Archived Forced To Fight

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Mar 31, 2013
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Firstly, I have written many threads about peaceful factions and things and people have turned that down and thats completely fine. What I want to accomplish with this thread is to show that from a players point of view the rules on political inter-faction disagreements are unfair and diffcult to meet.

Firstly the rules state that if a faction enemies you they have the justified right to raid you and demand a tribute and a surrender or they will continue raiding you until you give them what they want.
I understand that this is a raiding server and that is within the rules, but look at this from a purely separate view: You are enemied to a faction, who are forcing you to give a tribute and surrender to them which is humiliating and inconvenient, because you dislike raiding and fighting and would rather just not have to worry about the issue.

Your faction does not have the tribute and would take ages to make a tribute like that, and you dont wish to have any part in the agreement, but you also don't wish to be raided indefinately.

That is me currently. I feel asthough all my minecraft time is wasted disputing some petty issue which another faction has about my faction. I did not enemy them and I did not wish to be enemied to them, in fact I would rather be allied to them.

So its a waste of my time, and if I cant meet it "by server rules" I can justifiably be raided indefinately by that faction. To me thats really unfair, because it lowers the quality of my minecraft time and makes life in game hellish. I feel harassed and bullied into something I disagree with and its actually making me hate massivecraft more and more. No offense.

So my suggestion is : could you please revise the inter-faction politics rules and make it not so harsh on people who are maybe poor (ingame) or unable to meet demands. Infact in the perfect scenario I think it would be fair if the faction could enemy you but only stay enemied to you if you were also wanting to be part of the dispute. With me its different, I want to be as far away from the dispute as possible infact Im willing to ignore them if it makes it go away.

So in effect Massivecraft rules force people to engage in politics which are grossly unfair and could be improved by for example removing the rule that "you can be raided indefinately" if you don't meet demands. I feel like its completely unjust to ask such things of a peaceful faction anyway.

PS. I have approached this issue far more lightly so don't start attacking me because its not welcome.
thx[DOUBLEPOST=1365165400,1365165223][/DOUBLEPOST]:) Let this smily face set the mood to: happiness abounding with love and ponies and kittens and flowers.
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I don't want your respect. It would be an insult I think. Anyway, I agree, I should watch my language and apologize for losing my self control. It's just very, VERY, annoying to see someone dissing my friends and server over a little thing like raids and raiding.

Could you please just try to adapt, and to get peace with others even at minor expense on your part? If you surrender to 9th then they need to protect you due to the tribute, so that will be a large reason for others not to raid you. It doesn't last forever though, so you would also need to get on good relations with other factions so they WANT to protect you. It's worked for others, why not try it yourself?
It looks as though I will just have to exactly that. ;)
I have placed a temporary 7 week ban on pldeutz's account so that the situation cools down and everyone can stop aggrevating each other.

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