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Played Character Haciathra Bel-Ivsul

This character is actively played.


average LoL player
Feb 12, 2019
Reaction score

Art credits go to @LadyLekku

Character Information

Full Name: Haciathra Filysmyrra Bel-Ivsul
— Nickname(s): Haci, Hacia
Culture/Heritage: Azureborn Solvaan
Age: 25 Years

— Date of Birth: February 9, 287 AC
— Zodiac: Aquarius
Gender/Pronouns: Female | She/Her
— Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Estelley
Occult: Exist Mage (Second Tier)
Occupation: Mercenary, Bodyguard, & Footsoldier


Eye Color: Feldspar colored irises
Skin Color: Teal
Hair: Long, light blonde hair
Height: 5'10, or 177 centimeters
Body Type: Athletic
Additional Features: Haciathra has pale, glowing blue colored tattoos all over, and has her Tempest Form in which her hair changes to a dark colored cloud to represent storms and lightning.

Haciathra is a teal colored, female Azureborn Solvaan standing at an imposing height of 5'10, or 177 centimeters. The Azureborn has feldspar colored eyes with grayish scleras, a heart shaped face, and long, platinum blonde hair that is half-up and pinned with a silver hair-stick in the shape of a crescent moon. Her sleeves are adorned with tattoos that are a pale, glowing blue color. Most of her fashion tends to consist of armor, but she has dresses and often her jewelry is silver.

Skill Information

Hobbies & Talents: Athletic Hobby & Magical Talent
Mechanics: Solvaan Mechanics
Languages: Altalar (10/10) | Common (10/10) | Breizh (5/10)

Plot Hooks

Origins | 287 AC
In the shrouded, misty lands of Solleria, Haciathra was born to her parents Ivarath and Zaena. The Azureborn has four siblings - three brothers, and one sister.
Time in Solleria | Training
Haciathra, like many Solvaan, was taught to defend and fight by her instructors, before volunteering to go on tours with the Mist Wardens.
Estelley Worshiper | Patron - Sinnavei, Mistwatcher
Haciathra is an Estelley worshiper, who considers Sinnavei as the only true Goddess while the rest hold no special place.
Favorite Hobby | Baking
A favorite side hobby that Haciathra learned and grew to love is baking! In her off time, Haciathra is often seen in the kitchen mixing and preparing to bake whatever she wishes to bake that day. It is still a hobby she very much enjoys.
Current | 312 AC
Haciathra landed in the city of Regalia in early May, seeking opportunities as either a guard, mercenary, or footsoldier on the battlefields.

Attack Stat: 7 (Strength)
Defense Stat: 4 (Magic)
Points Spent: 14/14

7 | Strength - Melee & Athletic
— Weapon Throw (Free Investment)
— Technique Parry
— Pinning Throw
— Diving Tackle
— Shrug Off
— Knockback Sweep
— Bruising Strike
— Force Toss
— Steady Body (Solvaan Racial)
1 | Constitution - Training
— Rage Counter
2 | Intelligence - Adapt
— Oceanic Pack
— Wardrobe Pack
0 | Wisdom
0 | Dexterity
0 | Faith
4 | Magic

— Magic Snare
— Magic Resist
— Magic Cleanse
— Magic Warp
— Magic Shove (Solvaan Racial)
Additional Info



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