Heiwynn Family

IGN: CinnamonPlease
Character you are applying for: Canzana Heiwynn
Age: 9
Gender: Unsure.
Appearance: Canzana would sport a tanned classic Yanar skin color passively but would actively change it to that of an Ailor's. She would have no hair naturally but would wear a cheap red wig. Her eyes would be bright blue, reminiscent of Zaos', but would sometimes turn them. The Yanar would have a traditional 9-year-old posture and little to no muscle. Apples would grow from her limbs but few leaves would adorn her body.
Personality: (Bullet point out six personality traits. Descriptions aren't needed at this stage!)
  • Courteous
  • Curious
  • Nurturing
  • Honest
  • Self-controlled
  • Logical
What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? @Manatee_ referred me and I have always had an interest in the Yanar race and culture.
What timezone are you in? Eastern Time Zone (US).
Do you have Skype? Yes!
@Caelamus @Eccetra
IGN: Miss_Confined
Character you are applying for: Lusseth Heiwynn (Avanthar Daughter of Zaos and Ni)
Age: 4 ((I'm really flexible))
Gender: Agender but sees itself more of a female

Appearance: (Just a small paragraph or some bullet points! Skin-tone, hair, eyes, height and body build. Any deviations from the family norm? If Yanar what plumage do they grow?)
  • Skin-tone: Olive/Grassy Green
  • Hair: Dark Green, messy with straight and semi-curled leaves in a sort of bob. Has two thick kind of large branches curled to look similar to a ram's horns.
  • Eyes: Lavender with yellow scleroses
  • Height: ??? (s.o.s. please send help. sorry.)
  • Body Build: Lithe with bark on her elbows and jagged bark on her right leg.
Images that @WildRoze helped me put together when I was dreaming up the concept:

((I'll make the art better later if accepted etc. Just a rough sketch))

  • +Quiet:
  • -Timid:
  • -Overly-Sensitive:
  • +Ambitious/Determined:
  • +Compassionate:
  • -Nervous:
((Will expand upon later!))

What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? @WildRoze I have always wanted to play a Yanar but I struggle with time and usually play as my noble character, Elizabeth Black. Currently, I'm looking for a little change of pace and have always admired yanar. It's something that I wish I had decided to do sooner and would love to give it a try. Plus Silviia is a really fun character and I rarely have active roleplay families aside from House Black.

What timezone are you in? EST time
Do you have Skype? Confinedpandora
@Caelamus @Eccetra
I will address a few things. One this seedling isn't one that will be coming from Ni, as Salvia was the seedling that was born from Ni. Lusseth would be born from Zaos instead which it will look a bit different to Salvia in some ways. She wouldn't have horns, she isn't born from an Allar, and Zaos only has odd eyes and horns given he was void touched in the head. She neither would have purple eyes, She would have Blue! eyes.

She'd still have her head branches, and she already has bark. Zaos' bark trait is very dominant and a lot of his seedlings tend to have it so this is good. I also love the personality you've given her, it's a lovely combination between Zaos and Ni about right to how she'd be raised.

I see little to no other things worthy of being addressed, if you have any questions you can ask me on skype! I'll be sending you a request! Approved!

Edit: As for height, probably around 4'1
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IGN: Miss_Confined
Character you are applying for: Lusseth Heiwynn (Avanthar Daughter of Zaos and Ni)
Age: 4 ((I'm really flexible))
Gender: Agender but sees itself more of a female

Appearance: (Just a small paragraph or some bullet points! Skin-tone, hair, eyes, height and body build. Any deviations from the family norm? If Yanar what plumage do they grow?)
  • Skin-tone: Olive/Grassy Green
  • Hair: Dark Green, messy with straight and semi-curled leaves in a sort of bob. Has two thick kind of large branches curled to look similar to a ram's horns.
  • Eyes: Lavender with yellow scleroses
  • Height: ??? (s.o.s. please send help. sorry.)
  • Body Build: Lithe with bark on her elbows and jagged bark on her right leg.
Images that @WildRoze helped me put together when I was dreaming up the concept:
View attachment 102736

((I'll make the art better later if accepted etc. Just a rough sketch))

  • +Quiet:
  • -Timid:
  • -Overly-Sensitive:
  • +Ambitious/Determined:
  • +Compassionate:
  • -Nervous:
((Will expand upon later!))

What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? @WildRoze I have always wanted to play a Yanar but I struggle with time and usually play as my noble character, Elizabeth Black. Currently, I'm looking for a little change of pace and have always admired yanar. It's something that I wish I had decided to do sooner and would love to give it a try. Plus Silviia is a really fun character and I rarely have active roleplay families aside from House Black.

What timezone are you in? EST time
Do you have Skype? Confinedpandora
@Caelamus @Eccetra

Hello sister
I will address a few things. One this seedling isn't one that will be coming from Ni, as Salvia was the seedling that was born from Ni. Lusseth would be born from Zaos instead which it will look a bit different to Salvia in some ways. She wouldn't have horns, she isn't born from an Allar, and Zaos only has odd eyes and horns given he was void touched in the head. She neither would have purple eyes, She would have Blue! eyes.

She'd still have her head branches, and she already has bark. Zaos' bark trait is very dominant and a lot of his seedlings tend to have it so this is good. I also love the personality you've given her, it's a lovely combination between Zaos and Ni about right to how she'd be raised.

I see little to no other things worthy of being addressed, if you have any questions you can ask me on skype! I'll be sending you a request! Approved!

Edit: As for height, probably around 4'1
This is amazing! I'd love to pepper you in questions after school if that's alright!
IGN: _The_Unknown
Character you are applying for: Velenthil Heiwynn (child of Taenaran)
Age: 51
Gender: Agender, but leaning towards male.
Velenthil has a surprisingly dark, rich skin tone They have few scars, and the scars that they do have are faded and not easily noticeable.

This seedling has less bark than you may expect of a Heiwynn, and the bark that they do have is mainly situated on the lower arms and the face - this is an odd greyish-reddish-brown that is commonly found on some types of pine trees. The texture of this bark is also similar to pine bark.

They have one or two small white flowers growing on their head, mostly at the back, along with some long grass that resembles slightly spiky hair. This transitions into nettle-like leaves at the front of the head (though these don't sting and are more similar to 'Deadnettle' leaves), and one or two flowers which are barely recognisable as flowers - they are nettle flowers, and they fluctuate in length slightly depending on the season. This 'plant hair' is renowned for being very messy - it sticks up at odd angles and just looks like a pile of leaves has been dumped on the top of his head. These leaves are slightly lighter than the rest of his skin.
They have deep cerulean blue eyes, with yellow sclera.
Besides that, they have a relatively slim, lanky build and are quite tall, about 6'4".
Shy/dislikes strangers
Loyal / kind towards friends
What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? I'm looking to make a character that is not extreme - not a lovely, cheery little cute bunny, nor a horrible void-worshipping creep. I think Yanar are great, and I haven't properly played one in a while - plus @Wynoven said that if I didn't join I'd never enjoy herbal tea ever again for the rest of my life ever ever ever.
What timezone are you in? GMT
Do you have Skype? Yes! I do. I think you have my details on that.
@Caelamus @Eccetra
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  • IGN: Optimalfriskies

Character you are applying for:
Ninleyn Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar, child of Zaos.)



  • Eye color: Bright blue, with gold eye-whites
  • Hair color: Dark green
  • Hair style: Long messy leaves, tucked back, either in a ponytail, or just hanging loose.
  • Skin color: Mostly a dark green, with brown bark covering certain parts of his body and face.
  • Clothing: Light and comfortable attire. They do like to drift towards dark earthen colors.
  • Height: 6 ft 2, 188 cm
  • Weight: 82 kg, 181 lb
  • Body build: Mesomorph, fit.
  • Skin: Their body has bark patches all over. The shins. Shoulders forearms, the back of their hands, their cheekbones, lower part of their cheek, their chest and parts of their shoulder blade.
    They also have small primroses blooming atop their head, and the side of their neck. They mix in neatly with their hair.


  • Playful:
  • Gullible:

  • Impulsive:

  • Reliable:

  • Respectful

  • Restless:

What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family?: I've always wanted to play a Yanar, and I've also grown very fond of the silly little gang of salad leaves that make up the lovely Heiwynn salad. I'd love to be a part of this bowl, and perhaps add my own flavor to make the salad even tastier.

What timezone are you in?: UTC+1

Do you have Skype?: Si

@Eccetra @Caelamus I finally applied!
  • I've also grown very fond of the silly little gang of salad leaves that make up the lovely Heiwynn salad. I'd love to be a part of this bowl, and perhaps add my own flavor to make the salad even tastier.
I'm jealous of your metaphor skills
But it does imply that you want to put all the Heiwynns in a big bowl and eat them with dressing
Children of Taenaran which are Zaos' siblings of course, cannot be any older than 31 at most. Zaos is 48 and he is the first born between his two parents (at present, probably subject to an age bump), Nlaea being second, your character would fall under being third. Zaos is 48, Nlaea is 32. I suspect this charrie would be around 31 or so. I would advise reading over my own charrie's backstory for some ideas as to this charrie's life to some degree, how it might of been. It is highly likely aswell they may come from Daendroc and be some sort of Evergrowth mage or practice a Cielothar Magics. I've also RP'd with you before, I will add you on skype later and put you in the family chat. You can also ask me some questions if you like there regarding the character. Accepted! And no we do not have your skype, pm me it if you like.

I've already discussed this with you over skype, I'd also like to additionally point out this character would likely be raised alongside another Seedling, both may end up being trained as fighters. Their sibling they were raised with is Halcyona Heiwynn which is a drowdar seedling. I plan to play them myself later on down the road. I have your skype so I will be adding you to the family chat. Accepted!
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IGN: (Your name as it appears in-game.) Littleshep101
Character you are applying for: (Name and relation.) Elakian Heiwynn son of Sarandil Heiwynn (goes by Kian)
Age: (Self-explanatory.) 16
Gender: (Self-explanatory.) Male
Appearance: (Just a small paragraph or some bullet points! Skin-tone, hair, eyes, height and body build. Any deviations from the family norm? If Yanar what plumage do they grow?)
  • Skin tone: Olive Green
  • Hair Color: Dark Green
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Height: 5'3
  • Weight: 96.6 lbs
  • Bark: he has bark on his forearms and also calves. As well as on the back and chest.
  • Plumage: he has leaves growing around in his head and also has a few flowers on his shoulders
Personality: (Bullet point out six personality traits. Descriptions aren't needed at this stage!) If needed I will explain why but it said Desc. arn't needed
  • All of the Heiwynn Family Traits
  • Creativity/Innovative
  • Playful
  • Cocky
  • Curious
  • Optimistic
  • Slightly Disobedient
What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? (The answer can can be as simple as "I wanna play a Yanar" or "I wanna get involved with the Nenyarina." This is just for interest purposes!) almost all of these I applied to be in the Nenyarina so not as much that but yes I wish to have a Yanar character that I can play as and also I want to for intrest
What timezone are you in? (Most timezones can be accomodated for.) Mountain Time Zone
Do you have Skype? (Highly recommended for convening and Nenyarina/Apothecary chats.) YAS
@Caelamus @Eccetra
Edit: I ma just changing slight things to make it in a different character so I don't have to rewrite this all again ;-;

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