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Played Character Helena Lesky

This character is actively played.


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
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"Oh, um, hello. How can I help you?"
[| Dependable Assistant |]

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" She was a Phantom of delight

When first she gleamed upon my sight;

A lovely Apparition, sent

To be a moment's ornament;

Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair;

Like Twilight's, too, her dusky hair;

But all things else about her drawn

From May-time and the cheerful Dawn;

A dancing Shape, an Image gay,

To haunt, to startle, and way-lay. - "


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  • || CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note one's identity. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • « FULL NAME » | Helena Lesky.
      • Meaning | Helena typically means shining light. Lesky is a topographical name referring to people who live near a forest, as the Lesky family has lived in Basabaesca, a small town on the outskirts of the Böhmen Forest in western Morveten, for generations.
      • Address As | ❝ Oh, I don't really- mind what you call me. Just, um. Please don't call me anything mean.
        • » Miss Lesky | Helena's preferred general use title.
        • » (Miss) Helena | Helena is also fine with people using her name, as long as they are polite about it.

      • Occupations | ❝ I am like a bee- constantly busy, because I have so much to do!
        • » Order of Scribes | Guild Affiliation | Helena has great affection for her Order - the Empire's greatest bastion of knowledge, quietly archived over the centuries. Her mother, a librarian and guild member herself, often sat little Helena onto her lap and told her the tale she was recording as she wrote it down, and Helena carries this love for stories, paperwork, and records with her still.
        • » Accountant | Occupation | Helena attended the Narlas College for Commerce, learning sharp skills in bookkeeping and money management, as well as the ins and outs of the Regalian taxation system. While her own pockets are quite shallow indeed, she has managed sizeable accounts for others.
        • » Assistant | Occupation | Helena lives to serve, and is at her best when she can put her skills to work for someone else's ends, or at least keep their life together to the point where they have time for leisure and other activities. She is happy to work for good pay from the upstanding and politely mannered.
        • » Advisor | Occupation | Helena knows quite a few odd facts and intricacies that make her Empire different from all the others and is capable of explaining such to her employers when they ask, especially when she has the opportunity to scour the Scribarium records and conduct her research to find a specific answer.

    • « HERITAGE » | Zeměvčel Ailor.
      • Ancestry | On her mother's side, Helena comes from the Doubeks, a long line of librarians, teachers, and bookkeepers that hail from further into the Böhmen forest. Her mother, Lucie Lesky née Doubek, is a librarian and research specialist, as well as an apiarist in her spare time, but she is taking up a new hobby right now, actually, and wouldn't you like to hear about it? On her father's side, Helena descends from the Leskys, a family of carpenters and masons that have lived in Basabaesca for generations. Somehow, Josef Lesky manages to find time to make surprises for his daughter and his wife (and his mother, father, brother, sister-in-law, and two nephews) in between all the help he lends to his neighbors. Right now alone, he's working with Albert for his chicken coop, María for her broken bookshelf, Virginie who only needs a stepstool (so that will be quick, he hopes), and Antonin who needs new frames for his hive so his honey business picks back up this year.

    • « AGE » | Twenty-three years old.
      • Birthday | June 7, 288 A.C. at 8:37 in the morning.
      • Astrology | Gemini sun. Leo moon. Leo ascendant.

    • « GENDER » | Female.
      • Pronouns | She/her.
      • Preferred Terms | Feminine. Miss, ma'am, madam, etc.

    • « SEXUALITY » | Bisexual.
      • Preference | Someone who is either charismatic and charming and knows exactly what to say to make her mentally reboot, or is responsible, sweet, and kind. Accentuating factors include dark secrets, trusting her to perform tasks for them, and a propensity for teasing.
      • Status | Single, but skittish. Anyone seeking to pursue Helena must be interested in the long game, because she is constantly convinced that the people who make passes at her are never serious.

    • « OCCULT » | Helena is untouched by the occult and is therefore pure in the eyes of the Purist Movement.

  • || CORE CONCEPT || to note one's personality. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • FAITH | ❝ May the Everwatcher look upon you with favor and give you peace.
      • Overall Outlook | Helena considers herself a Dogmatic Unionist, in that she hasn't quite adopted the Guided and Evintarian Cult gods for her own worship (but still thinks of them as divine; they're just not hers). She pays equal piety to each of the Unions, but her favorites are the Mother Gods, the Pure Gods, the Inspired Gods, and the Prosperity Gods.

    • IDENTITY | ❝ Oh, really, it's no trouble. I was going that way anyway to fetch the laundry. Can I do anything else for you while I'm out?
      • Who am I? | Helena is a young woman fresh from her finance academy who is not only anxious but anxious to please. Humble and kind, Helena is the first person to offer assistance and the last person to leave, wanting to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. She considers herself constantly on the clock for her employer due to the sheer amount of tasks she has to accomplish each day, but much like her father, finds joy in being helpful and volunteering her time to others. She is, however, constantly exhausted and while she loves her job, she often wishes she had more help. In her rare moments of free time, Helena enjoys crocheting, beekeeping, rock climbing, tinkering around with her machines, and writing scraps of stories that will likely never see the light of day.
      • What have I achieved? | Graduated from the Narlas College of Commerce with honors in spring of 311 AC.
      • What are my goals? | Helena has aspirations for herself but is unsure of whether she will ever attain them. She wonders if she could become a famous writer one day, much the same way that she wonders if she'll ever get married. But currently, she has a job and a roof over her head and spends too much time upkeeping those to worry about herself right now.
        • » MBTI Type | INTJ-T | The Architect.
        • » Alignment | Lawful Good.
        • » Enneagram Type | The Advocate | 1w2.

  • || VISUAL INFORMATION || to note one's appearance. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • TYPICAL APPEARANCE | ❝ Sorry, um- is there something on my face? You've, uh. Been looking for a minute.
      • Oddities & Mutations | Helena looks normal, even if she is very short.
      • At a Glance | Helena is of shorter stature at five foot even but often wears two-inch heels for work. She is considered pretty yet plain by traditional beauty standards, with full lips, long eyelashes, strong cheekbones, and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose, although she doesn't necessarily think of herself that way. She has bags underneath her eyes due to the minimal sleep she gets from working herself to the bone, but manages to wiggle in a simple ten-minute routine each day to keep herself presentable. Her raven-black hair is long and curling; she often lets it do what it will, only really taming it with a brush and tying a bow in the back each morning. Helena favors simplistic dresses with longer skirts and floral embroidery and is most drawn to pastel colors. She does not often wear jewelry besides a pin or a broach, but this is mostly because she doesn't own any.

    • SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | ❝ I look okay, right? I would hate to make a bad impression.
      • Eye Color | Olive green.
      • Hair Color | Raven black.
      • Hair Style | Long and curling down her back, often with a bow for a little pizazz.
      • Skin Tone | Fair-skinned, with many freckles across her nose and cheeks, as well as her shoulders, arms, and back.
      • Clothing Style | Modest and official, with floral motifs.
      • Height | 5'0.2", or 153 cm. (85 percent MPM)

    • Art Albums | Art Gallery (no link because I have no art currently)
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" I saw her upon nearer view,

A Spirit, yet a Woman too!

Her household motions light and free,

And steps of virgin-liberty;

A countenance in which did meet Sweet records, promises as sweet;

A Creature not too bright or good

For human nature's daily food;

For transient sorrows, simple wiles,

Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles. - "

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  • || PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to note one's skillset. .ೃ࿐ 》

    • 4 STRENGTH.
      • › Brawl Stampede.
      • › Knockback Sweep.
      • › Technique Parry.
      • › Diving Tackle.

      • › Interception.
      • › Rage Counter.
      • › Familiar Disrupt. (Free, Ailor Heritage)

      • › Tech Exchange.
      • › Tech Charge.
      • › Tech Resist.
      • › Hook Shot.
      • › Safeguard Pack.
      • › Wardrobe Pack.

    • 0 WISDOM.
      • › Chem Bang. (Free, Ailor Heritage)

    • 0 DEXTERITY.

    • 2 FAITH.
      • › Unseen Prayer.
      • › Safety Prayer.

    • 0 MAGIC.

  • || ABILITY INFORMATION || to note one's prowess. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Heritage | Ailor.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Ailor are masters of many languages. Even for languages they do not speak, if someone insults them in their native tongue, they will know what was said.
      • » Mechanic 2 | Ailor are the preferential lords of the Regalian Empire, Ailor are by nature always considered more seriously for job applications and positions of authority.
      • » Mechanic 3 | Ailor have preferential treatment by the Knight Orders (excepting Argentum/Senleya), giving them more leeway to break their Code (within reason).
      • » Mechanic 4 | Ailor may spontaneously generate Divinium (either alone or shared with other Ailor) during Staff Events if they act within the ideology of their faith.
      • » Mechanic 5 | Ailor willingly can close their heart and mind to certain emotions or their conscience, allowing them to commit acts of great evil without feeling bad.
      • » Free Packs | Familiar Disrupt and one pack of choice. (Ailor Heritage)

    • Technology | Helena focuses on technological developments that allow her to defend her charges and increase her mobility, as well as items that make each day a little easier.
      • » Chosen Tech Branches | Gothitech, Hallowtech.
      • » Abilities | Tech Charge, Tech Exchange, Tech Resist, Hook Shot.

    • Alchemy Hobby | Helena dabbles in alchemy, creating mixes for herself to get by.
      • » Common Concoctions | Painkillers, mood stabilizers, focus aids, caffeine products.

    • Technology Hobby | In her limited free time, Helena enjoys working on little mechanical contraptions, dreaming of ways they could help herself and others.
      • » Realm of Focus | Household appliances, mobility aids, useful items, and little companions.

    • Athletics Hobby | Helena and her father bonded by staying in shape, and she enjoys spending time outdoors and keeping herself fit to better assist those around her.
      • » Favorite Activities | Rock climbing, walking around Regalia, camping, carrying heavy things for others.

    • Guild Membership | Order of Scribes.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Scribe Order members may appeal to Scholarly research during Staff Events that may give them more historical insight to see through an Event NPC lying about the facts (consult with Event DM).
      • » Mechanic 2 | Scribe Order members may request additional research material after Staff Events or Progression Events in Staff Ticket, which may or may not be provided depending upon availability and Staff input.

    • Dice Rolls | How skilled is Helena?
      • » Strength | 4 points invested. /roll 14. [Used for attacks.]
      • » Constitution | 2 points invested. /roll 12.
      • » Intelligence | 6 points invested. /roll 16. [If used for defense, /roll 15.]
      • » Wisdom | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Dexterity | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Faith | 2 points invested. /roll 12.
      • » Magic | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Persuasion | 3 + 6 Intelligence = /roll 9. [In order to succeed on a Persuasion roll against Helena, simply beat whatever she rolls, or use your words in RP beforehand to lower the DC.]

  • || LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to note one's languages. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Native Languages | Spoken at home.
      • » First | Český.
      • » Second | Common.
    • Learned Languages | Picked up during her studies.
      • » Fluent | Calem.
      • » Broken | Leutz-Vixe.
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" And now I see with eye serene

The very pulse of the machine;

A Being breathing thoughtful breath,

A Traveller between life and death;

The reason firm, the temperate will,

Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill;

A perfect Woman, nobly planned,

To warn, to comfort, and command;

And yet a Spirit still, and bright

With something of angelic light. "

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  • || PLOT HOOKS || reasons to engage. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • DAY TO DAY: What is Helena up to?
      • » Helena is the overworked assistant to the Honorable Kazimir Adamovsky, patriarch of House Adamovsky. Although Zeměvčel people hate talking about work during their off hours, Helena considers herself always on the clock and is open to discussing her current tasks (so long as they don't embarrass her employer), even seeking knowledge from others on how best to complete them.
      • » Helena, between her work duties, is currently figuring out how to keep bees within her little apartment. She also keeps a home in the Purity District, since it is the closest commoner-accessible area to the Noble District, meaning she can leave the Adamovsky estate for the night and have somewhere nearby to go before falling over into bed, only to get right up and head off to work the next morning.
      • » Helena, being new to the city, often asks those familiar with its workings why things happen the way they do, or where she can find specific things, or who she should talk to or avoid. She seems to take whatever advice is given seriously.

    • BACKGROUND: Where does Helena come from?
      • » Helena comes from Basabaesca, a village on the outskirts of the Böhmen forest in western Morveten. This village has never been very big or well-known, because it is two and a half miles off the most direct route through the forest. Tourists are few and far between, if they show at all, and the people are close and jovial.

    • MISCELLANEOUS: Small facts and rumors.
      • » Helena is a voracious reader. Even if she doesn't agree with the content, she'll at least read what the author has to say and consider their point of view.

    • TIE-INS: How could my character know Helena from before she lived in Regalia?
      • » Helena attended the Narlas College for Commerce from 307 to 311 AC. She was known to be quiet and mostly kept to herself but made a few close friends from each of her classes. She actively asked questions, especially those that others might have, and was gracious with her notes to those who asked. Helena graduated with honors and went to Praag after college in the hopes of getting a job.
      • » While living in Praag, Helena was a common sight at kaffee shops and often helped other writers workshop their stories, but never felt confident enough in her own work to ever submit it to the workshop herself.

  • || LIFE STORY || to note one's past & their actions. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Origins | ❝ Once upon a time, there was a carpenter who saw a librarian's daughter and instantly knew that she was the woman he wanted to grow old with …
      • » Helena's story begins with the romance between Lucie Doubek and Josef Lesky. The Doubeks moved to Basabaesca from further within the Böhmen forest, and Josef fell for Lucie at first sight when he and his father Pavel went to welcome the Doubeks to their new home with a cutting board as a housewarming gift.
      • » Lucie was quite flattered by Josef's steady attention, and after a few months and many handmade wooden gifts, they began to go steady, with permission granted from either family under the condition that neither "became distracted and started to neglect their own growth or duties."
      • » A few years later, Lucie and Josef finished their training; her in education, and him in apprenticeship to his father, respectively. Now that such had been completed, their families began to talk of a wedding, which happened a few months later with the whole of Basabaesca invited. They tried for multiple children, but never brought one to term until the birth of their only daughter, Helena, who they named for the shining light she brought to their lives.

    • Childhood | ❝ They had a daughter, dearly beloved, who was shaped by the love everyone gave her.
      • » Helena, due to her position as her parents' only child and the sole granddaughter, received all the love she could have ever dreamed of from her family. Her early childhood memories often involve her sitting on someone's lap, or held close by another family member, being whispered stories or asked about what books her mother was reading her.
      • » Helena spent a lot of time at her local Čtenářský Soud (referred to as a Court of Reading in Common), either hiding between her mother's skirts or following around the other librarians as they made their rounds and showed her where the books lived, so that she could return them to their homes if they ever got lost.
      • » Josef often took Helena out into the woods, teaching her how to run, jump, and play as well as any other child her age. Her love for the outdoors was instilled early, which made her enjoy outdoor tasks and physical labor later on in life, rather than becoming a shut-in with her books.

    • Adolescence | ❝ As she grew up, their daughter began to pay the love she had received forward, gifting it to other people who needed it since she had so much to spare.
      • » Helena began to develop an aptitude for bookkeeping, and assisted her father in organizing his business. Whereas Josef was kindly and would often forget about the money his neighbors owed him, Helena kept a careful record and ensured that he received a fair amount for his efforts.
      • » Studying in the library was as natural to Helena as breathing. She read whatever she could get her hands on, like the new arrivals coming in, esoteric tomes musing about what it means to be part of the Empire, and dissertations on the presence of the Gods in daily life. Anything printed caught her interest, and anything that caught her interest was read from cover to cover.
      • » Helena's outdoor interests began manifesting into helping her mother tend to their bees in their front yard and becoming somewhat of a gopher for her neighbors, ferrying stacks of books and boxes of ingredients and the week's groceries back and forth for those who couldn't quite carry those items themselves.

    • Early Adulthood | ❝But then the time came for the daughter to spread her wings and go out, alone, for the first time. She was nervous, yes, but she persisted.
      • » Helena bid a tearful farewell to her family and set out from the only home she had ever known to make her way to Narlas to continue her education at the College of Commerce. Until this point, she had studied exclusively by interest and reading in the library, and the active education model was odd to her, but she acclimated with time.
      • » In Narlas, she was amazed by the different ways the people lived, as well as incredibly homesick. She tried tea how the Ceardens make it, improved her Common, and was disappointed in the size of the university library compared to the one back home.
      • » She worked hard in her classes and graduated in four years with a degree in finance from a very reputable school. Unsure of what to do now, Helena moved to Praag, having loved the city from afar for most of her life. Now that she lived there, she did her best to search for work while tinkering away at her own projects. Ultimately, she was hired by the Honorable Kazimir Adamovsky to manage the finances of his mercenary company at the time. This position was later upgraded to a personal assistant role as Kazimir returned to his family and took up the role of patriarch.

    • Present Day | ❝It took a long time for her to come to terms with it, but she realized she was never promised tomorrow; instead, the daughter had to make the most of today, every day, until she runs out of today and only has yesterdays to speak of.
      • » Helena has now moved to the Imperial City of Regalia, along with House Adamovsky, to provide her dogged support. She is excited about the opportunity, though she finds it hard to navigate the many streets and harder still to connect with some of the City's odd denizens. Still, however, she counts her blessings and holds them dear to her heart, and wonders what will become of her in this new place.
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Leaves Pixel (L)
Leaves Pixel (R)
Honey Pot Pixel
Honey Bear Pixel

Formatting by Rowet! If you like how this looks, ask Rowet for permission to use this formatting template. If you have permission, contact me and I will send you my version of this application in BB code and in rich text (Google Doc) so that you too can have a cute lovely application for your character! Thanks, Rowet!

(Formatting last edited 4 December 2023.)

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  • || INVENTORY || to note one's belongings. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • DAY TO DAY: Carried on her person.
      • » A leather cross-body purse, which contains the following:
      • » A coin purse holding, at most, 100 Regals.
        • This is her personal spending money. I will roll how many she has on her when this comes up in RP.
      • » A second coin purse colored a deep scarlet. This one holds, at most, 250 Regals.
        • This is her work spending money. I will roll how many she has on her when this comes up in RP, with a reasonable bottom threshold.
      • » An ink pen.
      • » A fancier fountain pen, for flourish.
      • » A pocket planner.
      • » A scratch notebook.
      • » A handkerchief, hand-embroidered with Helena L. into the bottom-right corner in forest green thread.
      • » A spare, blank handkerchief to be passed to others if needed.
      • » A pen full of laundry alchemy, to fight stains on the spot before they even set.
      • » A tube of beeswax lip balm.
      • » A ring of keys.
      • » An emergency knife for self-defense.
      • » Two bottles of sunblock; one made for the face, and the other for the body.
      • » A collection of Gothitech umbrellas and parasols of her own making, to provide shade for her sun-shy employers.
      • » A small paperback book that changes frequently as she reads through the one she has and replaces it with a new one.

    • PROPERTIES: Where Helena lives.
      • » seaside4
        • Helena's main residence, for now. She gets on well with her neighbors. This is where she keeps her materials for her crocheting and her alchemy work.
      • » victoryplaza3
        • Helenas planned future residence - which, by sheer coincidence, has her beloved neighbors on one side and Erwin Braunschweiger on the other. She loves the view of the All-Beacon Temple and plans to move her bees in once the furniture arrives.
      • » bulwarkstreet2
        • Helena's second home, mostly for work purposes. Due to the proximity to the Noble District, she can make her way home, pass out, and get right back up again to head back to work. This is where she keeps her materials for her technological work.

    • MISCELLANEOUS: Other belongings.
      • » A 10-frame Langstroth beehive with interior metal spacers that stays at her Seaside home. Despite its capacity for 10 frames, she usually only puts in nine frames to allow her bees more space to store honey, and to give herself space to maneuver the frames when she works with them.
      • » Wooden sculptures made by her father to keep her company even when she's away from home.
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  • || RELATIONSHIPS || to note one's affections. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
    • Person | ❝Quote about person.
      • » Info about person.
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