Archived Gurubashi Arena And Fishing Contest

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Jun 13, 2013
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Two separate ideas was just thinking about that would be cool if it could be added to the Massivecraft universe. Both ideas would be similar to what Warcraft has;

1. Gurbashi Arena: Every four hours a broadcast announcement is made that there is a chest in a arena where pvp is enabled once a player drops into the arena, the chest has some items one of which is a 1/12th item where you have to collect all twelve in order to merge them to get a bubble of protection that last a short period of time that can be used during combat to reduce the amount of damage being taken. Even if you don't have a mystically epic item in the chest the scheduled event around the clock on a timer would be a great incentive to promote pvp and a place where you know there will be a number of people there to be the last man standing every four hours when the event is happening.

2. Fishing Contest: Every Sunday (or perhaps every other) during a specific two hour period of time people go fishing with a chance for a specific fish to be caught that can be redeemed for a special hat that gives better than normal stats that you could get say diamond helm with prot VI, Unbr VII or something in that neighborhood. First person to catch the fish and redeem it gets the item and they may also get a special title, perhaps in our case a special color text to their name?

Not sure if there are already plugins to do this, anyway figure it would be worth mentioning as great ideas, these are very popular on Warcraft servers, the arena with the PVP crowd the Fishing Contest with the PvPers and Non-PvPers that want status symbols, special game items, etc.
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Not a ripoff of World of Warcraft at all...
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