Shelved Character Gothi Duckling

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Red Crypt, Clovis Legal Inc

Character Information

Full name: Gothica Duckling
-Nicknames: Gothi, Ms.Duckling, "Crazy Woman".

Race: Yanar

Age: Mid-50's of her second Wildbirth

Sex: Neither female nor male.
-Gender: Outwardly femmine
-Sexuality's: Asexual

Eye Color: Black

Preferred Weapon:
None yet!


Core concept:

Gothi is an elderly woman who's sanity was lost by a vicious attack at the end of her first life cycle. Now considered crazy (even by other Yanar), she sells potions to get by..however her potions oftentimes don't even work, or maybe will, depending on her mood and the day. She's almost always seen with a small group of ducks, who she claims are "mini baby dragons" as her Yattii familiars. She causally worships Mana. However she is (mostly) harmless, choosing her days to sell her mock potions.



14/14 points invented.

Strength: 0

Constitution: 0

Wisdom: 5

-Deeplore Wisdom Pack

-Living Metal Branch
+Stimboost Pack
+Medical Patent
+Common Patent

Dexterity: 2

-Pickpocket Pack
-Sleight of Hand Pack

Magic: 3


-School of Mimicry
+Pocket Scan
+Cold Immune

Charisma: 4

-Pet Husbandry (Free racial)
-Advanced Yanar Mount

-Yanar racial



Common (Free)

Appearance Information

-Gothi stands at 6'0 with Lobelia flowers growing on her head and down her chest and back. Her skin is a willow tree, a flexible bark that covers her entire skin. She as no "hair" to speak of, but rather moss that grows on her head including the flowers. Hunched over, she stands at 5'6.

-Gothi as no mutations


Life Story

  • Yanar do not have a childhood, and are adults by the time they are "born", Gothi was no exception, and began tending crops.
  • On her first life cycle Gothi began to pity a Dulofall Yanar, and meet them in secret. She and this mysterious shunned Yanar began to speak and talk. The Dulofall Yanar went missing shortly after, only to have some Kathar kidnap Gothi. It's unclear on whether or not it was a set-up, but Gothi doesn't think so.
  • Whatever horrific treatment Gothi went through - she doesn't speak much of, or of how she escaped. She choose to enter Wildbirth, and within a day, returned as a new Gothi with no memories of the Dulofall Yanar she had met, or the horrible conditions she was kept in.
  • Gothi moved to Reaglia in order to pursue a new life away from the scars of the old one.


    Green = Your pretty good in Gothi's eyes! She thinks favorable of you.
    Light blue = Gothi likes you, but doesn't consider you a friend.
    Grey = Gothi either has no idea who you are, just met you, or is unsure about you.
    Red = She dislikes you. She'll more than likely try to avoid you.
    Dark Red = She dislikes you so much she'll consider breaking laws in order to get back at you. This can range from harmless pranks to more serious crimes.
Last edited:
Made some changes to her look with a new skin.
@FatDumplingGrace Great app, love the aesthetics. Just need you to expand the core-concept a bit with a note on religious beliefs, and specify Exist Magic next to your Magic on the Proficiency section. Do this and you should be set.