House Carwell


Dont be that guy
Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
Danny Devito's Ass
The Federation


House Name: Carwell

House Words: "Bleach your banners."

Family Sigil: A wounded sparrow in flight.

Family Colors: Brown and Grey

Culture: Anglian

Religion: Unionist

Political Stance: Conservative.

Family Niche: Military.

Family Values: Duty and Strength.

Business: Farming and military production.



While not one of Regalia's most notable noble families, House Carwell is certainly one of the oldest.

The family can trace their heritage back to the days of the Five Family Rebellion, when a small family of peasants was robbed by a group of foragers under the employ of the Regalian King. Swearing to take revenge the Carwell family joined the Ivrae army in the war, taking part in many battles.

After the Five Family Rebellion ended house Carwell were made landed knights in region of the Angle Veer, and they remained that way for around two hundred years, slowly buying off or strong arming their neighboring minor lords in their region, and taking part in wars from time to time.

But this changed when their liege lord died, leaving no heirs to his small amount of land. House Carwell was chosen to take their place.

In recent years the family has lost their patriarch, then being absorbed into the house Van Der Veer, which ultimately fell apart. Now with no land to their name the house struggles to even stay alive.


Properties and Items of importance:

The Hand of Man: The seat of house Carwell. A fairly new castle made by Aumon Carwell. It is built on a hill and has five towers like the five fingers of a hand. It is surrounded by a mout said to be filled with foul creatures of all sorts. The inside is damp and its said that food grows green hair faster inside. Currently not in the family's possession.

The Sparrow Fleet: Currently empty.

Joyous: A blacksteel bastard sword, passed through the family for years. Currently in the possession of House Tyrannian.


Physical Traits:

Men: Men of House Carwell tend to be strong and plain figures. They have short soot-black hair and dark brown eyes. They usually wear simple clothing, suited to their line of work.

Women: Women of house Carwell are also tall, with medium length black hair and brown eyes. Some will dress well, while others are much like their male counter parts.



Red: Dead
Blue: Played
Green: Playable

Forgotten Generations:

Titus "The Titan" Carwell [?]: Founder of house Carwell, said to have been an eight foot tall man that carried a greatsword in each hand.

Iemund The Impersonator: A Skagger warrior that almost destroyed the Carwell line, taking a young Carwell as his wife and dragging the family into a bloody civil war that he ultimately lost.

First Generation:

Aumon Carwell [78]: The former patriarch of house Carwell.

Jessica Carwell [45]:
Used to be Aumon's young wife, hung herself long ago.

Crassius Carwell [70]: A man of the cloth, highly devoted to unionism. Aumon's younger brother.

John Carwell [64]: A skilled sailor and captain. Aumon's younger brother.

Silvia Carwell [50]: A middle aged woman. Wife to John Carwell.

Sigmund Carwell [58]: An aging knight. Aumon's younger brother.

Second Generation:

Robert Carwell [45]: Eldest son to Aumon Carwell and former patriarch of House Carwell. He was murdered by a group of Bandits.

Edward Carwell [42]: Middle son of Aumon Carwell. Current patriarch of House Carwell. @Last_Link

Ryra Carwell [33]: Robert's wife.

Jason Carwell [38]: Younger son to Aumon Carwell. A Viridian knight.

Alyssa Carwell [32]: Only daughter to Aumon.

Felix Grey [34]: Bastard son to John Carwell, trained cavalry man in school of Drixon.

Aumon Carwell II [16]: A teenager looking to become a squire. Son to John.

Third Generation:

Stanley Carwell [17]: Robert's first son. Grew ill and died. Was supposed to wed Ophelia Tyrannian.

Brandon "The Brander" Carwell [18]:
Second son to Robert Carwell.

Sarah Carwell [18]: Robert's eldest daughter. A sweet yet sickly girl.

Myra Carwell [11]: Robert's youngest daughter, an avid reader.


Character Applying for:
How would you play this character: (1 paragraph minimum)
Why house Carwell:
Past Characters:
Bans, Mutes, Jails:
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IGN: MrFluff1
Character Applying for: Felix Grey
How would you play this character: (1 paragraph minimum) Felix is one to always be exploring acting much like his father while being his own man. He respects his elders greatly, to the point where he believes them to be on a whole new level. Felix likes to show himself to be passionate and happy, but he feels unsure how to be with his family since he knows that he is a bastard child. His skills are beyond most, but still wishes to learn all he can within his life.
Why house Carwell: I feel like we could start again and be stronger than ever
Discord: You got it
Past Characters:
Bans, Mutes, Jails: Some things last year, but they have been taken care of.
Character Applying for: Felix Grey
How would you play this character: (1 paragraph minimum) Felix is one to always be exploring acting much like his father while being his own man. He respects his elders greatly, to the point where he believes them to be on a whole new level. Felix likes to show himself to be passionate and happy, but he feels unsure how to be with his family since he knows that he is a bastard child. His skills are beyond most, but still wishes to learn all he can within his life.
Why house Carwell: I feel like we could start again and be stronger than ever
Discord: You got it
Past Characters:
Bans, Mutes, Jails:
Some things last year, but they have been taken care of.
Accepted for trial period.
IGN: Darkfiresouls
Character Applying for:Paul Reid (Soldier)

How would you play this character: (1 paragraph minimum)
Why house Carwell: Paul is willing to help out the family and does wish to feel like he can use his skills from the past and use them know.Like very simple task, he will help and loves to do the right thing even if its the wrong to others to him he does it and he goes by a code Death Before Dishonor.He would like to join a family even though he may not be his family but he would like one to be apart of it and do great things with them and for them and hopes he can make them proud.

Discord: Darkfiresouls#8613
Past Characters:Paul Reid
Bans, Mutes, Jails:N/A
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Character Applying for:Paul Reid (Soldier)
How would you play this character: (1 paragraph minimum)
Why house Carwell:Willing to help out new people and does wish to feel like he can use his skills from the past and use them know.Even if he has to farm or just do very simple task he will help and he loves to do the right thing even if its the wrong to others to him he does it and he goes by a code Death Before Dishonor.That and he would like to join a family even though he man not be his family he would like one to be apart of and do great things with them and for them.
Discord: Darkfiresouls#8613
Past Characters:Paul Reid
Bans, Mutes, Jails:N/A
Pending. Please fix the grammar and spacing.
IGN: AlysaPotato
Character Applying for: Alyssa Carwell
How would you play this character: Being the only daughter of Aumon Carwell, she has taken more the her male counterparts. Dressing like one, and even having her head shaved. She is very strong and very skilled in blunt combat, specifically using the Mace. She is also skilled in Marine tactics. Her personality will reflect her skills. She is a hardened woman, no time for play unless work is done. She strictly believes in the saying, "Balancing work and play is important. Without that balance you'll either die of stress or never be successful." When it's time to relax you'll always find a glass of rum in her hand. When in the confines of her own home, she tends to get out of that hardened shell, and a more jovial version of herself will show. For her family, she loves them dearly. Willing to stand by their side no matter what, which proves her to be loyal.
Why house Carwell: Why not? Hmm?
Discord: AlysaPotato#9311
Past Characters: Bellatrix, Fudail, Zahir
Bans, Mutes, Jails: no
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IGN: AlysaPotato
Character Applying for: Alyssa Carwell
How would you play this character: Being the only daughter of Aumon Carwell, she has taken more the her male counterparts. Dressing like one, and even having her head shaved. She is very strong and very skilled in blunt combat, specifically using the Mace. She is also skilled in Marine tactics. Her personality will reflect her skills. She is a hardened woman, no time for play unless work is done. She strictly believes in the saying, "Balancing work and play is important. Without that balance you'll either die of stress or never be successful." When it's time to relax you'll always find a glass of rum in her hand. When in the confines of her own home, she tends to get out of that hardened shell, and a more jovial version of herself will show. For her family, she loves them dearly. Willing to stand by their side no matter what, which proves her to be loyal.
Why house Carwell: Why not? Hmm?
Discord: AlysaPotato#9311
Past Characters: Bellatrix, Fudail, Zahir
Bans, Mutes, Jails: no
Accepted for trial period.
A p p l i c a t i o n

Character Applying for: Sarah Carwell
How would you play this character: I would portray Sarah as a delicate, quiet yet loving and caring girl. Despite her frequent sickness, she fills an almost motherly role for her siblings particularly after her mother's passing, even more so upon her father's death. Often bedridden, she spends her time studying, educating herself, particularly interested in the law and diplomacy, in hopes of being a knowledgeable, wise asset for the family one day. When able to, she looks after Brandon and Myra, providing advice and guidance where she feels necessary. As the eldest daughter, she strives to empower her family name, seeking more recognition for her mother, father and late brother whilst also aiming to provide a hopeful and prosperous family line in the future.
Why house Carwell: A powerful, respected house with an intricate history.
Discord: swablu_#6123
Past Characters: Ria Valvaris
Bans, Mutes, Jails: None

Thanks! @Last_Link
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A p p l i c a t i o n

Character Applying for: Sarah Carwell
How would you play this character: I would portray Sarah as a delicate, quiet yet loving and caring girl. Despite her frequent sickness, she fills an almost motherly role for her siblings particularly after her mother's passing, even more so upon her father's death. Often bedridden, she spends her time studying, educating herself, particularly interested in the law and diplomacy, in hopes of being a knowledgeable, wise asset for the family one day. When able to, she looks after Brandon and Myra, providing advice and guidance where she feels necessary. As the eldest daughter, she strives to empower her family name, seeking more recognition for her mother, father and late brother whilst also aiming to provide a hopeful and prosperous family line in the future.
Why house Carwell: A powerful, respected house with an intricate history.
Discord: swablu_#6123
Past Characters: Ria Valvaris
Bans, Mutes, Jails: None

Thanks! @Last_Link
Accepted for a trial period.
Cow rp when??? I want my cow to be called BKBobbyjoe234