Archived Removing All God Armor & Weapons.

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
At some point, something is going to have to give. A full reset is off the table, for obvious reasons. However, the problem still remains that god armor and weapons are worthless. God weapons went from being worth 250-300 regals to 20 regals in two weeks. God armor sets, which were already hurting economically, went from being worth 350-400 regals to 60, again in just under 2 weeks. I honestly don't think it is necessary to explain why this is bad, for the player base and for the economy in general. There's no longer any financial incentive to PvP at all. You get a kill, you get an axe worth 20 regals. You die, you lose an axe worth 20 regals. It doesn't really matter if you get kills. Hell, fixing a set of god armor after you fight costs more than any axe you get from it. A double chest of god axes is worth barely over 1 thousand regals.

So, something has to be done. And the answer isn't just wait for all the gift4all stuff to be saturated into the economy and such. Most god weapon/armor sales are to newer members of the community; you rarely see well-known pvpers buying god armor or weapons. The problem is, many of these people only want one of each of these, as they generally don't pvp and just use them as a utility set. So, the demand is gone. One gift4all, there goes a good portion of the god items market. So, unfortunately at this point this leaves us with very few options, none of which are particularly good if you want to keep the PvP community.

1. Remove all enchanted armor and weapons from the server.
At this point, this is the preferable option. Obviously nobody wants to lose all of their armor and weapons, but they're really worthless anyways. And yes, for a while god armor and weapons would be rather expensive, however, they'll come down eventually, and much faster than god weapons and armor will come back up currently. Additionally, only diamond armor/weapons could be removed to ensure as little loss to the lore trade as possible. There's really not much more to say about it. Without something being done, PvP is going to become a worthless sport, with no real consequences to winning or losing.

2. Lower all protection 3/4 & Sharp 3/4/5 Items to be Lower Enchants.
This is basically the alternative if the above suggestion is deemed too extreme. This would just consist of lowering all the enchantments, so that at the very least items would have to be anviled together in order to be usable in PvP, thereby reducing the overall supply.

Something needs to be done, and it's going to have to involve reducing the supply. It's better to do it now then later once the issue has become even worse.
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Yes. But there is no feasible way in which literally every member of the server would be willing to reduce their armor supply. Asking nicely isn't going to do it, because there's always the fear that if you do it, but nobody else does it, you're going to be at a severe disadvantage to them.
+1 Truth
Yes. But there is no feasible way in which literally every member of the server would be willing to reduce their armor supply. Asking nicely isn't going to do it, because there's always the fear that if you do it, but nobody else does it, you're going to be at a severe disadvantage to them.
One of the biggest issues I have with Gift4Alls is tho, is that they managed to destroy the Rare lore and God gear market in one punch.
They allowed Gift4Alls to be Yellow named lore items. Before I started serving my punishment 3 weeks ago, the rare lore book items I wanted were a hard grab at 400 regals. Today, people are comfortable selling the same lore items for 200-250 regals. Rare lore items lost their prized image because of Gift4 all, alongside with random staff events that gave out rare lore items to everyone. It was not necessary to make Gift4Alls as op as they are now, Honestly, they should have made it like Sharp 3 Fire 3 War 3 (Fire 3 would give a pretty good reason for people to buy it still, while not destroying sharpness and Unbreaking enchants), instead of the God enchants.
Wait... You actually expect us to solve the issues of thousands and thousands of extra God items by throwing away our own stashes?... I mean, yeah some of us have a lot of God stuff, my self included, but I don't think this would make even a dent. I doubt most role players would bother, nor will anyone who isn't particularly invested in the health of the server's economy... No offense, but expecting us to fix this by ourselves is a bit too much to ask, nor do I think it's even possible.

I never said it would fix everything. You are spinning my words into something they did not say. I said you could try to do that to reduce it if you felt it would help, after all you did say that your suggestion was that WE should remove the armor and weapons of people... However we are not allowed to. And i know for a FACT that tons of RPers threw the god armor away as soon as it popped into their inventory.

Im not saying that this is the fix im not saying you are the ones who have to fix it, but since you are so occupied with the economy and say you want to help it then this was my first idea that hey maybe all of us should try and throw away some stuff and maybe atleast HELP the economy in the right direction instead of sitting here talking about it but with no will to do anything ourselves.
What? There are no other threads asking for thei removal, just the removal of the donations. And we can remove them... That's what this thread is about.

For the 3rd time... No we can't remove the items. They were Purchased not donated for. It is labeled as a purchase and worked as a purchase meaning we can't remove, alter or recall any of it.
For the 3rd time... No we can't remove the items. They were Purchased not donated for. It is labeled as a purchase and worked as a purchase meaning we can't remove, alter or recall any of it.
Straight off of the terms on the shop page: We reserve the rights to add and remove features from products at any time without refunding customers. We likewise reserve the rights to fully remove products without any refunds at all.

Unless I am vastly misunderstanding this statement, which I don't think I am, you are wrong.
If you purchase Gift4All and get it, then we go NOPE you cant have it anyways and take it back do you not think a ton of people would feel cheated, issue chargebacks and refunds?

Its one thing if we change a feature in the premium package or remove it it is a whole different ballgame when you remove the entire purchase
If you purchase Gift4All and get it, then we go NOPE you cant have it anyways and take it back do you not think a ton of people would feel cheated, issue chargebacks and refunds?

Its one thing if we change a feature in the premium package or remove it it is a whole different ballgame when you remove the entire purchase
I personally feel cheated that the server I donated to has decided it doesn't care about its economy any longer. But then, guess that doesn't mean anything. My point however is that you were giving out information that was 100% false to support your argument... Yes, it might piss some people off. But really, if you think about, the people who bought the gift4all's already recieved the recognition/whatever from donating and giving everyone their items and such. I don't think anyone actually paid $9 because they wanted a god axe... You could buy 4.5k regals with that money and buy half a double chest of axes for that price.

I don't think temporarily annoying some people is worth completely destroying a major part of the server in its own right, as well as a supporting part of the server to several other types of players.
Wait you know tons of players that threw away their god stuff once it was given to them via the donation? I'd love to see that.
My point however is that you were giving out information that was 100% false to support your argument... Yes, it might piss some people off.

I am not wrong in this! I think i know just a littlebit more then you about this! It might still say that as a disclaimer on the page but the fact is that premium is a donation, you donate for premium and we reserve the right to change those perks at any time. With the Gift4All it is a purchase, its not a perk, its an item you pay for and recieve and it is not a donation.
Wait you know tons of players that threw away their god stuff once it was given to them via the donation? I'd love to see that.
This is true, roleplayers do throw away their god axes or sell them off to pay for their regalian housing. However, as a factions player and an avid merchant. I never sell things to roleplayers unless its lore items. So that being said, roleplayers are the only people who trash their god armor and god weapons, which are never customers to me anyways. People who don't have the gear (Faction players and PvPers), that I would have ended up selling to, in return get all the gear they need for free through Gift4Alls... and then I make no sales.
I personally feel cheated that the server I donated to has decided it doesn't care about its economy any longer. But then, guess that doesn't mean anything. My point however is that you were giving out information that was 100% false to support your argument... Yes, it might piss some people off. But really, if you think about, the people who bought the gift4all's already recieved the recognition/whatever from donating and giving everyone their items and such. I don't think anyone actually paid $9 because they wanted a god axe... You could buy 4.5k regals with that money and buy half a double chest of axes for that price.

I don't think temporarily annoying some people is worth completely destroying a major part of the server in its own right, as well as a supporting part of the server to several other types of players.
If you purchase Gift4All and get it, then we go NOPE you cant have it anyways and take it back do you not think a ton of people would feel cheated, issue chargebacks and refunds?

Its one thing if we change a feature in the premium package or remove it it is a whole different ballgame when you remove the entire purchase
Jes, this is a debate on what should be done on the server. Not a "Meet the Kardashians" Episode.
That being said please keep in mind that because of Eula bullshit, the staff are trying anything they can to raise money for the server. Which I've been looking into and it's a bitch. The staff need suggestions for alternatives right now... ideas to support the server. Not complaints.

Thortuna said that revoking god weapons and god armor that people paid for through Gift4Alls would make them feel a bit cheated. This is true though. Buying 4.5k regals from another player will get you a doublechest of God weapons...(I can sell you a doublechest for 4.5k right now) But it won't get you server wide recognition and a God axe lored and named as your own.

I've also donated hundreds of dollars of my own money to the server, I don't feel cheated. Massivecraft never revoked my benefits while I had premium, until the last 2 weeks that I've been playing on the server. Which I can't feel mad at them for, because it was either that or risk the server being shutdown/sued.

That being said. I think staff do need to pay more attention to our thoughts and interests and not wait until they are in dire need of said thoughts and interests. But there is nothing we can do about that right now can we? :P
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It was either that or risk the server being shutdown/sued.

On the topic of this how come no other server I visit tries to be EULA compliant? Obviously I'm not allowed to name names but some of the largest most well known servers still offer premium benefits that give players an advantage.

Is this a sign that they aren't being as strict as they want people to believe? If that proves to be true are there plans to bring back prem benefits like last time?
On the topic of this how come no other server I visit tries to be EULA compliant? Obviously I'm not allowed to name names but some of the largest most well known servers still offer premium benefits that give players an advantage.

Is this a sign that they aren't being as strict as they want people to believe? If that proves to be true are there plans to bring back prem benefits like last time?
I've seen tons of Reddit, and gammer forums talking about Mojang messaging moderators and server staff via email, Asking for servers to be updated to EULA complaincy. Also this time around, they are pushing more for people to invest in Minecraft Realms, less people on minecraft servers means that there are more players that may think about joining Realms.
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