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Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
team sad
[Pinned to any and every notice board, a sheet of paper flapped; fruitlessly trying to wrestle it's way out of metal that kept it firmly placed against the cork. The black ink had smudged all across the page, and it was clear this person was not a writer, yet a certain name may catch some passers-by's attention.]

To everyone it concerns,
I, Freya formerly-Jarsdel, am here to publicly announce my departure from House Jarsdel. To better protect my city and my state, I have made the decision to abandon my old title. The wrong-doings my estranged family committed were no place of mine, I am simply a bystander caught with an unfortunate last name. I would like to make the public aware of these facts, so I am not misnamed and not misjudged by my peers, I only wish to protect my own reputation, and my employer's- as they so graciously allowed me to stay within their ranks. I am a devout Unionist, and do not condone my blood relative's actions, I never will and never have. My new name is unimportant, what does matter is the forgiveness I ask for due to my own mistake of being born into the wrong family.
Thank you.
"Well, guess ya should give her a chance. What good are we if we just snuffed out the last bit of hope? It would do us more good than harm. Folks gave me a chance. Here I am."
"Blood is blood" the bald man commented, looking away from the note. He flicked ash from his sigg to the stone beneath him. "Ain't no mistake 'ah bein' born, mistake be betrayin' yer brother yea' nasty snake."
Beni Yahdga would read this note, looking at it with sadness in his eyes. "Poor Freya. I may not be Unionist, but she really does not deserve this. But what good will it do her to betray her brother. In my mind, it seems somewhat like a selfish and nasty motive, abandoning your family's name because of a mistake your brother made that you feel embarrassed of. How cruel, but at least I hope she did what she thought was right."
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"What a queer lass."
A certain Mutt spoke after having Senobia read the paper out to him. The woman proceeded to wack him over the head with the paper over his comment.​
After having smacked the man and sending him a rather unamused look, she'd lean back into the seating with a pained mumble."At least she's trying to do something with her life I guess."
The letter was read aloud to Edward Jarsdel during his time in the Black Tower's torture cells. As another backhand landed upon his bloodsoaked face covered in bruises and cuts, he coughed out a chunk of blood, his blackened and swollen eyes hollowly staring at the guard who informed him of his sisters decision. He gasped for air, half-choking due to the hand grabbing at his throat and restricting him to the floor, as something else began to drip from his face besides the blood. Tears.
'It just seems to be the gift that keeps on giving, does it not? It may not be a good gift but...Well. It keeps on coming back.'
A frown creased her bruised and bandaged features as she studied the notice upon the board. Pursing her lips in contemplation, Darcie let out a small sigh and murmured aloud, "Spirit be with her upon this path." And after speaking thusly, the injured woman moved away from the board, her gait unsteady and missing the normal swagger that shifted her shoulders and hips.