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Played Character Heinrich Steinn

This character is actively played.
Dec 29, 2024
Reaction score

Character Information​

Full Name: Heinrich Steinn
Heritage / Culture: Urlan (Previously Kaini Velheim Ailor)
Age: 37
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Character Occupation: Freelance / Mercenary​

Appearance Information:​

Eye Color: Blue w/ orange sclera
Fur Color: Chestnut Brown
Hair: slightly darker brown
Height: roughly 6'10" ft w/o horns, near 8 ft to the top of horns
Body Type: Bipedal - broad chested
Additional Features: Large curled Ibex horns​



Feature 1 - Urlan can declare one person their "Ward" (does not need consent), which grants +1 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while in Emote Range. This must be declared on a Character Application to apply.

Feature 2 - Urlan gain +2 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while either in Gloomrot Forest, or while outside of the city boundaries, such as the Hunting Trails, the Forests, and roads leading out of Regalia.

Feature 3 - Urlan have superior metabolism, need to eat less to survive, do not feel cold temperatures or suffer hypothermia, have night-vision in the dark, and can eat spoiled/raw/poisoned food without issue.

Feature 4 - Urlan have very minor shapeshifting abilities through the Oorl Worm's substance, being able to bulk up or slim down on command by increasing or decelerating the growth hormone production of the glands.

Feature 5 - Urlan can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

Common - You know what this is.
Oortaan - Oorl worm language
Ørsti - Language of the Kaini people​


- Excerpts from the official report of the only recovered survivor of another ambush by a pack of wild Urlan.​

Once I was simply a hand on one of the many Kaini supply ships, had been for many winters.
One of our normal trade routes was interrupted midway by the man in the crows nest spotting smoke by the coast. A team including me departed from the ship with extra emergency supplies to investigate but instead of some shipwrecked survivors it was an ambush by a band of wild Urlan.
The crew fought hard but many were slain and the best fighters captured if not too grievously wounded or turned on the spot if dying but were deemed 'worthy'.
I was unfortunately captured with minimal wounds, though I fought well enough for them to keep me alive. I was made to kneel, watching the gruesome sight of them turning the wounded into Urlan as those worms [redacted] flesh of my barely living shipmates.
By the last of the wounded I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't just sit there and watch. I lunged at the one with a crown of horns, perhaps the packs shaman or whoever is responsible for looking after the worms, about to force another worm upon my friends.
But they had disarmed me, so I could only punch and flail at him.
It didnt work. They laughed at me and restrained me once more, this time holding me down and not letting me in any position to move or do anything.
They declared that if I was so eager I could go next and gave me a closeup view of the man I had failed to save.
They dragged my to my knees and... Look, I don't want to think of what happened next. If you want some [redacted] sick description of what happens go read a book or something.
When I awoke next my mind was... muddled to say the least. I don't know how but in that state I somehow made my way back to the tenders the team set out from ship with and tried to row myself back to the ship, thankful that it was still there waiting after I don't know how long.
Only to be fired upon by the crew as I got closer and they began to sail away, assuming the team they sent out was lost... [redacted] recognise me, thought I was one of the wild Urlan. From there I realised that I couldn't return to my crew yet I refused to go back to those beasts that changed me.
So I rowed for a time, back towards where I remember the closest settlement was. I was lucky the tender I grabbed still had some of the supplies in it. I eventually made my way back though by then I was scavenging for at least a week.
Long story short from there, I made my way back to where I called home to find I'm no longer accepted there as I am now. Then I came here to give the report so the families of the rest of the team will know what happened.
...Yes I can give you the names of who I know died and... survived.
What am I planning to do now? ...Leave, I plan to leave. Go somewhere I can make a new life for myself. My home is no longer here.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities​

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Constitution​

[15/15 points spent]

Proficiency Points:​

Strength: 7
- Technique Parry
- Concussive Blow
- Diving Tackle
- Shrug Off
- Weapon Throw (free)
- Knockback Sweep
- Magebane Strike
- Shattering Strike​

Constitution: 5
- Rebound
- Fortitude
- Rage Counter
- Bulwark
- Thick Hide​

Intelligence: 3
- Puretek Blessing
- Puretek Evade
- Puretek Burn​

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Magic: 0

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