The song is Half The World Away by Oasis

Milo sat on the bed strumming his guitar, hair drooping down over his eyes like branches would a tree. His eyes were closed and his foot tapped along to the music on the wooden floorboards, much to the annoyance of anyone who was downstairs at that time.

"I would like to leave this city
This old town don't smell too pretty and
I can feel the warning signs running around my mind."

His voice had a slight husk and soreness to it, caused by the lack of sleep. He'd taken to sitting in his window frame at night instead of sleeping. It kept away the nightmares if he didn't sleep.

"And when I leave this island
I'll book myself into a soul asylum
'Cause I can feel the warning signs running around my mind."

Milo's fingers gently pulled at the strings of his guitar and his eyes dragged themselves open just enough so he could see the layout of the guitar. His body yearned to play some sort of music, any music at all, so he had settled with his guitar and voice. A piano would have been nice, maybe even a ukulele or some sort of other string instrument for a change, but all he as available was his worn guitar and his husked voice.

"So here I go, I'm still scratching around in the same old hole
My body feels young but my mind is very old
So what do you say?"

He'd recently been thinking about writing his own music, but could never settle on lyrics for it. Sure, he could create a tune on an instrument at the snap of someone's fingers, yet when it came to singing to it he couldn't find words that fit the tune and would always stray from one topic to another.

"You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway
Half the world away, half the world away
Half the world away."

Milo stood from the bed he was sat on and walked over to the window as he sang and played. Once in front of the glass, he gazed out and down at the people on the street below. The young man had always loved the feeling of being high up, it created that sort of feeling nothing else could compare to. He loved the wind whipping through his hair, sun blaring down on the back of his neck, unobstructed because of the lack of buildings built higher than the ones he had discovered over the years. One of his favourites had been the Golden Willow. Sitting atop off the roof of the local Tavern and watching the drunk and sobers alike enter and leave.

"I've been lost, I've been found but I don't feel down
And when I leave this planet
You know I'd stay but I just can't stand it and
I can feel the warning signs running around my mind."

Any building near water was also on his favourites list. As much as he hated the sea and the memories it held within it watery depths, he enjoyed staring out over it at the ships. It wasn't as though he did that much anymore though. A lot of the things he had done as a teen were discarded for many unhealthier methods. By that, he meant drugs and alcohol, but they worked for him when he had the cash so it was relatively ok.

"And if I could leave this spirit
I'll find me a hole and I will live in it and
I can feel the warning signs running around my mind."

Moving away from the window Milo now headed back towards the bed, sitting down with the guitar resting back on his knee.

"Here I go, I'm still scratching around in the same old hole
My body feels young but my mind is very old
So what do you say?"

Drugs seemed to be the only thing he could turn to now other than Uri. He'd grown further from Michael and Elliot, he had no stable parent in his life anymore. though maybe one day he could consider Zack as one since the man had welcomed him into his family with open arms. Milo blamed himself for that like he did everything else.

"You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway
Half the world away, half the world away
Half the world away."

His voice seemed to be slowly getting quieter as the song wore on, his fingers becoming more and more sore from the guitar strings. He deserved the pain, so he carried on, even as the wire sliced through his flesh and allowed his blood to flow freely.

"I've been lost, I've been found but I don't feel down
No, I don't feel down
No, I don't feel down.
I don't feel down
I don't feel down
Don't feel down
I don't feel down."

As he stopped singing his foot also stopped tapping, the guitar being abandoned as he lay down on the bed, drawing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. A small sob tore through his body and tears cascaded down his cheeks. He'd get better one day, it just took time.

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