Blue Blood Noble Family House Bayard


Plant Nerd
Jun 16, 2023
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  • House Bayard
    • Culture | Ithanian/Breizh
    • Theme | New age, Righteousness, Honor
    • Colours | Royal blues, Golds and Pure whites
    • Symbols | Shields, Blades, Hounds
    • Languages | Common, Ithanian, Breizh
    • Race | Ailor
    • Religion | Unionism
    • Occupations | Knights, Engineers, Business Venturers
    • Family Trade | The production and export of technological items, Make-up, Alchemical products, Aelrrigan knighthood protectors.
    • Current Head of the House : Viscountess Josephine Bayard
Physical Traits:
Members of the Bayard family are, as the name suggests, plagued by the redhead gene. Curly hair of autumn colours and the occasional ashy blonde is commonplace within the Bayard bloodline, with pale to tanned skin, a few members finding themselves marked with freckles and birthmarks. Not uniquely, their eyes range from amber greens to mellow blues and browns.

Almost all family members are more on the rugged and tough end in design rather than sleek or skinny, standing out from your usual Ithaniain noble, as most family members are trained in combat since youth, and eat rather well. They are not however unfashionable, all members adhering to the Ithanian fashion standards with rich blue dresses and suits with flowing capes of rich fabrics.

Gray |
Tilted | Married In
Dark Blue | Played
Black | NPC
Blue | Playable
Gold | Customizable
  • Cordélia Bayard - Sister to Gareth Bayard, Cordélia is a knight of the Aelrrigan order and mother to her daughters. Having always shown exceeding strength even in her formative years, she is a stubborn and strong minded individual who values fairness above all else.
  • Edouard Bayard - Husband of Cordélia and father to Enid and Annalise, Edouard is also a knight of the Aelrigan order, having served in the same ranks as his wife. Having held a strong rivalry with Cordélia in their time serving in the military, the two eventually fell in love and married.
    • Enid Bayard - First daughter of Cordélia and Edouard. She brought the families influence in cosmetics to the city of Regalia and similarly took interest in her tech abilities. Engaging in the social events, though initially forced to do so, has become her favorite activity as of late.
    • Annalise Bayard - Second daughter of Cordélia and Edouard, and twin to Oliver. She aspires to become a knight of the Aelrrigan order. Annalise is a rather stoic person who values her family and her duty above most things.
    • Oliver Bayard - First son of Cordélia and Edouard, and twin to Annalise. He is a former knight of the Aelrrigan Order, and has now returned from his duties due to injuries.
  • Gareth Bayard - Former leader and family head of the Bayard family, Gareth acted more as a second-voice than a real family head, leaving most of the at-home decision making to his much more capable niece while he tends to his business exploits which he often becomes caught up in. Father to two sons who he seldom pays attention to, Gareth is a rather cold man with little love for people, and much more care for his experiments.
  • Giséle Toussaint - The divorced wife of Gareth, Gisele is a high end noblewoman of high stature who married into the Bayard family after falling madly inlove with the intelligent Gareth. She quickly realised his love was fleeting, and their relation one sided. Once she reared the first of their children, the two divorced, causing Gisele to become scorned of the family name from there on, and out of it completely.
    • Sibling Bayard - Customizable sibling to Madeline Bayard.
    • Madeline Bayard - The second child and only daughter to Garreth and Gisele. She has been living under the hardlines of the Bayard estate, learning how to be a proper lady and wife as she is more than likely to be married off into a higher family.
  • Clémence Bayard - The younger sister of Garreth and Cordélia. She is mother to two daughters and wife of Louis. is a knight of the Reliquary order who had fallen in love with Louis during her time as a squire. She now remains dedicated to serving in his order.
  • Louis Bayard - Husband of Clémence and father of Margot and Josephine. Louis is a healer who spent most of his time in his studies prior to meeting Clémence. He now remains in Valois as a physician over his own clinic.
    • Margot Bayard - The first born daughter to Clémence and Louis. She has a love for fashion and her overall appearance. Margot has not dedicated her time to engineering or training to be knight like the rest of her family. She seeks to showcase her beauty as a socialite.
    • Josephine Bayard - The younger sister to Margot, and second child of Clémence and Louis, and current lead of the family. Josephine is still rather young and often finds herself learning how to navigate most social situations on top of now having to navigate the city of Regalia.
    • Ruven Bayard - The husband to Josephine Bayard. A Solvaan that worked as a guard for the family before the union with his wife. An honorable man who uses his strength to protect others exclusively.
    • Alinar Bayard - The adopted young son of Josephine and Ruven Bayard. Half-Ailor, and Half-Teleddan from Ithania who lost both of his birth parents in an accident.
House Bayard is currently not taking new members!
House Crest made by Sasspai!
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