Archived Hide The Armor Im Wearing

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Feb 26, 2014
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I would like to see something that would make it possible to hide the armor im wearing. So I can make my skin visible och add some kind of variation among the players instead of a looking like everyone else.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can I ask you what are the good reasons for this and the bad reasons? Things aren't just for you, but for everyone. It would affect everyone if this was added.
This has been suggested before, perhaps you could add your Pros and Cons to it so that it may be implemented.
If it have been suggested before it is time to suggest it again.

+ Variation, I can have a nice skin instead of a blue flickering armor
+ You don't look like **** in your flickering armor.
+ You can choose to have it visible or not.
+ You can have good def if you would like to (R)play as a non warrior and still have a chance against someone with armor.

- You can't see players armor, if they don't want to show it.
I've actually always found that annoying - walking through Regalia and seeing people in full enchanted diamond armor, because that would TOTALLY be allowed by the Guards. Can't say I've never been one of those people, but even so... if they added a plugin that hid armor in Regalia it would make life more interesting.
I always unequip my armor when I'm in Regalia, no need to have it equipped there since it's a no-fighting zone.
This would only be our in Regalia. Becuase in PVP a it would be unrealistic that they can hide their armour that they are wearing. Also if you don't like the oil of your armour take it off.
If it have been suggested before it is time to suggest it again.

+ Variation, I can have a nice skin instead of a blue flickering armor
+ You don't look like **** in your flickering armor.
+ You can choose to have it visible or not.
+ You can have good def if you would like to (R)play as a non warrior and still have a chance against someone with armor.

- You can't see players armor, if they don't want to show it.
Well, if it is a setting to be able too see the armor or not so I could turn it on in regalia and off in lvl that would be fine by me, as long as it only ,Ames armor invisible when the setting is on
This just doesn't make any sense. Why would you want to have armor equipped in Regalia, and make it so others couldn't see it? If people wouldn't be able to see it, then you wouldn't know if they were guards or a guild.
I think that this idea does have potential merit, and I don't see it as an instant "disagree". What the op failed to do, however, was flesh out the idea more fully.

Outside of Regalia, you can wear armor AND have your skin showing! This seems obvious, but let me explain. Instead of everyone looking like shiny, swirling little purple demon faeries, we can actually alter our skins to show custom armor. Are you a knight of a noble family donning a steel suit of armor? Show it off! Are you a warrior of the OCCVLT? Let them know by showing the pentagram painted in pig's blood across your chest. Moreover, with the changes to how skins will work in 1.8 with the extra "armor" layers, this will only expound on the potential of this.

I feel on this server, we have tremendously talented skin artists and individuals who spend an extraordinary amount of time procuring or creating these skins. I think this proposed change would help a vain creature such as myself help make PvP more interesting by incorporating the RP elements of a medieval skin. There is only so much one can do by renaming multiple sets of enchanted diamond armor and/or dying named leather armor... at the very least an option, perhaps?

There is an argument in the mincraft PvP metagame that players rely on seeing another player's armor to better assess decisions made in combat. The most relevant example being: "That guy's helmet is broken! Get him, he's dead meat!!!" With this implementation of such a plug-in, this will obviously be nullified.

However! I do feel this has become so ingrained in minecraft's PvP culture, and I don't know why. I think it is interesting to have a sort of "unknown element" when engaging your enemy. In reality, unless there is a huge size difference, it can be difficult to tell how competent your opponent is in combat unless you have outside knowledge from beforehand. Is my enemy wearing armor made from the scrap, or is his brother a skilled blacksmith that makes crappy looking, yet strong no-nonsense armor? Is she a novice or expert swordswoman? One will have to fight her to find out.

Not only that, but I have noticed some of the "PvP" crowd changing their nick names to the usernames of other players. With all the enchanted diamond armor and weapons everyone has running around, it can be difficult to distinguish, and the use of such deceit seems kind of nonsensical and out of place in a roleplay perspective.

End notes:
There are certainly more arguments for both sides, I just feel that there is more to this than these aforementioned posters have stated. There is definitely potential to this idea if worked upon.
Great post Unluvable!

Im fairly new to this server and the PVP element i Minecraft so I really don't know how a invisible armor would affect the PVP. But me and my friends plays as rouges/thiefs and we would like to have a theify skin for the sake of RP, not look like brute warriors and still have a change to survive during the night or in PVP.

If a a player have turned his armor invisible one thing that could work to is if you hit a player, you will see his armor rating in the log or above him/her, somewhere around the name. The rating will be displayed on the first hit and is visible for 5-10 sec, then it disapear and will not be show until a 2 min timer runs out and if he/you is still alive and hit again the rating will be show again.
It wouldn't make much sense for, say, an elf wearing no armour to magically be able to take just as many (if not more) hits as an orc in full diamond.

It is not necessary that the "elf" is wearing no armor, you dont run around naked. You can wear a diamond armor and have a nice elf-armor-skin. A chainmail under a tunic/clothes or some kind of leather armor.
I understand what you're saying, but even if someone's character wore the nicest set of custom leather armor you've ever seen, it's still canonically leather armor and is by no means as durable as diamond.

Unless you come from a planet where cows are made of adamantium or something.
I understand what you're saying, but even if someone's character wore the nicest set of custom leather armor you've ever seen, it's still canonically leather armor and is by no means as durable as diamond.

Unless you come from a planet where cows are made of adamantium or something.

In a game where elfs, undead and mermaids are common it is not that weird to say i got a leather like armor made out of a dragon or it could be made of a dwarf with very thick skin. And sure, you can only get leather from cows in Minecraft, but ...
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