning as I once was.

For these specific reasons, my selection process of roleplayers will be very different from that of others so please do not feel disheartened if your application is rejected. I am looking for roleplayers, old or new, who demonstrate a desire to improve their role-play skills, who enjoy role-play for what it is, and who genuinely want to allow their character to develop in the long-run. If you are new and are just getting a hand on role-playing, I will personally go out of my way to help you learn as long as you are willing to do so. I do expect a certain level of maturity oocly and I encourage all to apply, even if all the roles are filled (at some point?). There is always room for more character creation within the family.

IGN: (In-game-name)
Reason for Applying: (In a brief paragraph or two, please describe your reasons for applying)
Roleplay Strength: (What is your roleplay strength?)
Roleplay Weakness: (What is your roleplay weakness and what do you wish to improve on?)
Roleplay Experience: (How long have you been role-playing for? What characters have you role-played? If any, please list them and attach character application links if applicable.)
References (Optional): (Please ask before listing as a reference.)

Character Name: (If you wish to change the character's first name, please note that here.)
Character Age: (If you wish to change the character's age, my preference is for the character to be at least over the age of 16, however, I'm open to younger ages in certain circumstances.)
Character Description: (In a brief paragraph or two, please describe their mental and physical characteristics.)
Character Background: (In a brief paragraph or two, describe their backstory)

Links to relative lore pages:

Nicoloan Fighting
Old Gods
The Escrebano Family


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Update Masterlist!
  • 2017-04-14 - Updated family history
  • 2017-04-03 - Updated family members
  • 2017-03-28 - Added crest
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IGN: IDontShipNeilCat

Reason for Applying: I've been wanting to create some new characters and experiment with different aspects of lore and roleplay I'm inexperienced with, and this family seems like a good place to start. Also we haven't RP'd together in like, 2 years, and back then I had a backwards white Tony the Tiger skin and had no idea how to use chats or the English language.

Roleplay Strength: I read and type pretty fast, so I'm good at keeping up in RP, and I'm not bad at comedy and magic RP.

Roleplay Weakness: I have a hard time engaging in roleplay when it's not set up in advance and I'm not the best at combat RP, also I'm terrible at keeping up conversations

Roleplay Experience: I been doin dis fer yeers m8. I've been roleplaying on massive for around 2 and a half years, and doing other roleplay before that. I've had over 30 characters, only one of which was noble, and only one of which is still around and having a blast.

References (Optional): I've only asked @Metallum and @BubbaJorge for permission to use them as a reference, but I could get more if necessary.

Character Name: Narcissa Cuevas

Character Age: 24

Character Description: Summary: Manipulative, narcissistic, blunt, seductive, insecure when alone (dependent on others), sometimes violent, often sarcastic, protective, impulsive. A real bi*** but who loves her family and is somewhat violent, basically. (Would be more than willing to make a character app to elaborate, and most certainly would do so if accepted)

Character Background: Like most of her siblings, Narcissa's tough living conditions and hard, stressful work during her childhood rendered her tough, blunt, and prideful. While most of her family turned to violence or aggression to deal with tough customers -and sometimes each other- Narcissa learned to manipulate, seduce, and lie to get what she wanted; or just to mess with people; especially her siblings. However, that doesn't mean she wasn't ready to knock a fully grown man's teeth out with her fists if it came to that. Narcissa often took after her sister Florinda when they were young, and is still somewhat dependent on her and her other siblings, but has grown more and more unsure of herself and her dependency, as well as grown more arrogant, as she grew and was praised for her natural beauty.
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IGN: IDontShipNeilCat

Reason for Applying: I've been wanting to create some new characters and experiment with different aspects of lore and roleplay I'm inexperienced with, and this family seems like a good place to start. Also we haven't RP'd together in like, 2 years, and back then I had a backwards white Tony the Tiger skin and had no idea how to use chats or the English language.

Roleplay Strength: I read and type pretty fast, so I'm good at keeping up in RP, and I'm not bad at comedy and magic RP.

Roleplay Weakness: I have a hard time engaging in roleplay when it's not set up in advance and I'm not the best at combat RP, also I'm terrible at keeping up conversations

Roleplay Experience: I been doin dis fer yeers m8. I've been roleplaying on massive for around 2 and a half years, and doing other roleplay before that. I've had over 30 characters, only one of which was noble, and only one of which is still around and having a blast.

References (Optional): I've only asked @Metallum and @BubbaJorge for permission to use them as a reference, but I could get more if necessary.

Character Name: Narcissa Cuevas

Character Age: 24

Character Description: Summary: Manipulative, narcissistic, blunt, seductive, insecure when alone (dependent on others), sometimes violent, often sarcastic, protective, impulsive. A real bi*** but who loves her family and is somewhat violent, basically. (Would be more than willing to make a character app to elaborate, and most certainly would do so if accepted)

Character Background: Like most of her siblings, Narcissa's tough living conditions and hard, stressful work during her childhood rendered her tough, blunt, and prideful. While most of her family turned to violence or aggression to deal with tough customers -and sometimes each other- Narcissa learned to manipulate, seduce, and lie to get what she wanted; or just to mess with people; especially her siblings. However, that doesn't mean she wasn't ready to knock a fully grown man's teeth out with her fists if it came to that. Narcissa often took after her sister Florinda when they were young, and is still somewhat dependent on her and her other siblings, but has grown more and more unsure of herself and her dependency, as well as grown more arrogant, as she grew and was praised for her natural beauty.

Accepted~ Look forward to role-playing with you again Neil! We'll see if we can work on combat rp as I too have trouble with that @BananaForSale can attest for that haha. I am having the skin made so hopefully I will get that to you shortly.
14-April-2017 Update!
  • Updated family history!
  • Family freed themselves from slavery during revolution alongside the Escrebanos, a family of wealthy Daendroque aristocrats
  • Nicoloan fighting is taught to family members, though not all would be successful in its mastery
  • Changed the name Narcissa Cuevas to Rosita Cuevas
  • Added photos to make the thread look pretty ^_^
Join this family. They are awesome and 'rad'. ;D