General Rp Questions And Some Ideas

What sort of RP do you prefer?

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Magical Assistant
Jul 1, 2012
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The other day, I was thinking about Rp in general and how we could reach as many players as we can. Thia has something to do with motivation and what is more motivating than others, who do RP?

What we currently do:
We give you all the freedom we can. You are free to enter a faction, RP with them, chose a race or get infected by the dark diseas. Your RP isn't limited, you can chose freely without mayor disclaimers ( like classes would do). Some players are very rich and can basically buy anything they want...some people might see that as game ruining...

There is few (not nothing) player to player RP (afaik of course) and some people have showed interrest in this.
This is the first question: in what sort of roleplay are you most interrested? In-faction role-plays, player to player ones or different?

Is the economy or the mcmmo skills bad for some RPs? Can this possibly limit you? Or are factions limiting you?
If there is something, tell me. (ofc, we won't disable mcmmo in the normal worlds, but who knows what the future brings?)
Answer to Question 1:
I prefer inter faction RolePlay (Allies, Truces and even Enemies).

RolePlaying with Allies or members of your own faction is sometimes much more fun and easy as you know things about their RP character already, allowing you to play off that and make good RP decisions.

RolePlaying with Truces are slightly more difficult but equally as entertaining, should you happen to catch a 'fair' Roleplayer. You can use your RP knowledge to find out information about these people and have fun.

RolePlaying with Enemies is much more difficult, as you are attempting to murder one another it is sometimes hard to enjoy yourself when RPing with them.

Answer to Question 2:
I believe the economy and the McMMo actually enhance the roleplay. From what I've seen at least :P

It gives a bit more diversity to the RolePlay I would say.

It's always good to 'RP TRAIN' your combat skills, but now you actually can. I like this.
Agreed with Tom, while there still should be a fair amount of freedom with role play overall, there should be guide lines.
One of the problems I have encountered are
1. Out of context role plays: These are the most annoying ones as you try to role play with someone that doesn't even remain in the same genre as your character and the majority of the servers. Eg. I am role playing with a fellow faction member, I am playing as a Mage from a mountain clan. But my fellow member is role playing as doctor who in a girl version. Not only is this out of context by far, but it disallows us to communicate equally and remain in the same subject when the two characters come from a completely different genre.
I selected the option of 'other' because you didn't list City Role Play. City Role Play is what Regalia is about, where people don't have to worry so much about being raided/killed, or about resources and other faction problems. Unlike ptp rp, City Role Play (CRP from now on) is on a larger scale. You have dozens of different minor roleplays going on at once, with the overall roleplay as a city unit (Traders, Drunks is Bars, Duelists[insofar as such can be done in Regalia], racial conversations, robberies, the like). In crp, it is similar to a faction but with more depth I think. I would like to see more true crp, without all those noobs asking dumb questions in local chats like 'where is graveyard' and 'SOMEONE INFECT ME PLZ!'. It would be nice if, in the future, you created a city that operated SOLELY for the purpose of roleplay, and not as a server spawn point.

Other then crp, I agree with everything Tom said :)
I prefer a more "Random Improv" type of roleplay. For example if i was just saying hi to someone i might turn it into "*A raven Swoops down from te sky carrying a message written by tubbytundra reading: Hi*" and also more instant types of rp, random and fun. I agree with toms rping with enemy thing but with slight variations, it wouldn't be the full rp while battling, but also in the background, like when traveling/portaling there, instead of just portaling there to kill them, why not build a small base of operations nearby where you portal to to get to the enemies, or maybe when trying to get into their fort in large numbers, maybe try to do a slow siege to get in by setting up cannons nearby with some archers and such. I feel that only factions limits it a tad, when you cant operate on their territory properly, if this was real then why would you not be able to use a pickaxe to dig a hole into your enemies territory or not be able to place down ladders against your enemies wall to get in. Some other things that are limited it teleporting, like warp plaza and spawn, maybe make the time to get there a little longer, and the only thing i can see that the economy is bad in is if someone dupes they can get ahead very unfairly and also the prices are a tad limp.

Tat is all i has to say! (Y)
I guess I'll answer this in the same way Tom did, so:
  1. I like RP that isn't limited to a faction, person, or city, but it incorporates the whole world. It allows other players to join in freely and it gives a wider range of settings.
  2. I believe MCmmo isn't the best plugin suited for roleplay. Why? It gives players powers that, usually, don't happen in a "normal" fight.
  3. The economy in Massivecraft is pretty good and works for most roleplay settings. The fact that people have to work hard to earn silver helps with roleplaying as a serf, farmer, or other physical labor job.
I hope this answers the questions you had, Ulu. :)
Sometimes MCmmo annoys me for some of the reasons listed

Regarding factions or player to player, I prefer faction or ally roleplay. The reason is peoples lack of effort. I keep seeing that oh so common guy in a hoodie with a headset lately, that has nothing to do with anything roleplay. If they don't get a skin for their roleplay character, it gets confusing in the beginning. You should be able to identify some things when you first see a player, otherwise you will have an awkward conversation like this.
(In a bar)
Me: Greetings, good sir. A man like yourself must be tired after a journey, why don't ye sit with me, and have a pint?
Stranger: I'm a girl, and I'm also an orc. But I bet you didn't know that because of this 'creeper in a suit' skin I downloaded.

Because of that I don't enjoy interacting with complete strangers a whole lot, I prefer to carefully choose people to roleplay with, mainly with factions, or friends and such.

Also I met a 'vampire' once, I noticed when he caught on fire in Silveredge, and (in character) I made a comment about how he is scum, and should cleanse himself at an altar. He replied with some snarky comment, saying "Chill, it's just a game dude" or something along those lines.
Thank you for your oppinions so far. :) Please respond further on, but answer the question three (this one underneath) aswell.
I hope I get this right.

You make strange encounters with people who do not want or cannot RP. The CRP (mecharics text) should make you think RP is fun, even if you are not good at it. You should be able to RP freely, without beeing disturbed by people asking questions for Meta-gaiming. (a visit to the graveyard can be RP-ish...can)
The money and mcmmo skills enhance the RP in our "setting" we have, it isn't seen as a negativ point.

Now, the third question:
Should we as a server team give you more places/settings/opportunitys to RP? If so, would you like it to be safe (like citys are), semi-safe (like factions are), a mix or anything you can think of. It doesn't matter if you don't name "safe, semi or labla" they are there to make you think a bit about it;) Please list your oppinion and thoughts.
The other day, I was thinking about Rp in general and how we could reach as many players as we can. Thia has something to do with motivation and what is more motivating than others, who do RP?

What we currently do:
We give you all the freedom we can. You are free to enter a faction, RP with them, chose a race or get infected by the dark diseas. Your RP isn't limited, you can chose freely without mayor disclaimers ( like classes would do). Some players are very rich and can basically buy anything they want...some people might see that as game ruining...

There is few (not nothing) player to player RP (afaik of course) and some people have showed interrest in this.
This is the first question: in what sort of roleplay are you most interrested? In-faction role-plays, player to player ones or different?

Is the economy or the mcmmo skills bad for some RPs? Can this possibly limit you? Or are factions limiting you?
If there is something, tell me. (ofc, we won't disable mcmmo in the normal worlds, but who knows what the future brings?)
A note on the "rich" players. I acquired ~1000 silver when diamonds were 1 silver each, now that the prices have dropped my money is worth 5 times more than it was in the beginning. The reason people are so rich is they've held onto their money for a long time and it's just getting more and more valuable. You can't really blame the players for this, only the economy.

As for McMMO, I do like the idea of certain players being more powerful, especially through hard work and effort they can gain respect. Those who don't work as hard have to stick around for longer to get the same skills. I honestly wouldn't mind changes to McMMO if they're more rp, or even a total overhaul, I just hope that levels are just as hard to obtain, and no one has to start again.

People often don't find MassiveCraft for the RP, a lot of people find massive from the plugin pages if not them, the friends who invited them did. It's unfortunate, but I think the server needs to accept that people won't often log onto this server anxious to RP. I often don't RP with friends, I'm not very good at it either, but when I see others RP'ing I often jump in, even if only briefly. I think if some of the more active players roleplayed in publicly accessible locations it might be more popular. As was seen with Wolffram. (Although the general "OMG PURPLE NAME" might have helped.

I'm tired, that's probably a senseless rant, but I'm going to post it anyway because yolo.
Personally, I think the server should not emphasize any one form of roleplay more then another.You should aim to get people roleplaying in their factions, spontaneously in wilderness, and in city-themes and areas.

Currently, there aren't many safe roleplay areas that aren't mobbed with noobs asking dumb questions. My personal preference would be a world created for roleplay only. It doesn't need to be a full size world, but could be smaller like Regalia. It would probably want to have a few arenas and perhaps some locations in the streets where pvp is enabled (for duels and robberies and such) with other areas being safezoned.

So, in summary, yes, the server should try to create more roleplay areas, but they shouldn't focus solely on pvp, city, or faction role play. You should try to keep a balance between the types to encourage diversity in roleplay (which will, I hope, help it spread into factions and such).

Would be nice if some rules were put in place regarding construction. There is little I hate more then walking through a town or base and seeing a bunch of crappy houses made entirely of wood, just wood planks in a freaking square... At least pretend you have a sense of aesthetics...
Umm that is basically what regalia is for, other than serving as a new spawn and new markets.
I prefer rp'ing by creating stories or with others on the forums. I hate in game roleplay as too many people interrupt or meta game/power game that essentially makes a giant face palm.

Mcmmo and the economy do not affect roleplay in the least.

In terms of a new area, add more interesting dynamic pieces to explore in current cities. For example, instead of building a blimp over Silveredge, build a blimp that is on fire or blowing up. Instead of some stark stone statues, have the statues fighting in an everlasting frozen battle with a cool story and place to explore to back that up.
Umm that is basically what regalia is for, other than serving as a new spawn and new markets.
Maybe Regalia is intended to be like that, but the problem to that solution lies at the end of your post. Regalia will simply become the new noob hub, and those noobs will mob everyone trying to have a decent roleplay. When I go to Silveredge, this is what I experience

Guy Noobtag: I'm an agni what are you
Percy Noobson: God I hate rain (weak attempt at subtly making your race known. I hate when people say this or something similair)
William Noobspeare: *walks up to me*
Golemlord Awesomesauce: Greetings, traveler. Would you care to sit with an old man, and hear of my travels? (trying to encourage noob RP)

This is my average day at Silveredge, and while Regalia was intended to better, once the noob spawn is there, it will be exactly the same, and due to the noobs few people will favor RP'ing at Regalia over their own factions. The solution is making cities not unlike Regalia around the world. Basically a faction city except it's a safezone, and there is no teleport or ship to it. hopefully nobody would go there unless they actually wanted to roleplay in a fun and beautiful city environment, or at the very least could stay out of Roleplayers way. It would perhaps have an arena, and a couple shops, but the main aspect of the city should be the visuals, amazing houses, a stunning castle in the middle, and walls around the city that you can climb up to to get a good view of the city.
For the two or three comments about the "Regalia noob hub" Thingy...
Well, it might happen in some areas. Regalia is big enough to host a noob place and some more RP advanced places.
We are already taking actions against Meta-gaiming, just so you know. But it is very hard keep away newbies from interupting your RP.
In the future, Regalia will not be the /spawn or most likely not. This will change.
Keep the input coming.