Frank's Art Thread

oh hey I forgot I could post things here.
Apparently I just draw the same two characters most of the time, but I'm okay with it.
Vampires can't use mirrors, but Luthien and Frank can get drunk and sit on the floor and describe eachother.

wait, what?
(no context is the best context! yeah! I like blankets they are good.)
What an intriguing style- I love the under-representation of characters in some of these, the use of the space you have is quite inspiring, but most of all I love the interactions between the people in your work, it's very though evoking. It would be very neat to see you do some work depicting Regalian scenes, people in everyday life and otherwise.

I can't give this enough thumbs up.
SilverAlbatross I think i'm eventually gonna have to make a thread for that kind of thing. I seem to get asked about it a lot maybe it's time to get my act together and do it hahah. I'm hesitant at the moment due to some irl stuff making me worry that I won't be able to get things done in any particular timeframe, buuut hopefully some day that is not so much of an issue.

What an intriguing style- I love the under-representation of characters in some of these, the use of the space you have is quite inspiring, but most of all I love the interactions between the people in your work, it's very though evoking. It would be very neat to see you do some work depicting Regalian scenes, people in everyday life and otherwise.

I can't give this enough thumbs up.

ahh thank you so much! everyday life type scenes and people interacting is some of my favourite stuff to draw and I'm actually glad to hear some interest in it. I always think all my drawings of characters having conversations and stuff like that must get boring to people XD
SilverAlbatross I think i'm eventually gonna have to make a thread for that kind of thing. I seem to get asked about it a lot maybe it's time to get my act together and do it hahah. I'm hesitant at the moment due to some irl stuff making me worry that I won't be able to get things done in any particular timeframe, buuut hopefully some day that is not so much of an issue.

Trust me. With the quality of your work, I would wait fifty-two years in a Norwegian cryogenics facility. (Like the one in my forums RP. SHAMELESS ADVERTISING FTW)