Archived Harmful Devices.

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
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In medieval times, torture was sometimes used as a sentence if you were caught doing a crime. So why not bring some fun or a show to it on massivecraft? Torture was used in the 15th century, and is still being used today. Instead of just catching and immediately killing a vampire, why not show some public humiliation? (Too many vampires. Lets get rid of them.)

Basically, if someone was caught with a crime then this would happen-

Theft/Stealing: The Pillory would be used for public humiliation and shame. The pillory has 3 holes in a wooden board. The criminal would have their head placed through the hole, then would lock the board so they can not get out. Usually, the crowd would throw rotten vegetables, feces, or rocks. If thrown with rocks, the criminal can end up having fatal injuries, or death. The pillory does not kill the victim itself.

Heretics/Vampyre: The stake would be the last stop for heretics and other criminals. The stake is a very simple method. A pile of dry wood with a stake at the center. Then the heretic would be tied to the stake. The wood would be set on fire, and the criminal would be burnt to crisp. Like burnt toast. The fire would do the job, and there is no possible way known to escape from the burning stake. The stake was a public show and many crowds watched for entertainment or possibly other purposes. (I believe that the stake was used in Massivecraft.)

Mass Murderer/Wanted Killer: The Brazen Bull is known for the burning pain and the agonizing pain. The Brazen Bull was crafted out of brass that had a hollow shape. This device was shaped as a real bull. The victim would be placed inside of the bull and a fire would be lit underneath. The screams of the victim would sound like a bull, since there is a instrument placed inside of the bull. The instrument would transform the screams of a human, into the sound of a raging bull.

This are only ideas for Massivecraft. These torturous devices were used in The Middle Ages. Again, this is only a suggestion. I do not care if you think of me as a evil or sadistic person. I was thinking about adding these devices for RP and for public enjoyment. (I noticed that people liked watching executions in Massivecraft, so I decided to bring this up.)
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Ouch. Those sound quite nasty. The Guard only posses one torture machine, the "Iron Maiden". A gift generously given to us by Senator Fong.
Like I said in the other one...
Ohgodwhy It was bound to happen.
I'm going to explain how I think of this in Seransic's view...
"Sounds fun. Let's give that bull a go then, eh?"

Not for it, but not against it for the moment.
I was thinking about adding the Iron Maiden. I was curious of HOW we would be able to make it. Perhaps a cactus?
Ouch. Those sound quite nasty. The Guard only posses one torture machine, the "Iron Maiden". A gift generously given to us by Senator Fong.
You can see my design in the basement of the prison. For novelty use only of course..
I would much rather turn into a dying bull than spend several hours in a jail for being undead
Not that I'm sadistic or anything but...the iron boots and the liar's rack are some torture devices I find particularly painful! >:)

The iron boots crippled you by tightening a pair of iron boots over your feet and dumping boiling lead into the boots.
The liar's rack, well, let's just say you don't want to be a guy during the Spanish Inquisition.
Isn't the Liar's rack just like any other rack?
Not that I'm sadistic or anything but...the iron boots and the liar's rack are some torture devices I find particularly painful! >:)

The iron boots crippled you by tightening a pair of iron boots over your feet and dumping boiling lead into the boots.
The liar's rack, well, let's just say you don't want to be a guy during the Spanish Inquisition.
Nope, focuses on a mans, for maximum pain. But of course, we mustn't forget those fashionable iron spikes mounted above you!

Seriously though, the liar's rack is a bit too inhumane. I withdraw that torture device for being cruel. (hypocrisy intended)


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Nope, focuses on a mans, for maximum pain. But of course, we mustn't forget those fashionable iron spikes mounted above you!

Seriously though, the liar's rack is a bit too inhumane. I withdraw that torture device for being cruel. (hypocrisy intended)

That looks so much fun... To use on other people.
There was one I remembered..

It's a rat in a bucket strapped to your stomach, your strapped against a table. Someone lights the top of the bucket up with fire and it burns to hot coals, the rat digs into your stomach to escape the burning coals/fire.

There is the stretcher, you could chop off their fingers one by one, beat them bloody and etc..
You can see my design in the basement of the prison. For novelty use only of course..

"Ha, that maiden is complete and utter Bullmerde, I say! Poked holes in my suit, and almost in myself... What do you intend to use that for, anyways...?"
My favourite of the tortures was the Ordeal by Fire, wahahahahaha
I approve of this so hard. We really need the Brazen Bull just sitting there outside the tavern, waiting...
I approve of this so hard. We really need the Brazen Bull just sitting there outside the tavern, waiting...

Yes, perhaps MonMarty or someone can craft a golden giant bull in front of the Crimson HQ or jail. Then, there should be glass on the side. Crowds can watch the criminal BURN. about a nice sized statue of a bull made with gold and the belly was made of glass and filled with lava? in the glass intestines and the criminal would be dropped down the mouth and he would have to walk into the intestines..filled with lava :3 about a nice sized statue of a bull made with gold and the belly was made of glass and filled with lava? in the glass intestines and the criminal would be dropped down the mouth and he would have to walk into the intestines..filled with lava :3

The Brazen Bull was known for it's agonizing pain and death. How about flames slowly lighting underneath and inside of the belly?
The Brazen Bull was known for it's agonizing pain and death. How about flames slowly lighting underneath and inside of the belly?
oooo, yes....Im ancient china, maidservants that made a mistake would be put on a grill atop a vat of boiling water inside a big case. and they would be steamed dumplings almost! :3 yummeh
There was one I remembered..

It's a rat in a bucket strapped to your stomach, your strapped against a table. Someone lights the top of the bucket up with fire and it burns to hot coals, the rat digs into your stomach to escape the burning coals/fire.

There is the stretcher, you could chop off their fingers one by one, beat them bloody and etc..

We could perhaps replace the rats with silverfish instead.
a "mistake" would maybe be like pulling on the queen's hair too hard or maybe pricking her accidentally with earrings..
They can go insane.. interesting, but then again few people are already driven to insanity.

Well, there is a small chance of captured a insane human. It might be best to throw them into a padded area so they can last until the execution or their torture sentence.
The thing I worry about execution is people not being a good sport about being captured and killed.
I like it, I think we need torture of some form. But I must suggest the Iron maiden (on top of the three others), you all know what that is.
What's that insanely cruel spiky stole that also appears in the 'Amnesia' games?
On an unrelated note, Billy's torture emporium is now open.

( btw my favourite torture tool was the pear of anguish)
What's that insanely cruel spiky stole that also appears in the 'Amnesia' games?

The one you are talking about I think is the Iron Maiden, or the Judas Cradle.

On an unrelated note, Billy's torture emporium is now open.

( btw my favourite torture tool was the pear of anguish)

Pear of Anguish, no doubt, is painful. It would dislocate your jaws and break your teeth. Depends on WHERE you insert it though.
Pear of Anguish, no doubt, is painful. It would dislocate your jaws and break your teeth. Depends on WHERE you insert it though.

It is mostly designed for women but men are known to of taken the pain.

Woman had a worse of a time than most men, rape, 'naked parades', their breasts being ripped off, internal/external injuries and well that device you mentioned.
It is mostly designed for women but men are known to of taken the pain.

Woman had a worse of a time than most men, rape, 'naked parades', their breasts being ripped off, internal/external injuries and well that machine you mentioned.

Yes, women were given to soldiers to be raped. Pear of Anguish can be inserted to other places, but the only place I know is the mouth. Slowly opening the pear would dislocate your jaw, and cause quite a lot of swelling.
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