Heiwynn Family


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds

✿ The Heiwynn Family ✿

"Your typical farmers; the last of the Nenyarina."

This thread is vastly outdated and awaiting update!
Please contact @Eccetra and @Caelamus directly for inquiries.

Lineage: Yanar, Avanthar, Cielothar.
Hometown: Surya Cëllio. - Southern Daendroc.
Trade: Primary: Agriculture - Wheat & Orchards.

Secondary: Herbalism & Alchemy.
Family Colours: Cerulean, Cyan & Green
Family Animal: The Domestic Goat


Family History

The Heiwynn family reaches way back to the times of the Elven Empire, where they began under an elder name that would eventually be shortened to Heiwynn. Pre-Cataclysm, they became one of the first families to align with the Nenyarina followings of shunning affluence and returning to nature. What were once the lower-class farmers of High Elves broke off into the forests of Daendroc to converse with the ancient Nenya, joining what would become the Cielothar and learning the arts of Evergrowth magic. For the years before the Empire's fall, the Heiwynn became powerful warriors and protectors of the Nenyarina faith, forgoing their pacifist farming ways in favour of ruling over the sacred groves with a barken fist.

After the Cataclysm, the Heiwynn family found themselves abruptly without power and a cause to protect. Somewhat stubborn in their own ways, they continued to stand true to what they believed in by passing down their sacred Evergrowth magic to the next of kin, and keeping what faith they had alive through stories and promises of future redemption.

As the years passed, the Heiwynn would return to their previous occupations of farmers and horticulturists - aided by their magic - and assert themselves with their own business in food production. The family would separate into two branches; the Cielothar Heiwynn who would tend to the fields and care for the village, and the Avanthar Heiwynn who would use thorn and sword to patrol southern Daendroc and protect what fellow Nenyarina remained. The family name grew to encompass a number of other sub-families who shared a single village in trade agreement, Surya Cellio, and the settlement would continue to thrive under the careful watch and praises of its Nenyarina descendents.

In the present day, some members of the Heiwynn family have begun to elope to other continents in the quest for discovery and knowledge. Most notably, the unaware Patriarch of the family, Zaos Heiwynn, has settled into Regalia and begun to create a third branch to the ancestry by adding foreign traits to the genepool. This branch, aided by the soon-to-be Niantha Heiwynn, has begun to dabble more in the businesses of herbalism and alchemy, opening doors for further expansion in the family's trade line.

After the undead surge brought about by their enraged Goddess, the Heiwynn family have begun to revert back to their ways of warriors and protectors, and vow to prevent Aloria's purge by holding dear to the faiths in which they were originally taught. Many have become members of the new Regalian Nenyarina sect which Zaos and Niantha lead, asserting themselves with fellow Estel followers in hopes of cleansing Regalia from the undercity-up.


Family Information
Family Goals:
- To reignite the creeds and morals of the Nenyarina Order.

- To regrow and protect the ancient groves of Daendroc.
- To pass on their sacred knowledge of Evergrowth magic.

Languages: Modern Elvish & Common. (Some Daendroqean and Middle Elvish speakers.)
Religion: Strictly Faith of Estel; Nenyarina denomination.
Skills: Evergrowth magic, Beast magic and Horticulture.
- Surya Cëllio Mills, Daendroc. (Wheat and fruit production, family-owned. Main income.)

- Merrit Apothecary, Regalia. (Herbalism and alchemy, co-owned with family Merrit.)
- The Nenyarina, Regalia. (Criminal organization, partially lead by the Heiwynn family.)
Loyalties: Family Aalviënta (Niantha Alliance), Family Merrit (Business Alliance).


✿ Common Physical Traits ✿
. Height: Between 5'7" and 6'3" in all Cielothar and Avanthar branches.

. Skin colour: Medium olive tan, with rich greens and bark coverings in Yanar. Though this can and will vary from seedling to seedling, a Heiwynn Yanar's leaf skin will often have a distinct "tan" look to it. It is uncommon for one born of the original line to have no bark whatsoever on their body.

. Eye colour:
Deep cerulean blue. Nearly every member shares this distinct eye colour, though the youngest of the Zaos-Niantha line may also present violet eyes. Yellow eye-whites are dominant in Yanar.

. Hair colour: Dusty, dark brunette. In all Nelfin, Heiwynn family members possess deep auburn to chocolate locks in thick and messy quantities. It is common for the hair to be tied, braided or in other ways tamed, as it is prone to frizzing.

. Lots and lots of Yanar. Due to their fast reproduction rate and supposed connection to the Nenya, it is no surprise that the majority of the Heiwynn family are comprised of Yanar. The seedlings vary widely to encompass almost every possible line, and reproduction is often done in a ritualistic fashion to gain as many favourable traits as possible. Depending on seedling type the Yanar can differ wildly from their siblings, but some family traits will always remain.


✿ Common Mental Traits ✿
. Whimsical / Zany: Nearly every member of the Heiwynn family possesses an air of eccentric childishness, regardless of age or occupation. When at peace they are known to be zany and fun-loving, often having jovial quirks that would lead someone into believing they are much younger than they are. Every Heiwynn knows that optimism is key, and if seriousness is not a necessity then the opposite will bring serenity.

. Determined / Stubborn: A burning determination for whatever task is at hand is a common trait in nearly every Heiwynn. The family can come across as rather headstrong in their goals and motivations, and it would take a very convincing argument indeed to sway them in another direction. When a Heiwynn is presented with something they are very fond of, such as cooking, nothing will be able to stop those eggs being beaten and goats being milked.

. Kind-Hearted: One of the first things every Heiwynn child is taught is to be compassionate towards others. Forgiveness is one of the quietest and yet most powerful Virtues, and through showing kindness to others it is thought that repayment will always come their way. It would take a special kind of asshole to snap a Heiwynn so hard that they would become wrathful in pursuit of anything other than justice and valor.


Family Members
-Grey text = Naturalization through marriage.

First Generation
Matriarch Malruthiia Heiwynn (Altalar; Female; Age 113) [UNPLAYABLE]
Patriarch Taenaran Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; "Male"; Age 128) [UNPLAYABLE]
-Sarandil Heiwynn (Avanthar; Male; Age 108; Deceased) [UNPLAYABLE]
Vanadessë Heiwynn (Cielothar; Female; Age 96) [PLAYABLE]
-Maeronan Heiwynn (Cielothar; Male; Age 101) [PLAYABLE]

Second Generation
Taenaran's Children.
Patriarch Zaos Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; Agender; Age 58) @Caelamus
Matriarch Niantha Heiwynn (Cielothar Yanar; "Female"; Age 64) @Eccetra
Nlae'annë Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; "Female"; Age 46) [PLAYABLE]
Velenthil Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; Agender; Age 40) @_the_unknown
--------- Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; Agender; Age ?) [PLAYABLE]
Sarandil's Children.
Ceiwén Heiwynn (Avanthar; Male; Age 39) @HobblingHobbit
--------- Heiwynn (Avanthar; Male; Age ?) [PLAYABLE]
--------- Heiwynn (Avanthar; Female; Age ?) [PLAYABLE]

Third Generation
Zaos's Children.
Laleath Heiwynn (Tigran Yanar; "Female"; Age 30) @McLeafies
H'alwen Heiwynn (Lampar Yanar; Agender; Age 23) [PLAYABLE]
Laeroth Heiwynn (Ailor Yanar; "Female"; Age 19) @Belgrade
Zaos and Niantha's Children.
Hal'cyóna Heiwynn (Drowdar Yanar; Agender; Age 20) @Caelamus - Made from Veridan Daevaar.
Salviia Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; Agender; Age 12)
@WildRoze - Made from Keryth Auglamyr.
Lusseth Heiwynn (Avanthar Yanar; Agender; Age 12) @Miss_Confined - Made from Keryth Auglamyr.
Outercast Children.
Sinaht Heiwynn (Allar Yanar; "Female"; Age 28) @MolagBallin

Fourth Generation

Adopted Children.
M'aewiel Heiwynn (Lampar Yanar; "Female"; Age 13) @Hoshichomp3 - Child of Sinaht Heiwynn.


Zaos - Katthe - Sinaht - Niantha - Ceiwen
By @Nuutella


Want to play a Heiwynn?

Application form below.
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✿ Application Form

IGN: (Your name as it appears in-game.)
Character you are applying for: (Name and relation.)
Age: (Self-explanatory.)
Gender: (Self-explanatory.)
Appearance: (
Just a small paragraph or some bullet points! Skin-tone, hair, eyes, height and body build. Any deviations from the family norm? If Yanar what plumage do they grow?)
Personality: (Bullet point out six personality traits. Descriptions aren't needed at this stage!)
What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? (
The answer can can be as simple as "I wanna play a Yanar" or "I wanna get involved with the Nenyarina." This is just for interest purposes!)
What timezone are you in? (Most timezones can be accomodated for.)
Do you have Skype? (Highly recommended for convening and Nenyarina/Apothecary chats.)
@Caelamus @Eccetra

✿ Notes ✿
- We are open for adding new cousins and siblings to the family tree!
In this case, you may choose your own name and relation to the family. Most Yanar seedlings are compatible from far-off relatives. The surname should be Heiwynn for Zaos, or Aalviënta for Niantha.

- For reference, Zaos is 58 and Niantha is 65.
We are willing to make reasonable time-skips to accommodate for children's ages. H'alwen should be no older than 30, and any of the new seedlings should be no older than 13.

Become a full-on heretic in one easy step:
Join the Heiwynn family today!
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So what does this mean for Ni's and Ztril's child?...
where's the seedling made from apollonia SNEEZING on zaos and ni :(((

So what does this mean for Ni's and Ztril's child?...
Roussea still exists! Ztril took her away from Niantha when she started to become "mentally unstable", so for this reason Ztril has custody of her and she will remain a part of the Merrit family.

You need staff for the family?
Considering we're commoner and not noble in the slightest, (Unless you'd consider the Nenyarina's noble, which a whole other debate,) I don't think so. If this changes though I'll make a notice and tag you in it!

Not exactly, there are atleast three other remaining families is the current nenyarina
That was mainly just for flavour. Of course other followers of the Nenyarina still exist, but they are few and far between and we're the only remaining family who runs an actual Nenyarina cult. (At least in Regalia.)
white text

Roussea still exists! Ztril took her away from Niantha when she started to become "mentally unstable", so for this reason Ztril has custody of her and she will remain a part of the Merrit family.

Yeay :) alrighty just wanted to know...
IGN: HobblingHobbit
Character you are applying for: Ceiwén Heiwynn (Cousin of Zaos)
Age: 25
Gender: Male (But don't you dare assume that)
  • Eye Color: Cerulean blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Auburn

  • Hair Style: Unkempt shoulder length w/ equally rampant beard - Hair & beard frequently tied or braided

  • Skin Color: Olive tan

  • Height: 5'9 (175 cm)

  • Weight: 169 lbs (77 kg)

  • Body Build: Mesomorph
  • Wild/Thoughtless
  • Stubborn
  • Escapist
  • Family-oriented
  • Gallant
  • Affable
What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family?: I've wanted to be involved with the Neyna for a little while now, but my current main Jack just really isn't the type. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just creating Cei for the sake of being apart of the Nenya but I also am looking to diversify my role play with a different character type than my usual.
What timezone are you in?: Central (CST)
Do you have Skype?: Yes I do, I can send it through a PM if this goes any further than an application :P
@Caelamus @Eccetra

Hello! Thank you for taking an interest in joining the Heiwynn family. I love the way in which you have written the character's personality, it's very befitting. Heiwynn tend to have a very, stubborn sort of determind mindset. In which they believe in doing rather than sitting idle about something. And that he in a sense, wild and an escapist with family orientation, perfect.

Feel free to contact me or Eccetra in PM with your skype later, we will gladly add you.

Hair Style: Unkempt shoulder length w/ equally rampant beard - Hair & beard frequently tied or braided

double accepted.

IGN: WildRoze
Character you are applying for: Ianthe Heiwynn - (Avanthar-seedling, first child of Zaos/Ni)
Age: 2 [Appears toddler age fresh out of the pod]
Gender: Identifies as female


- Eye Color: Periwinkle
- Hair Color: Dark jungle green
- Hair Style: Like her mother she has a large set of leaves that form a hairdo and doesn't go past her shoulders.
- Skin Color: Olive
- Clothes: Has a big purple leaf growing in the middle of her chest as it is the thing that covers her most. She wears a light rose petal like coat with a bit hood her little horns can hide under. It is to keep her warm during cold times.

Personality: (Bullet point out six personality traits. Descriptions aren't needed at this stage!)

- Curious: Ianthe just wants to explore the world. She adores walking through forest and seeing all new types of yanar and people she hasn't seen before. She just wants to soak it all up like a sponge following strangers around sometimes to get a better look at them.
- Fun loving: Games and other fun stuff are something the little seedling overly enjoys daily. Mixed with her curiousness she wants to try everything she sees her family members do and once she finds something she likes and others compliment her for she won't stop.
- Timid: Around new people the little bubbly girl turns into a shy house plant going so far to hide behind peoples legs and climb on peoples backs to hide herself and make sure she isn't in any danger. This also has to do with the no talking to stranger rule as she will barely speak if she doesn't know the person well.
- Emotional satellite: Seeing someone smile or hearing someone cry can set of the same exact emotion with in her. Still trying to learn things this started of as a habit but has now become second nature. If her mother is upset she will be upset and if her father is happy she will start laughing. It is a bad thing though that when one person is upset the rest of the people most likely are too.

What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family?
A while back I started playing a little Isldar seedling named Nymphadora and I enjoyed playing her a lot. I remembered how much I enjoyed playing children that are more fun loving but shy towards the outside world. Still though I tried to play that character she felt a little empty with out having a family. I still want to play her but in a different form so I thought joining the plant family I know would be a good choice. I am not sure how active I will play her but I will play her when needed and with love.

Ps. if you think the child wouldn't be there yet feel free to deny or keep this pending~

What timezone are you in? Gmt+ 1 Netherlands
Do you have Skype?: Jup and you got me.
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✿ The Heiwynn Family ✿

"Your typical farmers; the last of the Nenyarina."

Lineage: Yanar, Cielothar & Avanthar.
Hometown: Cúnasirya - Southern Daendroc.
Trade: Primary: Agriculture - Wheat & Orchards.

Secondary: Herbalism & Alchemy.
Family Colours: Cerulean, Cyan & Green
Family Animal: The Domestic Goat


Family History

The Heiwynn family reaches way back to the times of the Elven Empire, where they began under an elder name that would eventually be shortened to Heiwynn. Pre-Cataclysm, they became one of the first families to align with the Nenyarina followings of shunning affluence and returning to nature. What were once the lower-class farmers of High Elves broke off into the forests of Daendroc to converse with the ancient Nenya, joining what would become the Cielothar and learning the arts of Evergrowth magic. For the years before the Empire's fall, the Heiwynn became powerful warriors and protectors of the Nenyarina faith, forgoing their pacifist farming ways in favour of ruling over the sacred groves with a barken fist.

After the Cataclysm, the Heiwynn family found themselves abruptly without power and a cause to protect. Somewhat stubborn in their own ways, they continued to stand true to what they believed in by passing down their sacred Evergrowth magic to the next of kin, and keeping what faith they had alive through stories and promises of future redemption.

As the years passed, the Heiwynn would return to their previous occupations of farmers and horticulturists, aided by magic and asserting themselves with their own business in food production. The family would separate into two branches; the Cielothar Heiwynn who would tend to the fields and care for the village, and the Avanthar Heiwynn who would use both thorn and sword to protect their beloved groves and what fellow Nenyarina remained. The family grew to encompass a number of other sub-families who shared a single village in trade agreement, Cúnasirya, and the settlement would continue to thrive to this day under the careful watch and praises of the Nenyarina descendents.

In the present day, some members of the Heiwynn family have begun to elope to other continents in the quest for discovery and knowledge. Most notably, the unaware Patriarch of the family, Zaos Heiwynn, has settled into Regalia and begun to create a third branch to the ancestry, by forming bonds with other kin and introducing new traits to the genepool. This branch, aided by the soon-to-be Niantha Heiwynn, has begun to dabble more in the businesses of herbalism and alchemy, opening doors for further expansion in the family's trade line.

After the undead blight brought about by their enraged Goddess, the Heiwynn family have begun to revert back to their old ways of warriors and protectors, and vow to prevent Aloria's purge by holding dear to the faiths in which they were originally taught. Many have become members of the new Regalian Nenyarina sect which Zaos and Niantha lead, asserting themselves with fellow Estel followers in hopes of cleansing Regalia from the undercity-up.

The extent to which the Cúnasirya has been affected by the bone horrors is unbeknownst to Zaos at present, however it is suspected that the Heiwynn family numbers have been severely crippled. Whilst some may have survived in the rural village, it is most likely that they will need to repopulate to save this ancient family and their skills.


Family Information
Family Goals:
- To reignite the creeds and morals of the Nenyarina Order.

- To regrow and protect the ancient groves of Daendroc.
- To pass on their sacred knowledge of Evergrowth magic.

Languages: Modern Elvish & Common. (Daendroquean and Middle Elvish interpreters are available.)
Religion: Strictly Faith of Estel- Nenyarina denomination.
Skills: Evergrowth magic, Light magic, Horticulture, Meditation, Cooking.
- Cúnasirya Mills, Daendroc. (Wheat and fruit production, family-owned. Main income.)

- Merrit Apothecary, Regalia. (Herbalism and alchemy, co-owned with family Merrit.)
- The Nenyarina, Regalia. (Criminal organization, partially lead by the Heiwynn family.)
Loyalties: Family Gwaeth'orn (Niantha Alliance), Family Merrit (Business Alliance).


✿ Common Physical Traits ✿
. Height: Between 5'7" and 6'3" in all Cielothar and Avanthar branches.

. Eye colour: Deep cerulean blue. Nearly every member shares this distinct eye colour, though the youngest of the Zaos-Niantha line may also present violet eyes. Yellow eye-whites are dominant in Yanar.

. Hair colour: Dusty, dark brunette. In all Nelfin, Heiwynn family members possess dusty brown to deep chocolate locks in thick and messy quantities. It is common for the hair to be tied, braided or in other ways tamed, as it is prone to frizzing.

. Leaf colour: Rich forest green, and sparse coverings of bark. Though this can and will vary from seedling to seedling, a Heiwynn Yanar's leaf skin will often have a distinct "tan" look to it. It is uncommon for one born of the original line to have no bark whatsoever on their body.

. Lots and lots of Yanar. Due to their fast reproduction rate and supposed connection to the Nenya, it is no surprise that the majority of the Heiwynn family are comprised of Yanar. The seedlings vary widely to encompass almost every possible line, and reproduction is often done in a ritualistic fashion to gain as many favourable traits as possible. Depending on seedling type the Yanar can differ wildly from their siblings, but some family traits will always remain.


✿ Common Mental Traits ✿
. Whimsical: Nearly every member of the Heiwynn family possesses an air of eccentric childishness, regardless of age or occupation. When at peace they are known to be zany and fun-loving, often having jovial quirks that would lead someone unfamiliar into believing they are much younger than they are. Every Heiwynn knows that optimism is key, and if seriousness is not a necessity then the opposite will bring serenity.

. Kind-Hearted: One of the first things every Heiwynn child is taught is to be compassionate towards others. Forgiveness is one of the quietest and yet most powerful Virtues, and through showing kindness to others it is thought that repayment will always come their way. It would take a special kind of asshole to snap a Heiwynn so hard that they would become wrathful in pursuit of anything other than justice.

. Stubborn: A burning determination for whatever task is at hand is a common trait in nearly every Heiwynn. The family can come across as rather headstrong in their goals and motivations, and it would take a very convincing argument indeed to sway them in another direction. When a Heiwynn is presented with something they are very fond of, such as cooking, nothing will be able to stop those eggs being beaten and goats being milked.


Family Members
~The Regalian Heiwynn~

Zaos Heiwynn (Son of Taenaran & Malruthiia) @Caelamus
Matriarch: Niantha Gwaeth'orn (Nee from Merrit) @Eccetra

Siblings & Cousins:
Ceiwén Heiwynn (Avanthar, half-brother of Zaos) @HobblingHobbit
Llenasse Gwaeth'orn (Nelfin-seedling, sibling of Niantha)
UNNAMED (Nelfin-seedling, sibling of Zaos) [PLAYABLE]
Sinaht Heiwynn (Allar-seedling, cousin of Zaos) @MolagBallin
UNNAMED (Cielothar, cousin of Zaos)
UNNAMED (Avanthar, cousin of Zaos) [PLAYABLE]

Laeroth Heiwynn (Ailor-seedling, first child of Zaos) @Belgrade
Laleath Heiwynn (Tigran-seedling, second child of Zaos) [PLAYABLE]
H'alwen Heiwynn (Lampar-seedling, third child of Zaos) [PLAYABLE]
Katthe Gwaeth'orn (Ailor, adopted child of Niantha) @Nuutella
Mae'wiel Heiwynn (Lampar-seedling, adopted child of Sinaht)@HoshiChomp12
UNNAMED (Avanthar-seedling, first child of Zaos/Ni)
UNNAMED (Avanthar-seedling, second child of Zaos/Ni) [PLAYABLE?]


Zaos - Katthe - Sinaht - Niantha - Ceiwen
By @Nuutella


Want to play a Heiwynn?

Application form below.
Gee i wonder who the father is
- Timid: Around new people the little bubbly girl turns into a shy house plant going so far to hide behind peoples legs and climb on peoples backs to hide herself and make sure she isn't in any danger. This also has to do with the no talking to stranger rule as she will barely speak if she doesn't know the person well.

Pfft. @TheSilverSpectre and I will beat that out of you in Pröta'll training. Prepare to get swoll.

The seedling is still for the most part still in incubation on the tree and I do not feel that we are necessarily ready to have a time skip. I think we may also be planning on adding more potential seedlings. I enjoy the arts, concepts and efforts you put into the character. For now I'll just leave it as pending as you've suggested.

As I said once before, I think this is pretty damn good.

I'd quite like to join, but before I fill out an app and all that, I'd like to ask if I could (assuming I get approved in the long-run) make an Evergrowth user, and which characters would be the most logical to pick for that type of magical character. As well as that, I'd like to also ask if you guys would actually like me to join in the first place.

I'll delete this as to not clutter your thread if necessary/requested.
Hiya! I'm aware that Caelamus is actually chatting to you over skype right now, but I'll swing in to answer your question here anyway.

Evergrowth runs in the family, though it is relatively protected and only taught to those thought to be strong and able-minded enough to wield it. (So those who are determined, morally righteous and emotionally extraverted.)
The best picks for an Evergrowth character would either be one of Zaos's children, one of the new kids, or a sibling of Zaos's. (All would be Yanar.) A half-sibling or cousin that is a Cielothar would definitely be workable too.

I'm not sure if I've ever roleplayed with you, but I see you on the forums a lot and I'd definitely be willing to have you along! Not to mention that you're already a good friend of Cael's. You'll find no problems here, buddy.

Note: this is for when and if you want to timeskip! Feel free to leave me pending for as long as you like if you would like this.
IGN: McLeafies
Character you are applying for: Lusseth Heiwynn
Age: 9-11
Gender: Agender, still using "them" or "they" pronouns. Looks quite masculine in fact.
Appearance: upload_2016-11-11_17-39-18.png

Not the best at keeping too many secrets at once

What are your motivations for joining the Heiwynn family? I love y'all and still wanna rp with you often so this is a good idea!
What timezone are you in? GMT
Do you have Skype? you both have me added!
@Caelamus @Eccetra
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After speaking to both applicants...
@WildRoze has been accepted as Niantha and Zaos's first Avanthar seedling, Salvia Heiwynn!
@Wynoven has been accepted as Zaos's sword-wielding Tigran seedling, Laleath Heiwynn!

Recruitment is still open for Salvia's twin, as well as new seedlings, siblings and some older family members!

Special shoutout to:
- Keryth Auglamyr (@Suzzie)
- Apollonia Tzavaras (@Manatee_)
- Veridan Daevaar (@deadfoe51)
For kindly donating their characters DNA. (Wilfully or not <3)

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After speaking to both applicants...
@WildRoze has been accepted as Niantha and Zaos's first Avanthar seedling, Salvia Heiwynn!
@Wynoven has been accepted as Zaos's sword-wielding Tigran seedling, Laleath Heiwynn!

Recruitment is still open for Salvia's twin, as well as new seedlings, siblings and some older family members!

Special shoutout to:
- Keryth Auglamyr (@Suzzie)
- Appolonia Tzavaras (@Manatee_)
- Veridan Daevaar (@deadfoe51)
For kindly donating their characters DNA. (Wilfully or not <3)

Wait who is my dna parent?