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Why Keep Up The Fight?

May 26, 2015
Reaction score
[Letters would fly across the winds of the island, landing next to or on people that might be interested in this. Soon enough, this would also be printed at multiple stands across the city.]

Hey Regalia, it's me again, Argo Dagwyn.. it's been a rough bit, hasn't it? From a Regalian Knight Order going out and striking the places of faith allowed in this glorious empire and sieging a estate to target the victims of their anti-occult campaigns, to now the forces of the Argentum Order allying with those who've constantly caused a pain in our sides to gain much more strength. We all know what I'm talking about, with now the near daily fights at Crookback's entry to sate their bloodlust in a attempt to breach our city, the multiple bandit attacks now out in the woods, and for all non-unionist members of this empire, having fear of our temples being blocked off.

It's.. always been like this, hasn't it? Chaos, trials, and tribulations seem to always been around the corner or at our doorsteps here at our very home. I can't remember a time when it wasn't like that, all the way back to when long gone friends were revived as Deathlings under Lo, to last year with a scientifically advanced culture showed up out of nowhere in attempt to destroy our way of life. I've have, and so many others, have been there, and witnessed so much.. loss, destruction, and regrowth, only for it to collapse when the next sign of chaos turned it's ugly head.

At this point of my life, it's been rough, I'll be honest. As you all are aware of, the Rosaria Circle, a place I served with and still consider it's members family, closed it's doors one last time. Once again, I was on my own, doing things on my own or at random working with people I consider friends or sometimes loose allies at best. It's been during this time to reflect that I've started to wonder.. why do I keep fighting? Why do I end up getting into fights knowing I'll come back battered, worn down, knowing that another run-of-the-mill monster will show up again?

I figured out, the night I discovered someone I consider my closest friends, Sera Gwilym Arnyn had passed away. I've known him for years at this point, and he'd always kept up fighting, so much so that you'd think with how tired he was, he was in his forties, not half way into his twenties. It really hit me, that I have, we all have, lost so many amazing people who have worked tireless to fight for the good people here, to fight for the future of a more peaceful world, to fight so that others won't have to feel similar loss.

Yet through all of that, I've somehow managed to keep kicking it seems, not ready to throw in the towel yet. Because I refuse to let their deaths, their sacrifices to not have meaning, to throw what they strived for to the side and just accept life will always suck. I, and I know so many of us wish to change that, to fight the forces that keep trying to make us surrender to their lack of morality, to those who think something like conscience is 'weak' or 'pointless', simply because they refuse to realize of all the wrong they do for debauched hedonism and self-gain at the expense of others.

So at that, I've decided to make something new, a organization to help organize and help protect those who need protecting on this island, our home. It is much right now, probably not. But who's to say it won't be? I wouldn't be surprised if folks will roll their eyes thinking about how many other groups have risen and fallen in a attempt to keep up with crisis after crisis. I don't blame them, I've seen plenty go down that path too. But.. I refuse to stop now, to lay down and surrender. I'm gonna keep up the good fight for my empire, for my family and friends who are still here, or their memories still live on with us. So all I gotta say reader, if you feel the same, would you like to have a chat? Because if so, the Dagwyn Defenders are always happy for new recruits.

This has been Argo Dagwyn, and glory to Regalia.

((This is a call to arms as a declaration for the beginning of the organization of Dagwyn Defenders, and a sort of manifesto for Argo's thoughts at the current time of this post.))