Golden Line Grand Fleet


Bane of Europe
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score

-=[Goldenline Grand Fleet]=-

On Friday August 2nd 307 A.C, Seven Captains came together around a table for a meeting resulting in the formation of The Goldenline Grand Naval Fleet. A Fleet brought together by Felix Ratcliffe, and Captains of the Imperial Navy and Pirate Crews alike after recent losses. The Fleet is brought up to aid the Imperial Navy with their numbers and strength.

Welcoming any sailor loyal to the Empire with open arms. The Golden Line fleet does not discriminate as long as you're willing to fight upon the sea in the name of the Regalian Empire.
The Golden line Grand fleet gathers its own funds and resources through Pirate hunting and trade escorting. Aiding the Imperial navy whilst keeping their own independence for the time being.
All Captains are crew members are however urged to join the Imperial Navy under one of the three admirals before stepping foot with the Fleet. This is enforced.

________________OOC Information________________

The Golden Line Grand Fleet serves as a fleet under the Imperial navy, all pirate hunts and escorts will be done via story group. The Fleet does aim to take part in world progression with the rest of the Imperial Navy.

Personal Retinue

Commanding Admiral
Felix Ratcliffe | @DadLotion

Fawzi Kra'zla | @RightChat
Arthur Rahm | @The_Holy_Raptor

Naval Gunners

Able Body Seamen

(Several Notice boards around the city would have a recruitment Letter pinned up)
Character Name:
Character App (Pending or N/A is fine):
Current Age:
Requested Position:
IC Letter to Felix Ratcliffe or Any of our Captains:
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