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House Bigge Guard Recruitment!


bigge mistake
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

House Bigge

House Guards!


Citizens of the Empire!
House Bigge is searching for able-bodied men to protect the members of the family!

We offer good pay for your work!

May the Spirit Guide you all,

Philip Mannings
Scribe of House Bigge


Basically as it said above, House Bigge is searching for family Guards.
If you would like to apply, please follow the application form below!

Application Form:

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Race:

Character Religion:

Character Gender:

Character Application: (Not needed though recommended)

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:
Last edited:
Character Name: Anton Storbjorn

Character Age: 39

Character Race: Ailor

Character Religion: Unionist

Character Gender: Malest Male of all Males in the Male world.

Character Application: Oink

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge: Discussed IC
Character Name: Anton Storbjorn

Character Age: 39

Character Race: Ailor

Character Religion: Unionist

Character Gender: Malest Male of all Males in the Male world.

Character Application: Oink

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge: Discussed IC
Accepted, send me your Skype via PM!
Character Name: Evoy Alroy O'Hanigan.

Character Age: Twenty-Seven.

Character Race: Ailor.

Character Religion: Unionist.

Character Gender: Male.

Character Application: (Not needed though recommended): WIP Family just started not too long ago, it's almost done. e

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:

Dear Mister Bigge,
You be seeming like a good man, offer men of my family work and I thank you for that. I writing this letter in hopes of getting a job and working for myself. Making good friends is something I've struggled with so I believe this will earn me some respect and friends. Plus money is always a good thing to have.

Sincerely, Evoy O'Hanigan.
Character Name: Evoy Alroy O'Hanigan.

Character Age: Twenty-Seven.

Character Race: Ailor.

Character Religion: Unionist.

Character Gender: Male.

Character Application: (Not needed though recommended): WIP Family just started not too long ago, it's almost done. e

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:
Dear Mister Bigge,
You be seeming like a good man, offer men of my family work and I thank you for that. I writing this letter in hopes of getting a job and working for myself. Making good friends is something I've struggled with so I believe this will earn me some respect and friends. Plus money is always a good thing to have.

Sincerely, Evoy O'Hanigan.
Accepted, send me your Skype via PM!
Character Name: James Lancor Kander

Character Age: 23

Character Race: Full Ailor.

Character Religion: Unionist.

Character Gender: Male

Character Application: (Not needed though recommended):

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:

Dear Honorable Nathaniel Bigge,

By request of my dear friend Anton Storbjorn, I have been taken into discussion to join the house guard for the Bigge family. I am sure too make you proud, as I am a proud unarmed fighter. I follow orders from Anton with no trouble, so no doubt I can follow your instructions as well as the other higher ups. I am in need of work, and ask upon you. Honorable Bigge, I will not let you down.

For Honor and Glory,
James Lancor Kander.
Character Name: James Lancor Kander

Character Age: 23

Character Race: Full Ailor.

Character Religion: Unionist.

Character Gender: Male

Character Application: (Not needed though recommended):

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:

Dear Honorable Nathaniel Bigge,

By request of my dear friend Anton Storbjorn, I have been taken into discussion to join the house guard for the Bigge family. I am sure too make you proud, as I am a proud unarmed fighter. I follow orders from Anton with no trouble, so no doubt I can follow your instructions as well as the other higher ups. I am in need of work, and ask upon you. Honorable Bigge, I will not let you down.

For Honor and Glory,
James Lancor Kander.
Accepted, send me your Skype via PM!
Character Name: Kristiana Keusen (Christa van Keus)

Character Age: Thirty-One

Character Race: Ailor

Character Religion: Unionist

Character Gender: Female

Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/christa-van-keus.56529/

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:

To who this might concern,

Firstly, I should introduce myself. My name is Kristiana Keusen, but for personal reasons, I strictly go by Christa van Keus. I have been in Regalia for around a year now, and have found myself in need of a job as of late, as free-lance mercenary work has not been, well, working. I am an expert Griffer Swordswoman, and I take pride on my speed in battle and my professionality in work. I believe I would be a great asset to your guard force and will be able to perform precisely and follow the rules to the letter.

From Christa van Keus.
Character Name: Kristiana Keusen (Christa van Keus)

Character Age: Thirty-One

Character Race: Ailor

Character Religion: Unionist

Character Gender: Female

Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/christa-van-keus.56529/

IC Letter to either Nathaniel Bigge or Marcus Bigge:

To who this might concern,

Firstly, I should introduce myself. My name is Kristiana Keusen, but for personal reasons, I strictly go by Christa van Keus. I have been in Regalia for around a year now, and have found myself in need of a job as of late, as free-lance mercenary work has not been, well, working. I am an expert Griffer Swordswoman, and I take pride on my speed in battle and my professionality in work. I believe I would be a great asset to your guard force and will be able to perform precisely and follow the rules to the letter.

From Christa van Keus.
Accepted, send me your Skype via PM!