Archived Gift4alls Destroyed Prices - Thread For Alternatives

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Apr 7, 2013
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After posting numerous threads about fixing the economy, exact the opposite happens. I cannot even begin to tell you how infuriated that this makes me. So let me explain this calmly.

1 month ago:
God Armor - 250 regals
God Sword - 250 regals
God Axe - 200 regals
- Before Gift4all -

God Armor - 100 regals
God Sword - 20 regals
God Axe - 20 regals
- After Gift4All -

"My usual form of business would be selling god weapons to make up for money lost purchasing potion materials and to pay for my faction's taxes. But now with the new Gift4All donations, and thousands of god weapons being spawned into the server daily, the prices have gone down sharply from around 250 to 20 in a few days." - @Sevak

Changes needed to be made:
Lower the enchants on all Gift4All's (Make it like Diamond "Quality Armor"). Another possibility could be changing the armor to gold armor, making it more for aesthetics and less utilitarian. allowing for god armour and god weapons to be injected this fast into the economy is heinous. So far this has been worse for the economy than Fishing and /fix combined. Not to mention the effects were almost Immediate. Prices should not drop over 90% in a matter of days.

Alternatives - Replacements for Gifts4All

Would allow for the player buying to:
1. Pick an item of their choosing.
2. Custom name Item
3. Choose from basic enchants or derp enchants.
Ex. Flame 1, Fortune 1, Outgoing 1, Trippy 1, Swag 3
4. Custom lore, alternative lore color (Like Peach or Pink)

Would allow for the player buying to:
1. Pick an armor of their choosing (Leather, or Chain).
2. (Player)'s (Fancy/Party/Assassin/Etc.) Cap/Curiass/Leggings/Boots
3. Choose from basic enchants or derp enchants.
Ex. Flame 1, Fortune 1, Outgoing 1, Trippy 1, Swag 3
4. Custom lore, alternative lore color (Like Peach or Pink)

1. Purchase off of server website
2. Randomly assigns each online player a random old voting item.
Staff would have to format a list of all old voting/unobtainable lore items.
So when a person buys OldVoting4All, each player on the server would randomly
receive an item that was on the master list. This option would be harder on staff.
However, I know that this is something that I would enjoy, and it would encourage
players to keep buying OldVoting4All until a player receives the item they want.
Idea based off of comments from @znake1468 Thanks ^_^

Alls donation ideas are completely open and subject for change by staff,
while they are good ideas, some kinks may need to be worked out.

Allowing for something like this would allow for players to create items that they enjoy, without having immediate negative effects on the server. Please make changes, killing the economy is not a good way to keep players active and coming back. I know that for me, trade is the only thing I enjoy doing on the server. Making impulsive negative economic changes is not the way to keep players like me coming back. As always thanks for your time - Pokyug​
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What if gear grew stronger as the player wearing/wielding it killed other players? There could be tiered levels of gear so for example, tier 1 would be 10 kills, tier 2 50, tier 3 100, and so on. Gear like that would be very rare and highly sought after and I image would fetch a pretty penny. This way we could keep the gift4all and still have a way to make regals selling gear and also another reason to pvp.

Oh this also fixes the problem of it being cheaper to buy new god stuff than to fix.
What if gear grew stronger as the player wearing/wielding it killed other players? There could be tiered levels of gear so for example, tier 1 would be 10 kills, tier 2 50, tier 3 100, and so on. Gear like that would be very rare and highly sought after and I image would fetch a pretty penny. This way we could keep the gift4all and still have a way to make regals selling gear and also another reason to pvp.

Oh this also fixes the problem of it being cheaper to buy new god stuff than to fix.
Because that would be insanely overpowered. On an RP server like this one getting 100 kills is really easy. I can do it in 2 raids without much trouble. That's not to mention the fact that I could just take one of my alts to my warzone and just kill it continuously.
Because that would be insanely overpowered. On an RP server like this one getting 100 kills is really easy. I can do it in 2 raids without much trouble. That's not to mention the fact that I could just take one of my alts to my warzone and just kill it continuously.

The kill number and upgrades could be anything, that was just an example. But yeah, alts. I didn't think of that.

Unless... What if it only counted unique kills?
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Entire armor set with their own name lore and material type sure that is nice as well but you do realize everyone on the server would get this exact armor set? You would then be ruining the price of leather for example as well.... We are not allowed to let people purchase things just for themselves when it comes to these things.
The price of leather is already down to 20 or 30 regals a stack, and either way, it's a whole hell of a lot better than continuing to drive the price of God armor into the ground.
And this isnt a question about being ethical its about survival. Would you want a bad economy or no server at all? Because that is the reason right there, we have to make up the money we used to get from premium in other ways, all that money goes to server survial.
Tuna, I like you and all and mean this in the nicest possible way, but this statement is really just ignorant and inconsistent with other statements which have made by you and other staff members. In other post, you claimed that it's the gift4all donations are going down in number. I agree with that entirely. However, that also means that the revenue from these donations are going down, and so the server can't really expect to use these donations to subsidize the loss in premium donations.

Additionally, the idea of destroying the economy for an extra couple hundred dollars a month doesn't make sense. Tons of players care about the economy play based around the economy, including pvpers, general survivalists, some builders, etc. Destroying the economy will drive people off of the server, including a lot of premiums. In all honesty, I've been toying with quitting lately, because all of my items are worthless, pvp is dead, and staff are doing literally nothing to fix these problems. I've really just been getting on to talk in ally chat lately, and don't plan on changing this in the near future until at least some kind of progress is made on these issues.

I'll write some more later when I get home and am off of my phone.
Also - voting.

Voting for items should not grant players items per vote, but each vote should be put into a pot and when the pot is full, everyone online recieves a cool, unique lore item. In simplier terms, lets say I cast 3 votes - those would go into the pot which could be something like 30 votes. Now the pot is at 3/30, and when it eventually reaches 30/30 everyone on the server gets an item.

This way, voting will be much more encouraged by other players for the benefit of both themselves, and every other player. It's a win-win.
With this, even players who never vote will get the benefits. Players would stop voting, as they will get the items anyways.
With this, even players who never vote will get the benefits. Players would stop voting, as they will get the items anyways.

I can see that happening, but voting technically always relies on people to vote. I think the same people who vote now would still vote if a new system was made, and encourage new people to vote as well, which is the purpose of a voting system.
Anything4all would ruin some part of trade and certain businesses.

If you make it lore4all, the lore item prices will go down, even worse when you make it oldloreitems4all, as these items are naturally worth more. We have seen what happend with tools/armor/weapons4all and the result is that we want to get rid of it. With lore4all we would just shift the problem away from (mostly) PVPers to (mostly) RPers / lore traders.
I said it already in another post: don't make anything4all but find something else to get people to spend money on the server.
Think of what would need to be in place so you couldn't resist to buy premium.

For me that would be if the auto-kick time of factions is set to 7 - 14 days, but premium would give data priority, so my characters wouldn't be kicked at all as long as I'm paying. I would instantly buy this not just for one character, but all my alts too, because I wouldn't need to worry anymore to check in with them.
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Something that came to my mind and it's basically an extension for the lore4all idea to something that's less market damaging (I'm just brainstorming here):

Instead of armor&weapon4all or oldloreitems4all we could make food4all and drinks4all. Why? Because the trade with them never dies, many try to establish a tavern at least once or simply use food and drinks while RPing.

Food4all could be lored food from a sugar rush cookie to a calemberger or new lore items (which would be more work but would also preserve the value of the old items).
Drinks4all could be lored drinks like Cloud Wine, Stale Ale or again new lored drinks.

But so far that's not much different to lore4all. So here we go with the main part of this idea:

I think it actually doesn't even have to be lored. Many new players welcome a simple meal after they got killed and lost all their items. If it's not lored it could have the name of the buyer on it to make it a bit special. It could also be mixed so if you are lucky you get a lored item, if you are unlucky you just get a simple loaf of bread, or maybe there could be one yellow rare food item or drink with every purchase and one lucky person gets that one.

If a percentage can be set with which we get certain items (like 45% unlored items, 15% white lore items, etc so that 45 in 100 players get an unlored item, 15 get a white lore item and so on) , we could still keep a balance of unlored items, normal (white) lore items and rare lore items. If this is possible then the rare lore items would be still worth a lot on the market and the feature wouldn't damage the prices.

We could also make a difference between lorecompliantfood4all and randomfood4all (which again takes time and staff power, but then we could use the idea twice. Randomfood4all could be cheaper than lorecompliantfood4all, likewise for drinks).

If we want to extend this idea it could also be done for clothes, herbs/plants or books/maps/letters.