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From The Desk Of The Crookback Labor Ministry

Dec 4, 2013
Reaction score
Speedwagon Foundation
It has come to my attention that various doctors and healers are providing their services for free, starving themselves and driving actual commercial doctors out of business. In addition there is an inventor siccing murderous automatons on Crookback businesses. This is now Illegal. Please read below!

From the desk of the Crookback Labor & Commerce Ministry Posted as of 12/31/310
  1. It is illegal to provide medical services free of charge.
    1. Doing so devalues doctors who need to provide a living for themselves and purchase materials for treatment, and in turn lowers Crookback's revenue positivity.
    2. Doctors are workers who deserve compensation for providing a service.
    3. Minimum payment expected for more charitable doctors to receive is 5 regals for minor injuries and 15 regals for major injuries.
    4. Occult-practicing healers are not exempt.
  2. It is illegal to expect services free of charge.
    1. By extension, unpaid labor (Read, slavery) is illegal.
  3. Doctor Wadi-Wadi is now in charge of the Emporium Clinic.
    1. They will be the reference point for doctors to follow for quality.
    2. If you can provide services at least half as competently as them then you are qualified to perform surgery in the Borough.
  4. It is illegal to create automated constructs with the intent to harvest the flesh or generally malign residents of Crookback.
    1. Releasing such machines into Emporium businesses is even more illegal.
    2. Fines range from 10,000 regals to 100,000 regals.
    3. Higher Entities are not exempt.
Ellamae Nul,
Crookback Minister of Labor & Commerce
Deputy to Mayor CC-Delle Nul
Sergeant of the Crookback Militia
Local Friend
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