⇶Full Name | Harta Diahcinta Bahtera
→(Digmaan of Digmaan Bahtera)
⇶Race | Allar: Rama caste⇶Culture | Kota-Allar
⇶Age | 44 (Hatched Sept. 20th, 266 A.C.)
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Identifies male, he/him
⇶Eye Color | Mustard yellow
⇶Occult | N/A

Harta is a conventionally raised Rama. Hatched as the princely child of Diwaba Digmaan, he became an experienced undersea military leader in the Chrysant War and Hadarian Civil War, and more recently a liberal politician for colonial Hadar in the Imperial Palace. Harta is a politically militant animal; independently minded and idealistic, he is willing to engage with 'revolutionary' ideas when it comes to who he regards as his people, and the future of Hadar within the Regalian world.
Despite his predacious appearance, Harta is an approachable and conversational figure. Believing himself the Digmaan equivalent of a philosopher-king, he engages with morality, religion, history on academic terms- but has the power to apply it into the real world, and he knows it. Harta would be considered a colonial Collectivist by an future scholar of the 310s A.C., and believes in the advent of Regalian federalism, with a broad, sweeping introduction of republican elements into the Regalian (especially Hadar) world. This remains, however, underpinned by an authoritarian bend true of almost any Rama, where such ideals must be applied by force to the uninformed and largely unwashed masses through any means necessary. Thanks to his hatching and childhood spend undersea with Diwaba-Allar parents, he does not view the State as inevitable and believes it malleable to its very core. Differing slightly from a full collectivist however, he does believe in a relatively controlled use of magic (Conjurer Archon-style), however entirely supports the rehabilitation of the Afflicted and Undead.
He holds amongst his Keyakinan: Zanobi first and foremost, followed by the - though he hardly excludes the other from occasional prayer. Therefore, whilst not overtly spiritual when it comes to religion, he is far from an atheist. Harta holds Zanobi amongst his Keyakinan first and foremost with the belief he should create the opportunity for as much kindness as possible in the world. He also broadly appreciates Guided Unionism and the lessons and advice found within, and has learned the most about the Gods and God-Guides of Cedromar and Tristan, then Morgan and Narsil, however generally wishes to learn more. He approaches Unionism however as an outsider, and the victim of a violent crusade against his people, and thus his appreciation and participation in the faith are molded by this reality.
He holds amongst his Keyakinan: Zanobi first and foremost, followed by the - though he hardly excludes the other from occasional prayer. Therefore, whilst not overtly spiritual when it comes to religion, he is far from an atheist. Harta holds Zanobi amongst his Keyakinan first and foremost with the belief he should create the opportunity for as much kindness as possible in the world. He also broadly appreciates Guided Unionism and the lessons and advice found within, and has learned the most about the Gods and God-Guides of Cedromar and Tristan, then Morgan and Narsil, however generally wishes to learn more. He approaches Unionism however as an outsider, and the victim of a violent crusade against his people, and thus his appreciation and participation in the faith are molded by this reality.

Harta is quite clearly an aquatically-build Diwaba-Allar, though it is in form only, for he dresses in a Kota-Allar style, and holds himself just the same. From the perspective of a conversation partner, one would be greeted with the snaggletooth head of a Platecarpus (Mosasaur) Allar with a set of ornately decorated fins on either side of his head. Harta's scales are patterned similar to a dusky dolphin, with sleek white-scaled brows and a similar underbelly and neck. He stands at an impressive 6'10, and is overall well-muscled thanks to his aquatic disposition. He has a set of mustard-colored eyes that would strike one as predacious, grizzled, and on occasion, tired. He has fins on his forearms, and a powerful fluked tail.
Harta generally dresses in a rich and Regal fashion, though occasions adorns outfits suited for a Regalianized Digmaan.

⇶Points spent | 14/14
⇶Strength | 0 | Claws
→Body Adaptability Pack (Allar Buff 1)
⇶Constitution | 5→Debuff Endurance Pack (Allar Buff 2)
→Rebound Pack
→Interception Pack
→Cavalry Charge Pack
→Cavalry Bucking Pack
→Cavalry Rearing Pack
⇶Wisdom | 7→Rebound Pack
→Interception Pack
→Cavalry Charge Pack
→Cavalry Bucking Pack
→Cavalry Rearing Pack
→Focus Command Pack
→Aquatic Command Pack
→Attack Command Pack
→Defend Command Pack
→Champion Command Pack
→Overwhelm Command Pack
→Resist Command Pack
⇶Dexterity | 0→Aquatic Command Pack
→Attack Command Pack
→Defend Command Pack
→Champion Command Pack
→Overwhelm Command Pack
→Resist Command Pack
⇶Arcane | 2 | Simple alchemy, Chemtech→Chem Talent (Allar Buff 3, 5/10)
→Gadget Combat (Allar Buff 3, 2/10)
→Chem Endure Pack
→Chem Berserk Pack
⇶Faith | 0 | Allar Keyakinan→Gadget Combat (Allar Buff 3, 2/10)
→Chem Endure Pack
→Chem Berserk Pack
⇶Language:→Fluent: Common (Chrysant War), Pidato (Native)
→Semi-Fluent: Zoram (Administration), Daendroque (Trade)
→Basic Phrases: Kriv (Military), Calem (Military), d'Ithanie (Court)
→Semi-Fluent: Zoram (Administration), Daendroque (Trade)
→Basic Phrases: Kriv (Military), Calem (Military), d'Ithanie (Court)

⇶ The Young Prince (0-11): Harta Diahcinta Bahtera was hatched undersea south of the island of Huallo, to the Diwaba Digmaan Diah Jokoayah Bahtera and their Kota-Allar, Essa-politician and partner, Diwa-Digmaan Pawiro Ranucinta Dasarlaut in the year 266 A.C. Diah was the far harsher and volatile of the two parents, and Pawiro knew this, keeping Harta safe and offering familial love that his other parent never would. Harta spent his early days undersea Digragga of his parents, treated to education by the various Allar castes of his parents moderately wealthy, though somewhat barren realm near the heart of Hadaria. The Essa Empire, finding its footing during this era, was a major player in Harta's childhood, and it was a common occurrence for Harta to meet and speak to the many Slizzar who enjoyed his parent's surface-court, of whom they would visit frequently.
⇶ An Apprentice (11-19): As Harta grew older, he began to follow in the wake of both his parents with an apprenticeship in politics and warfare, though the latter would take precedent. Venturing out with his parent Diah to the open sea, he would join them on numerous operations conquering the last anti-Essa holdouts undersea, as well as raiding coastal pirate strongholds of Diwaba-Allar nearby, with Harta serving as a young Rama officer. When not at sea, he would travel to Huallo itself with Pawiro, where he would sit in with his Diwa-Digmaan father and listen to the grand meetings held between the various Digmaan and Slizzar of Hadar, all before the Empress Mananya-Manya, whom he admired deeply. This routine continued for many, many years.
⇶ The Chrysant War: (19-24): Harta enrolled in the Huallo Naval Academy in the winter of 285-286, and managed to study for only a few months before the Regalian Empire's surprise attack. His mobilization was swift, and thanks to prior experience at sea both above and below, young Harta was given a squadron command, with crack Diwaba-marines onboard for what amounted to alchemical, submarine warfare. Though initially his engagements were sparse thanks to the continual truces and pauses in the Essa's fighting thanks to the attempts at peace by the Empress, it soon became all-out warfare. Harta was involved in brutal fighting through north-central and north-western Hadar, using undersea tactics alien to the Regalians to sink numerous warships. Ultimately however, it was a losing fight against superior Regalian firepower. Come 290, Harta and his squadron could only evacuate token amounts of civilians before the Regalian's genocidal advance. Continuing to retreat south, Harta eventually reached the main island where both Digmaan Bahtera and Huallo were located.
⇶ Essan Nadir (24): The late winter and spring of 291 A.C. was the worst time of Harta's life. Though the Regalian fleet was briefly halted as the Essa Empire attempted to mount a counteroffensive, this last, and truly token defense, could not hold against the Ailor tide. Come March of 291, the war was long decided. Mere hours ahead of the Regalian fleet, Harta could no longer stop to evacuate civilians, leaving them to their fates as his squadron desperately fled south. Sailing into the harbor of Huallo, Harta was horrified to see the evacuation fleet present had not yet left- and whilst he had tried to warn them of the Regalian armada's proximity, it was no use. The Slaughter at Huallo was wholesale, and Harta's few ships, whilst they fired back and his undersea marines attempted to engage, were thoroughly thrashed and destroyed-- along with hundreds of others. Harta sunk to the bottom of the deepwater harbor as serpents, alchemical toxins and corpses rained from above. Fleeing out to sea with a few marine survivors, he could only watch from afar as the city and its inhabitants were dealt a Regalian fate. He arrived with his small band some days later in Bahtera territory, where he found that his parent Diah had been overthrown by their Diwa-Digmaan. Harta, as heir, managed to re-establish control just in time to submit to a Regalian surrender.
⇶ The Ascent (24-41): The years following Regalian victory saw Bahteran territory rapidly change- both half terrestrial and half aquatic, it was the former which would draw Harta's attention more. From Regalian military governors, to a number of extractive, harmful industries placed without the consent of the new colonial subjects- Harta was a ruler only in name upon the surface, but he bided his time, quietly holding onto power. As it became clear the Allar would not rise, their Regalian overlords grew soft, and Harta was able to deftly re-assert control over most of his realm, with treaties, backroom deals and the quid-pro-quo use of otherwise dejected Slizzar. Harta played it safe during years after he gained power, but by 307, he was able to help Digmaan Yaotl and the re-establishment of a Hadarian realm under Hadarian leadership. As soon as he could he began to rebuild and rearm an armada using newfound Regalian designs modified to suit the decent contingent of submarine, Diwaba mercenaries.
⇶ Sendrassians and Regalians (41-43): Said armada would come in handy with the Sendrassian Invasion of 308-309, which saw Harta attempt to use his armada in defense of the southern islands, only to be rebuffed by Regalian military involvement from the north- but it was a Regalian military that had grown fat and happy with their easy victories, and not the military that had squashed his people some fifteen years prior. He was unable to participate, and watched as the war saw mistake after preventable mistake, all from afar. He was not amongst the Digmaan who closed Hadar off to the Regalians, but in time, he did support it.
⇶ To Regalia (43-44): In the Fall of 309 AC, Harta sailed to Regalia to make a bid for military support in Hadar to prepare for a renewed offensive in the Spring of 310 against the Sendrassians. Though he was unable to convince them of this, he met a Nang, deeply involved in the Regalian Government, by the name of Saranmual who he quickly became involved with. Staying longer than he intended, he and his partner would prosecute the advent of the Hadarian Civil Crisis, as well as the sudden and avoidable opening of the Carrhen Conflict. Harta was a military leader in this conflict, a fact he has come to regret deeply, and soon sought to correct by plying himself in Hadar. However, Hadar too soon broke into war, causing both he and Saranamual to return to the Bahteran realms to prosecute the conflict on the side of the Triumvirate of Progress. Harta's Diwaba-Allar subjects rose up shortly after his return.
⇶ The Present (44-?): In the Summer of 311 AC, after a year of on-and-off fighting using his new Regalian-styled warships, Harta would return to Regalia following a lull in the Hadarian fighting and the re-establishment of control over his Diwaba subjects. Now in the city, he plans to meet old friends, and figure out the state of the city in the wake up the Emperor's disappearance- especially what it might mean for Hadaria, and his people.
⇶ An Apprentice (11-19): As Harta grew older, he began to follow in the wake of both his parents with an apprenticeship in politics and warfare, though the latter would take precedent. Venturing out with his parent Diah to the open sea, he would join them on numerous operations conquering the last anti-Essa holdouts undersea, as well as raiding coastal pirate strongholds of Diwaba-Allar nearby, with Harta serving as a young Rama officer. When not at sea, he would travel to Huallo itself with Pawiro, where he would sit in with his Diwa-Digmaan father and listen to the grand meetings held between the various Digmaan and Slizzar of Hadar, all before the Empress Mananya-Manya, whom he admired deeply. This routine continued for many, many years.
⇶ The Chrysant War: (19-24): Harta enrolled in the Huallo Naval Academy in the winter of 285-286, and managed to study for only a few months before the Regalian Empire's surprise attack. His mobilization was swift, and thanks to prior experience at sea both above and below, young Harta was given a squadron command, with crack Diwaba-marines onboard for what amounted to alchemical, submarine warfare. Though initially his engagements were sparse thanks to the continual truces and pauses in the Essa's fighting thanks to the attempts at peace by the Empress, it soon became all-out warfare. Harta was involved in brutal fighting through north-central and north-western Hadar, using undersea tactics alien to the Regalians to sink numerous warships. Ultimately however, it was a losing fight against superior Regalian firepower. Come 290, Harta and his squadron could only evacuate token amounts of civilians before the Regalian's genocidal advance. Continuing to retreat south, Harta eventually reached the main island where both Digmaan Bahtera and Huallo were located.
⇶ Essan Nadir (24): The late winter and spring of 291 A.C. was the worst time of Harta's life. Though the Regalian fleet was briefly halted as the Essa Empire attempted to mount a counteroffensive, this last, and truly token defense, could not hold against the Ailor tide. Come March of 291, the war was long decided. Mere hours ahead of the Regalian fleet, Harta could no longer stop to evacuate civilians, leaving them to their fates as his squadron desperately fled south. Sailing into the harbor of Huallo, Harta was horrified to see the evacuation fleet present had not yet left- and whilst he had tried to warn them of the Regalian armada's proximity, it was no use. The Slaughter at Huallo was wholesale, and Harta's few ships, whilst they fired back and his undersea marines attempted to engage, were thoroughly thrashed and destroyed-- along with hundreds of others. Harta sunk to the bottom of the deepwater harbor as serpents, alchemical toxins and corpses rained from above. Fleeing out to sea with a few marine survivors, he could only watch from afar as the city and its inhabitants were dealt a Regalian fate. He arrived with his small band some days later in Bahtera territory, where he found that his parent Diah had been overthrown by their Diwa-Digmaan. Harta, as heir, managed to re-establish control just in time to submit to a Regalian surrender.
⇶ The Ascent (24-41): The years following Regalian victory saw Bahteran territory rapidly change- both half terrestrial and half aquatic, it was the former which would draw Harta's attention more. From Regalian military governors, to a number of extractive, harmful industries placed without the consent of the new colonial subjects- Harta was a ruler only in name upon the surface, but he bided his time, quietly holding onto power. As it became clear the Allar would not rise, their Regalian overlords grew soft, and Harta was able to deftly re-assert control over most of his realm, with treaties, backroom deals and the quid-pro-quo use of otherwise dejected Slizzar. Harta played it safe during years after he gained power, but by 307, he was able to help Digmaan Yaotl and the re-establishment of a Hadarian realm under Hadarian leadership. As soon as he could he began to rebuild and rearm an armada using newfound Regalian designs modified to suit the decent contingent of submarine, Diwaba mercenaries.
⇶ Sendrassians and Regalians (41-43): Said armada would come in handy with the Sendrassian Invasion of 308-309, which saw Harta attempt to use his armada in defense of the southern islands, only to be rebuffed by Regalian military involvement from the north- but it was a Regalian military that had grown fat and happy with their easy victories, and not the military that had squashed his people some fifteen years prior. He was unable to participate, and watched as the war saw mistake after preventable mistake, all from afar. He was not amongst the Digmaan who closed Hadar off to the Regalians, but in time, he did support it.
⇶ To Regalia (43-44): In the Fall of 309 AC, Harta sailed to Regalia to make a bid for military support in Hadar to prepare for a renewed offensive in the Spring of 310 against the Sendrassians. Though he was unable to convince them of this, he met a Nang, deeply involved in the Regalian Government, by the name of Saranmual who he quickly became involved with. Staying longer than he intended, he and his partner would prosecute the advent of the Hadarian Civil Crisis, as well as the sudden and avoidable opening of the Carrhen Conflict. Harta was a military leader in this conflict, a fact he has come to regret deeply, and soon sought to correct by plying himself in Hadar. However, Hadar too soon broke into war, causing both he and Saranamual to return to the Bahteran realms to prosecute the conflict on the side of the Triumvirate of Progress. Harta's Diwaba-Allar subjects rose up shortly after his return.
⇶ The Present (44-?): In the Summer of 311 AC, after a year of on-and-off fighting using his new Regalian-styled warships, Harta would return to Regalia following a lull in the Hadarian fighting and the re-establishment of control over his Diwaba subjects. Now in the city, he plans to meet old friends, and figure out the state of the city in the wake up the Emperor's disappearance- especially what it might mean for Hadaria, and his people.

⇶Harta is a Hadarian Digmaan, and military leader.
⇶Harta follows the Allar Keyakinan, with a focus in Dragon Worship and Guided Unionism.→
⇶Harta is a liberal member of the upper class.→
⇶Harta has a complex relationship with the Regalian Empire its recent history.→
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