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Played Character Seryalt of Hjordi, the White Bear

This character is actively played.
Apr 3, 2020
Reaction score
Full Name: Seryalt Imssulan
Heritage / Culture: Mixed Heritage Isldar (Lanlath Recessive), Frostlander and Velheim (Tryggi and Hjordi)
Age: 49
Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Religion: Fornoss (Eili), synchretized with Draconism (Gaia, Umbra)

Occult: Refracted Arkenborn (Justice Fornoss Bard Refraction), Nature-Cursed Marken
Character Occupation: Monster-Slayer

Appearance Information

Eye Color:
Eidolon blue eyes.
Skin Color: Pallid White
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Height: 6'2
Body Type: Slim, toned.
Additional Features: Despite his elven ancestry, Seryalt has ressemblence to an Ailor, due to his Bardvir status. He is rather hairy, with sharp teeth in his mouth.

Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents:
Athletic, Medicine, Alchemy / Magic, Cleric

  • Heritage:
    • Isldar:
      • Isldar are natural-born Arctic survivalists who have spent centuries adapting to the cold of Ellador. Not only are they immune to the harm from frost or cold sources, but they do not suffer loss of vision or orientation during a blizzard or weather conditions. Isldar are not affected by Magical Weather Area Effects. Isldar can sing frost into the water, causing ice crystals to form that do not melt when exposed to heat.

      • Isldar hold power over the passage of life and death. If they are near a person who is about to die, they can either ensure that the soul passes into the afterlife and is not stolen by other entities or prevent it from even detaching from their body, thus turning that person into an Undead forcibly (keep in mind, doing either has moral weight and is judged by Religions). Additionally, Isldar can see the Soul Rivers, the natural pathways souls take to reach the afterlife, and can tell if a person has died if they know their true name.

      • Isldar who do not follow the Evolism Religion can put security incantations and prayers on their homes, making them naturally impervious from being spied upon, or broken into. With the OOC consent of other players, they can also use spy equipment to discover what is happening in their Rental Regions.

      • Isldar who do not follow the Evolism Religion can put security incantations and prayers on their homes, making them naturally impervious from being spied upon, or broken into. With the OOC consent of other players, they can also use spy equipment to discover what is happening in their Rental Regions.
    • Lanlath:
      • Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
  • Refracted Fornoss Bard Justice Arkenborn:
    • The Justice Arkenborn Godborn have incurable (non-Infectious) Markenism (Bear-variant), however it contains no downsides. They are always fully in control of themselves when they Transform, and can always dictate when they Transform. They are immune to outside forced-Transformation Mechanics, and can speak normal languages when in any Transformation. They also gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking cap up to 11) attacking Void Spirits.
    • Justice Arkenborn can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past).

    • Justice Arkenborn if in Melee Range of a Gate or Fence or Door blocking off an entryway, are able to Gate Smash their way through, or bend the bars to let themselves and others pass.

Languages: Sulavey, Isldar Sulavey, Common, Dwarven, Dasigyl, Orsti

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Technique Parry
    • Shattering Strike
    • Wounded Ego
    • Heavy Throw
    • Steady Body
    • Stalwart
    • Oceanic Pack
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rage Counter
    • Shield Cover
    • Iron Will
    • Breather
    • Cavalry Summon
    • Cavalry Roar
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Chem Berserk
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Sharp Reflexes
  • Faith: 1
    • Guided Prayer


Seryalt's birth was an unlikely event, truth be told- Born in Ellador, the mixed elf's mortal father only met the Justice Arkenborn for being one of the most ardent appliers of Isldar law on foreigners trying to infiltrate their territories, no hatred in his heart, only merely a desire to be apply the law as it was. For this, Seryalt had a rough infancy- Being distinctly different to the rest of his kin. Yet, his father always was there for him, aiding him at any chance.

[Gotta write on the Civil War once I understand it more.]

[Vampires come, his father dies to save him, he flees first to to Anduin- He is disliked at first, because he is an elf and a weird one at that, but hey he starts to help around, killing monsters and threats, they grow to tolerate him. He even makes some friends, who will craft his sword and his chain.]

[Some vampires come after him, as Queen Atieliev has heard news of this Justice Arkenborn, and wants to capture him, since she thinks she could benefit from that. The vampires are repelled, but Seryalt realises that by staying in Anduin, he is directing unwanted attention to Anduin. He takes a ship, intending on fleeing elsewhere, and ends up in the shores of the Cains.]

[He is generally rejected by the Kaini Ailor, and spends weeks surviving on his own- Before drawing attention from a pack of Urlan. Luckily, he is saved by a tribe of Hjordi Ailor, who, while not immediatley trusting him, offer him hospitality- For the entire next year, Seryalt spends with the tribes, their nature similar due to the attitudes of both cultures. Seyralt finds his place in this community, but the fact that they are dying out by the Urlan, aches his heart. To become fully one of theirs, he decides to take up the role of Bardvir, and marches to Regalia to seek aid and justice for the only people who have accepted him.]

As a monster slayer, Seytar hunts:

- Feral Marken
- Afflicted
- Urlan who would be cause of trouble
- Other monstrosities
- Demons, mainly Abyss ones.

He also opposes:
- Evolists
- Death Cultists

He dislikes:
- Estelley Faithful
- Pro-Allorn Elves
- The Selvenya and (most of) Argentum Order
- Deep Will Faithful
-Truth Hounds and Oathbreaker Argentum Chapter
He is neutral towards:
- Broken God Faithful
- Unionist Faithful

- Bloodcast, Viridian and Lothar Orders
- Khama Faithful (though he is sympathetic to their causes)

He aligns with:
- Fornoss Faithful
- Draconist Faithful
- Aelrrigan Order

Stuff still needs to be wrote out.
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