Archived God Apple Repurposing

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Champion of the common man
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
After the 1.6 update a few friends and myself decided to test the new god-apple effects
A few suggestions to Solve this unbalance compared to out right banning them
-Makes God-Apples a Reagent (and not consumable) for summoning horses with the upcoming mcmmo update.
-If possible reduce the rate of regeneration from Regen V (current) to Regen III (still superior to Healing potions)
-Reduce (if possible) the duration of the regeneration thirty seconds to five-ten.
-Change the recipe of god-apples to be Nine Golden apples and then for Golden apples to be an apple with Eight Golden blocks (and if this would happen Have all god-Apples on the server Turned to Golden apples and all Golden apples turned to Normal Apples)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Editing the recipes for these things is client side. In fact, everything here is client side. Complain to Mojang.
Keep them the way they are. They just got nerfed a couple of days ago. They don't need another nerf.
Are these effects worth the work it takes to find 8 gold blocks and an apple? Is the work put into making this item equivalent, or reasonably equivalent to the effects they give?
There to OP, they literally turn you into a god.... Unless it can be made so only 2 of them, can exist on the entire server I think they should be banned
Keep them the way they are. They just got nerfed a couple of days ago. They don't need another nerf.
False they were actually enhanced not to mention that they are even more powerful in comparison to the other healing method.
I think we shouldn't ban them, if you can afford to use them then oh well for your opponent.
Jared4242 to whom much is given, much shall be required. If you have 8 gold blocks and an apple, your expected to do something smart with it. I shall vote for keeping them.
Jared4242 to whom much is given, much shall be required. If you have 8 gold blocks and an apples, your expected to do something smart with it. I shall vote for keeping them.
Yes but consider the unbalance between gathering a ghast tear and 8 stacks of gold blocks Granted more is required for the blocks however given the Extreme disproportion between the two in terms of use it is a bit unbalanced.
I agree it is a bit unbalanced (to an extent) but mostly people wont really stand in places and chug the apples, without attacking, and will just forget about the apples needing to be eating, or poison 2 while they regenerate to stop some regent. This is like premium vs non premium, one always has the advantage, but one side needs to think really smart to stop the opposer.
God apples are op. But thats wat you get for spending time to mine 72 gold ingots and put that into a 30 second effect(one of many).
They are available to everyone. Anyone can make them, anyone can use them. I don't see how something everyone can use/make unbalence something...
Some people spend all their riches into making these apples only because of the effect they give for a few seconds/minutes. Who are we to tell them they can't if we can do it too???
I'm against this. I EXTREMELY dislike the idea of being able to chug something down that would make you nearly invincible. The battle would go like this.

Member: Sir, we have a problem!
Leader: What?
Member: One of their members just brought out 5 god apples!
Leader:.... well gg everyone, it was a nice attempt but we all knew this was going to happen. Might as well jump into lava to deny the enemy from getting our loot.

And I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if 2 rich factions declared war on each other.....
But thats wat you get for spending time to mine 72 gold ingots and put that into a 30 second effect(one of many).
Some people spend all their riches into making these apple only because of the effect they give for a few seconds/minutes.

So god apples are like the crack of massivecraft???
I think we shouldn't ban them, if you can afford to use them then oh well for your opponent.

If the world had a view like that, the rich would be the only one with a say....
Besides, this very much ruins the role-play experience, I couldn't imagine a knight in the Middle-ages chewing on a glowing apple in the middle of being pounded on, to find that they didn't suffer severe wounds....

I voted with Jared, ban these.
I think we shouldn't ban them, if you can afford to use them then oh well for your opponent.
To be honest just about any good fighter has access to god apples. They are no longer rare, thanks to fishing, and too many people just chug them to win fights. Personally, I think they should be removed as they completely ruin fights.
Editing the recipes for these things is client side. In fact, everything here is client side. Complain to Mojang.

Um no it isn't client side. This server already has custom crafting recipes for other things like cobwebs and nether brick

Also yes they make a person mostly invincible for a little bit. (that's when I back off, wait for the buff to be over, and fight back) and yes some larger older factions have stacks of them. Should they be banned or nerfed? I don't know that's for the admins/mods to decide.
I think we should compramise, nerf it to Regeneration IV (4) because it is in between 5 and 3, also (Smacks Person who wants to nerf it) Do you know how long it tkaes to get 72 gold ingots?
Personally i like god apples in a sense to counter-react to mcmmo which usually makes fights shorter, but with god apples they can be strung out this makes the fight more realistic
Agreed with grid. If two good fighters are 1v1'ing, and they are both on god apples, the winner is completely dependent on their axe level. Whoever's armor breaks is the loser. This ruins fights all the time. Obtaining god apples isn't hard at all. Although I'm not online IG atm, I'm presuming fishing hasn't been nerfed yet. So More god apples are being produced every day. And naturally I've found regular apples harder to obtain than gold blocks with fishing...
Personally i like god apples in a sense to counter-react to mcmmo which usually makes fights shorter, but with god apples they can be strung out this makes the fight more realistic
God Apples make mcmmo stronger. With god Apples, your making yourself near invincible for however long it is. This leads to more Armor smash. If both fighters are on god apples the winner of the fight is completely dependent on their axe skill. God Apples lead to more armor getting Broken in fights, and makes most of the other mcmmo skills (Swords, Archery, Unarmed) More or less useless, in a 1v1.
Um no it isn't client side. This server already has custom crafting recipes for other things like cobwebs and nether brick

Also yes they make a person mostly invincible for a little bit. (that's when I back off, wait for the buff to be over, and fight back) and yes some larger older factions have stacks of them. Should they be banned or nerfed? I don't know that's for the admins/mods to decide.
Yes, but that is creating a recipe, this is changing one.
Yes, but that is creating a recipe, this is changing one.

Then I present evidence B Invisibility potions make Holy water instead on this server. I dunno for sure but it seems very unlikely that they can't change a recipe. Worst comes to worst they make a recipe to make the best god apples harder and make it so you can't use the old recipe like I heard they were doing for diamond armor for non premiums.
Then I present evidence B Invisibility potions make Holy water instead on this server. I dunno for sure but it seems very unlikely that they can't change a recipe. Worst comes to worst they make a recipe to make the best god apples harder and make it so you can't use the old recipe like I heard they were doing for diamond armor for non premiums.
Invisibility potions are disabled, holy water is made by humans using lapis with a water bottle on a altar, this is a plugin
I also vote for them to be banned, i've had a hatred for these apples since 1.3, please get rid of them; besides the apple in which is made from gold ingots is good enough.
Still waiting for some Staff to voice there opinions...
I'm against this. I EXTREMELY dislike the idea of being able to chug something down that would make you nearly invincible. The battle would go like this.

Member: Sir, we have a problem!
Leader: What?
Member: One of their members just brought out 5 god apples!
Leader:.... well gg everyone, it was a nice attempt but we all knew this was going to happen. Might as well jump into lava to deny the enemy from getting our loot.

And I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if 2 rich factions declared war on each other.....
Well, I think of God apples along the lines of Beserker-rage; when someone's yelling at the top of their lungs and swinging an axe, in the heat of battle, he isn't going to feel his wounds. I think they shouldn't be nerfed, but instead, to put some sort of timer or counter, so after killing, say, three players, you have ten seconds to eat a god apple, otherwise, it resets and you have to wait again. It would notify you in chat, too.
someone's yelling at the top of their lungs and swinging an axe, in the heat of battle, he isn't going to feel his wounds.

This makes absolutely no sense, and has no historical precedent whatsoever. The viking beserkers of the great pagan wars in britain used trance and rituals to enter a state that is likened to being high on drugs nowadays, and even then they often killed more allies than enemies.

We are seriously looking into the apple problem and a solution will hopefully be introduced tonight.
This makes absolutely no sense, and has no historical precedent whatsoever. The viking beserkers of the great pagan wars in britain used trance and rituals to enter a state that is likened to being high on drugs nowadays, and even then they often killed more allies than enemies.

We are seriously looking into the apple problem and a solution will hopefully be introduced tonight.
I was thinking adrenaline, Marty :P Also, seeing as you can't meditate in Minecraft, I was assuming this would have to be a reasonable RP solution, instead of just stupidly deleting another option from the list of tactics in battle.
This OP apple makes for a good Witcher Fighting role where Witchers go into a trance while fighting, and they regenerate and shiz
Let's hope this solution listens to player input. More specifically, player input from people whom pvp regularly.
I agree that they should be removed. The recipe could be changed, but the whole concept is un-good, where people can eat an apple and become invulnerable for a while, while the go kill all who oppose them. But I wonder what the admin solution will be...
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