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Hark The Undying River


May 10, 2020
Reaction score
A piece of parchment would be stamped up by the sewer-entrance neighboring the Arena Court. It was written with something of drizzled ink, though it was fairly muddled down and splotchy due to rainfall mixing into the whole pamphlet. A couple pieces of cotton-like fabric were left scattered underneath it too. It read;

Honourable Patriots!

It is not over yet. The vile filth which continue to sting from those sewer systems rise to the surface in bounds. Average civilians attempting to blend in with our population have brewed their alliances and relations with the vampiric, the cahalian, and even the putrid undead lurking beyond a grave's arrow. Even with the restrictions in place to prevent such spreads of demons to our population, the truest of demons still spread through the undetected civilian body!

The River of Purity shall still survive within the depths as a triumph for Unionism, a sanctified locale in Elia's war against the bleeding stains of Occultism which continue to infect our population. Even worse, those that previously aligned themselves so shamelessly with those Voidal mosquitoes still continue to remain active within our city, manipulating the average citizen's empathy with their diabolical studies.

I speak, as for while I recover from another deafening duel with those fiendish fools whom continue to hide away in the sewer systems without any merit besides festering their own poison, on part to the patriots. The Bralona continue to lie to us and feed us such enamored lies, infiltrate our religious sites, and use the goodwill of the government against us. Not in naming any names, but even the Constabulary is purged by numerous. Thus, it is only clear I list a few of their most terrible acts that they remain uncharged for, even continuing to occupy our country as we speak.

The Unignorable Crimes of the Bralona:
1. Attempt of assassination on the Emperor.
2. Being an unkillable set of alien machines and gelatin, thus defined as quite monstrous in all reasonable accounts. The only other 'species' that cannot die are those Undead.
3. Numerous accounts of maiming and unconsented experimentation on innocent civilians.
4. Assisting leaders of the vampiric allegiances in sacking our capital and bombing out Greygate with their rancid goop.
5. Installing illegally permitted structures to malevolently assail civilians with. These structures, such as those generators, can only be described as purely weapons of potential mass destruction brought unsanctioned into our country.
6. Solidarity in their decision making. The Bralona have held boundless years to progress, to change, they understood what they did. They fully embraced their crimes, yet only when they are finally caught, do they drop the towel out of fear of imprisonment.
7. Crimes such as abduction, theft, illegal possession of substances; The list goes on with the slew of anarchism they brought to our city in pursuit of destroying our religious freedom.


Now, it can be attested that many claim to have 'changed'. That is complete bologna, for numerous instances which continue to unravel in our state. Whether it be from political mal-affiliation, with numerous Bralona having been promoted to 'government' status in Crookback by each other, forming their own attempt at an independent state inside of our own! Once one gets even the tiniest Mayoral position, we pay with our compliance. They continually take our sense of grace in even allowing them outside of jars to butcher the rights of our civilians, when they garner power.

Those in our government are still waiting, just as that hive-mind example demonstrated, to stage their own war against us. We must bar them from our establishments, our education, our weaponry, and our eyes. Regalia was and still currently remains the prosperous empire it stands. Yet, these aliens continue to infiltrate without justice. They must be taught to grieve and then to feel what life is truly, the grace before the fall.

It is my honour to say that the war will forge itself into a domestic campaign against these monstrosities. I hold no remorse for them, nor any 'sympathy' to sell off. We shall have our freedoms as the eternal war continues against not only the Occult, but the enemies of Unionism whom have taken the form of Bralona.
On Account of Rampant Theurgy;
As has lasted to be another strike in the stone of our city, Theurgists have ransacked the Crookback region and only further plummeted into the pits of an inferno. Those so bounded to their demons remain afoot within our city, even acting in their own domestic disputes. I speak against the Suvial in our city, too, in quarrel with the rampant demonic uprising which continues to shovel itself into our city.

I cannot say enough against this Occultist species, especially the group of Vadyalocaï which stand as the prime example of terror running among our civilian population. Demons are being kept under the bounds of cultural protection, in a city long known to protect itself from these threats. Why shall all of these 'people' harbor demons so lightly, without the consequence of unleashing another monstrosity into the local street? The only commendable act I see is their assault against those Kathar, whom are even worse.

Kathar, are vicious outlets for fringe afflictions and assaults that continue to plague our nation.
With the newest schemes of Mayoral attempts taking place in the Crookback, it can only be demonstrated that we must hold account to greater safety for ourselves and the average population in our nation. We cannot allow these sorts of factions to take power nor hold any investment in determining the fates of purified Patriots.

I hold the option of duels, if a must, for only brawl shall satisfy my redemption against these protected pieces of filth.

Taal's Will Everlasting,
Sera Arestinescua

The only other 'species' that cannot die are those Undead.
A Isldar passed by the parchment taking a quick read. Then breathings a sigh and shook her head. Then grabbing a piece of paper and wrote something down
"Undead are not a species, since different peoples can become undead, and are not un-killable. Both of these fact break the relation you trying to make."
A familiar Arkenborn, Briareth, stared at the piece of parchment for a long while, before placing their response.






In the Name of Elen,

Shut your idiotic mouth, your words are a crime against Juvin for no dogmatic should wield Elia's name while speaking such idiocy. You disgrace Ness by declaring all Bralona beyond change, so let remind you the lesson of Vess(Stand for others so they shall stand for you) And the message of Juvin (Seek to understand, to know, and to teach but never let lies or malicious manipulation cross your lips), and last let me speak of Elia (Steel yourself for what must be done but do not revel in the bloodshed for its own sake) and Taal (Even in crusade one must retain purity of heart and soundness of logic).

Where is the logic in decrying the Suvial, who (whilst by no means pure in the occult sense) have worked to tame the demons roaming our street? The Suvial have done a lot more for Regalia than you, I do not see you fighting the cult? When I shed my blood alongside fellow regalians to purge the miasma (by the aid of Tiger Paw mercenaries) where in Aloria were you sera?

Because, I remember Sera Novak doing his damn job instead of decrying the existence of a race for some blind hatred. I remember him, despite whatever objection I've with his beliefs and methods, showing respect whilst maintaining the countenance of a proper knight. In closing, you also violated my last warning by disrespecting Constable Alfrenn so now let me challenge you.

In the name of Allestian, Elia, Hor, and Ness. I challenge you Unionist to (self-proclaimed) Unionist to a duel. I am no knight but you poison Elia's righteous war by pointing it at fellow Faithful. Even if the knights have no legal requirement to duel a citizen, let any rejection show just how cowardly you're and how unfit to utter the names of Unionist Gods.

May Almar find these words Just,
Santiago Gonzales
Faithful of Hor​

Rafael stares wistfully at the assortment of proclamations that have been nailed into the stone, brown-grey eyes wandering along each oodled word all the while the dullard's mug that has taken his face hostage grows more pronounced.

Soon enough though does the drifter shirk this blank interest. He moves on with the conclusion that the fact he doesn't know how to read comes with its benefits.

Ignorance truly is bliss.
A Parchment would be added on top of the masses. Though, rather than the usual pieces that held long explanation, challenge, or warning. This one would be kept in but three short sentences, written with the use of charcoal rather than ink.

"An animal can write about honor. It does not mean it holds it."
"Do not associate your bloodthirst with justification."
A Commissioner sits at his office, sipping at his mug of milk before spotting a very familiar document, supposedly left by a certain Constable. He'd read and laugh aloud, taking a quick swig of his morning beverage, and then clicking his pen, inspired. He would have the finished letter posted over the original for all to see.


You have exceeded our expectations by being able read and write in common. It is a true marvel that you can do both, all while lacking common sense.

I am not surprised you would choose to write about your very clear hatred for Bralona, purely because of your altercation with a Bralona that didn't end in a way you favored. You failed to mention how you insulted a Bralona and denied their entry into the All-Beacon Temple after they held a slight interest in Unionism. This very Bralona willingly defected from Bralona High Command. He found a passion in enforcing Regalian Law and utilizing his durability and regenerative properties in protecting those who aren't able to 'loop', and have limbs to lose. He is a valiant and honorable Constable, and possesses more respect from the city than you ever will. Allow that to simmer in. The one you deem a "Terrorist, Monster, Alien," has more adoration from the citizenship of the city than you.

Stormer Alfenn, I am proud to call you one of my Constables. We cannot escape our pasts, but we can pursue a better future. Regalia is thankful to have a selfless soul like you protecting it.

Regarding your section against Suvial, they are gifted in abilities that the Crown has recognized as useful. They can imprison and utilize demons, without risk. I'd like to remind you the immense help and effort the Tiger's Paw has done against the Avarice Comet. I have employed two Suvial in my Chapter, and they both are essential members of my team. They were a great help against the demons that reside in Crookback, trying to get through to the city. Do not slander them, for they have a skill you've failed to accomplish in your duels against the Demonic and Theurgists, suppressing demons. That said, I will agree with you. Theurgy is a sickening thing to study and practice, but not if you are gifted like the Suvial. I find ease when a Suvial appears to deal with demonic anomalies, all the more reason why I employ them.

Sergeant Trémaux, Arcanist Divya, you both are appreciated and valued members of the State Metropolitan. Your knowledge and talents against the demonic is truly an asset that both the Crown and I cannot deny.

Finally, I'd like to address the elephant in your room, your motivation. Not once in your letter did you worry for the safety of the citizens you are sworn to protect. Your job as a Lothar Knight is to protect civilians from Otherworldly influences, and out ones who already are corrupted, so they can be turned into the proper authorities being the Metropolitan. You act purely out of malice for the "Occult", that you forget you are instructed to teach and advise people against the corrupting elements of other planes. You've not once tried to hold a public lecture, to get a sense of understanding. You only cause the divide between people to grow more and more with your hate. The Constables within the Metropolitan hold more honor and dignity than you ever will. Quit disturbing the city we work hard at keeping civil. You are what you call others: a Terrorist, a Monster, an Alien.

Adhere to Regalian Law.


His Eminence, Tarlok
Commissioner of the Vanguard Chapter
State Metropolitan

Tags: @OneDinoBOI @JamiJam017 @IGutTheMidasTuch @DocterDuck
A letter, signed with fire and written in an emblazed charcoal, would lay rested with a nail atop the messages before it. An Arcanist, writing it with venom in each word made.

"How delusional.

Never within the endless time that I have paid for, have I come across a paper that has put such bitterness to my tongue. Not for the petty insults to the many esteemed citizens of our benevolent empire, not the mockery of those seeking redemption for histories not forgotten, but for the sheer disrespect towards those who have sacrificed and risked their lives to keep the lands you took an oath to protect.

You speak of my people as if they are nothing but an undying evil that you must purge, but it seems the only thing your eyes can see behind that narrow visor is red, and what baffles me more is that you believe this is all apart of your 'code'. Truly, I wonder how you, a Lothar, can yield such malice towards an issue that you know little of.

You speak without knowing and act accordingly to the conditional beliefs that your 'order' has managed to place you under. I wonder how you will react when you finally figure out that the reason why Crookback is nearly cleansed entirely of demons, is because of a mercenary charter built and operated by only my kin.

What did you do to rid the demons there? Nothing. Nothing besides firing balls of lead behind brittle barricades and running for dear life. While my kin, and those allied, fought against the demonic infestations, trapping them, and ensuring the safety of the denizens of Crookback, and even its empire. Another thing that has put me into thought, is how this 'Taal' you refer to, feels about whom you've become. According to her beliefs, she places a great lesson on the vice of blind hatred. Something that you, clearly have fallen into. Perhaps the day you find the consequences of your actions, will you realize you've become the very thing you try to hunt, a monster.

To the Commissioner, You owe me no thanks for what I've done for this charter. For it is I who should be thanking you, and alongside the Metropolitan as a whole for granting me the opportunity of serving in the line of duty for our Empire. I wish that within the years to come, we grow closer to the peace we've vowed to achieve.

And a final note to our 'popular' reader, This will be my first and final warning to you. Keep my people out of this, or you will regret it."

Signed: Divya
Arcanist of the State Metropolitan.

@HeyoBiggums @DocterDuck
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