Archived Forced To Fight

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Mar 31, 2013
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Firstly, I have written many threads about peaceful factions and things and people have turned that down and thats completely fine. What I want to accomplish with this thread is to show that from a players point of view the rules on political inter-faction disagreements are unfair and diffcult to meet.

Firstly the rules state that if a faction enemies you they have the justified right to raid you and demand a tribute and a surrender or they will continue raiding you until you give them what they want.
I understand that this is a raiding server and that is within the rules, but look at this from a purely separate view: You are enemied to a faction, who are forcing you to give a tribute and surrender to them which is humiliating and inconvenient, because you dislike raiding and fighting and would rather just not have to worry about the issue.

Your faction does not have the tribute and would take ages to make a tribute like that, and you dont wish to have any part in the agreement, but you also don't wish to be raided indefinately.

That is me currently. I feel asthough all my minecraft time is wasted disputing some petty issue which another faction has about my faction. I did not enemy them and I did not wish to be enemied to them, in fact I would rather be allied to them.

So its a waste of my time, and if I cant meet it "by server rules" I can justifiably be raided indefinately by that faction. To me thats really unfair, because it lowers the quality of my minecraft time and makes life in game hellish. I feel harassed and bullied into something I disagree with and its actually making me hate massivecraft more and more. No offense.

So my suggestion is : could you please revise the inter-faction politics rules and make it not so harsh on people who are maybe poor (ingame) or unable to meet demands. Infact in the perfect scenario I think it would be fair if the faction could enemy you but only stay enemied to you if you were also wanting to be part of the dispute. With me its different, I want to be as far away from the dispute as possible infact Im willing to ignore them if it makes it go away.

So in effect Massivecraft rules force people to engage in politics which are grossly unfair and could be improved by for example removing the rule that "you can be raided indefinately" if you don't meet demands. I feel like its completely unjust to ask such things of a peaceful faction anyway.

PS. I have approached this issue far more lightly so don't start attacking me because its not welcome.
thx[DOUBLEPOST=1365165400,1365165223][/DOUBLEPOST]:) Let this smily face set the mood to: happiness abounding with love and ponies and kittens and flowers.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There is a maximum amount of silver one may demand. The system works with increments of 2 silver per member above 10 members. To explain this more thoroughly, below are the brackets.
  • Bracket 1 = 1 to 9 players = 1 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 2 = 10 to 19 players = 2 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 3 = 20 to 29 players = 4 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 4 = 30 to 39 players = 6 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 5 = 40 to 49 players = 8 silver per players in the faction
  • Bracket 6 = 50 or more players = 10 silver per player in the faction
This is taken from the "Harassment and Tribute Rule" and so I fail to see what your problem is, if you are a small faction you can call for a tribute, these are the criteria for harassment:
  • A faction who is waging war with you refuses to make official demands after you have asked for them and are considering surrendering.
  • A faction has no roleplay reasons or logical reasons to attack you, but simply does so out of personal spite. Note: admins will always be the judge of what is spite attacking and what is not.
  • A faction raids you in a trolling-raid with no particular reason other then non-targeted killing.
  • Players raiding staff members for no other reason then the fact that they are staff. ("lulz 2 raid staff lolomgz" is very annoying to deal with for us)
I hope this helps clear your problem.
There is a maximum amount of silver one may demand. The system works with increments of 2 silver per member above 10 members. To explain this more thoroughly, below are the brackets.
  • Bracket 1 = 1 to 9 players = 1 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 2 = 10 to 19 players = 2 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 3 = 20 to 29 players = 4 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 4 = 30 to 39 players = 6 silver per player in the faction
  • Bracket 5 = 40 to 49 players = 8 silver per players in the faction
  • Bracket 6 = 50 or more players = 10 silver per player in the faction
This is taken from the "Harassment and Tribute Rule" and so I fail to see what your problem is, if you are a small faction you can call for a tribute, these are the criteria for harassment:

  • A faction who is waging war with you refuses to make official demands after you have asked for them and are considering surrendering.
  • A faction has no roleplay reasons or logical reasons to attack you, but simply does so out of personal spite. Note: admins will always be the judge of what is spite attacking and what is not.
  • A faction raids you in a trolling-raid with no particular reason other then non-targeted killing.
  • Players raiding staff members for no other reason then the fact that they are staff. ("lulz 2 raid staff lolomgz" is very annoying to deal with for us)
I hope this helps clear your problem.

Yeah its probably the second dot point, out of spite because of the way I talked to one of the admins in january who is aquianted with said member of said faction. But like I'm saying the rules could change to be more fair on people who don't like the politics side of things and just want to be left alone to do their thing.
pldeutz, I loath raiding and being raided. I do not see anything wrong, however, with the current system. In the real world (which minecraft simulates to a degree) nations and people have always hurt each other and invaded each other in exchange for raw materials, monetary compensation, or just because they sought to burn and pillage. In all honesty, the fact that there are rules at all is going beyond the norm for most servers that allow PVP.
I think it would be fair if the faction could enemy you but only stay enemied to you if you were also wanting to be part of the dispute.
Then there would be just about no war. War is part of life in a Medieval universe, so if there was anything in the rules so extreme as to preventing raiding as a whole, most of the community would not like it. I understand people want to be peaceful, so my suggestion is one of the following:
- Get some guards and a darkroom so they can train and defend you
- Join an empire of sorts that can protect you
I still fail to see why we should change how the entire rule works because 1 person out of 5000 logins a day is not happy with it.

And as for the demands and tribute, they demand things, you can then negotiate so that if you are poor you say im sorry but i only have half of what you want and then the negotiations are on. People are asked to be reasonable when demanding things. But if you refuse to talk to them or negotiate and just say i dont want to surrender, i dont want to give you a tribute to have peace for the 75 days then that will make you unreasonable wouldnt it? Its all about give and take.

You cant be 100% happy with everything on the server all the time. This is how it is, its infact very medieval and rpish aswell. Raiders went to raid and got loot and items or food from villages in order to feed their own villagers. The fact that you dont like it but everyone else seems to be fine with it leads me to the question of who is really being unreasonable here? Did you ever come to think that you might be the one not being reasonable?

Asking the server to change the rules just because they dont suit your needs seems a bit strange to me.
If you can choose to set an enemy as peaceful it would be far to abusable. You could set to peaceful when they are attacking you in your territory, making the unable to attack you but you could still attack them. It could be made so that status can't be changed when they are in your territory, but you could change right before they entered, giving the much same effect.
You would also end up with people fighting over whether or not they are at war, one side continually declaring war, and the other constantly cancelling it.

You are never forced to fight. They can't break your walls so while you may be restricted inside your base, you can still just choose to ignore them.

I noticed the other day that even when fighting you didn't remove yourself from the dynmap, if you're not on dynmap people don't know where you are, unless they are determined enough to post a guard on all your lands, and all world portals whenever you're online.
In their defense, I have had times where I wishes I could just force peaceful settings on the other guys haha. And since conventional domes are against the rules it's harder to function during a raid...

If you don't wanna be raided, do what Hisoka is doing and make a tree-dome (literally, a massive, magical elven tree that will cover the entire base) to keep people out. You can also make a 'hill' an landscape it so it doesn't look bad. That way admins can't really say 'it's a dome, remove it' (to my understanding at least, some domes are acceptable).
I feel your pain pldeutz, but we just have to get used to it. It's kinda like in the real world: If one person want's a law changed but the rest of the country agree's with the law, most likely the government will not change it. Majority over minority, you know?
I find that this is even an argument is extremely ridiculous. This is an roleplay server and as many of the more experienced roleplayers know, especially those from MassiveCraft, playing is not allows fun and at times it is stressful. What you don't seem to understand is that the server would never allow what you want because it would be incredibly detrimental to roleplay. Honestly if you are all "happy happy joy joy" during your time on MassiveCraft then so be it, but you are missing out on the fun of the server or any roleplay server for that matter. Conflict is the driving force of roleplay and without it the server would die. So, in my opinion if you are never stressed, mad, or frustrated while playing MassiveCraft then you are doing it wrong. Lastly I would like to add that this is only a game and while some of this stuff seems bad now if you try and embrace it you may actually truly understand the server and its nature.
Firstly, I have written many threads about peaceful factions and things and people have turned that down and thats completely fine. What I want to accomplish with this thread is to show that from a players point of view the rules on political inter-faction disagreements are unfair and diffcult to meet.
Its actully not unfair from the view point of probably 99% of people who play on massivecraft. Just because you thing something it does not mean everyone else has to. If you don't like the rules on this server, leave it.

Firstly the rules state that if a faction enemies you they have the justified right to raid you and demand a tribute and a surrender or they will continue raiding you until you give them what they want.
I understand that this is a raiding server and that is within the rules, but look at this from a purely separate view: You are enemied to a faction, who are forcing you to give a tribute and surrender to them which is humiliating and inconvenient, because you dislike raiding and fighting and would rather just not have to worry about the issue.
This is a medival RP server, if you don't like it you are free to leave.

Your faction does not have the tribute and would take ages to make a tribute like that, and you dont wish to have any part in the agreement, but you also don't wish to be raided indefinately.
You still have many options
  1. ask them to stop if you can pay what you have and pay the rest by a set time
  2. get a lone (mechbank)
  3. ask someone else if they will defend you for less than the raiders want
  4. negotiate easier to pay terms
That is me currently. I feel asthough all my minecraft time is wasted disputing some petty issue which another faction has about my faction. I did not enemy them and I did not wish to be enemied to them, in fact I would rather be allied to them.
many issues are not petty. Raiding is allowed on this server and it will always be that way. If you don't like it either change or leave, it is not going to change for you.

So its a waste of my time, and if I cant meet it "by server rules" I can justifiably be raided indefinately by that faction. To me thats really unfair, because it lowers the quality of my minecraft time and makes life in game hellish. I feel harassed and bullied into something I disagree with and its actually making me hate massivecraft more and more. No offense.
If you hate it you can leave, we are not making you stay.

So my suggestion is : could you please revise the inter-faction politics rules and make it not so harsh on people who are maybe poor (ingame) or unable to meet demands.
With a bit of reworking maybe I would support this but, as I have said, their should always be a way to get the silver or lower the cost of peace.

Infact in the perfect scenario I think it would be fair if the faction could enemy you but only stay enemied to you if you were also wanting to be part of the dispute. With me its different, I want to be as far away from the dispute as possible infact Im willing to ignore them if it makes it go away.
You know this would basicly stop all raids and take a lot of the fun out of massivecraft.

So in effect Massivecraft rules force people to engage in politics which are grossly unfair and could be improved by for example removing the rule that "you can be raided indefinately" if you don't meet demands. I feel like its completely unjust to ask such things of a peaceful faction anyway.
Lets just pretend for a second what you said in the paragraph is correct. If massivecraft rules do this and you don't like it you can leave. Everyone else is generally fine with the rules and the server will not change for 1 person.

Have a nice day.
This is even worse than when you said "make a peaceful world in Massivecraft". You act like this is a minor change to the server that can help people, but instead this would just remove all pvp!If you don't like pvp, that's fine. Be like Osai or Hisoka or ANY OF THE OTHER PEACEFUL FACTIONS OF THE SERVER! Do you see them posting a DOZEN different threads complaining about war? NO! Adapt to the situation! Be creative! Come up with a service that will discourage people from attacking you! Be more POLITE! I am sure that some people are enemied or raiding you because of how you acted on the forums, and they have GOOD REASON! I'm sorry if this is starting to turn into a rant but I find that if you be nice to people, THEY'LL BE NICE TO YOU!
This is even worse than when you said "make a peaceful world in Massivecraft". You act like this is a minor change to the server that can help people, but instead this would just remove all pvp. No one actually WANTS to get raided, just like no one WANTS to lose all their items! Raiding someone is meant to be something they DON'T enjoy!
Unless the person getting raided is much better at pvp than the raiders, then it can be very fun for the people getting raided.
*thinks of time southstone (my faction) raided valyria*
I guess, I'm probably still bitter about the fighting with Argonia (bandit). I'll edit that bit of my post.
Abusable: A faction becomes "poor", but really just gives it to a trusted friend or sends it to an alternate account or faction. Does that mean they can't be raided? How would anybody know that they have rerouted the money? Silver payments can't be traced, and major investigations taken on by the staff will waste their time when they could be doing something more productive.

Also, this suggestion is somewhat like your last one, and you are just spam-posting the exact same one over and over again when people keep throwing it out the window. This stems from a personal issue that only you are having, and the admins aren't going to change it if only one login out of 9000 have it.
It is a personal issue. Nobody will change. I accept that I will get raided and that's fine but it wasn't my point. I don't want to leave the server so don't thrash that one again. The issue which is very unfair is that an enemy can force you to do something you don't feel you deserve to do, and if you disagree you are raided incessantly and indefinitely. Thats really unfair because it means if they are a large faction they will always be raiding and harassing. To you a huge tribute may sound reasonable but to me its like someone I don't even know coming and demanding all this stuff for some petty reason and when I say petty it is friggin petty in my case. I don't even want to bother with this anymore because people don't understand what I'm saying. Regardless of whether its a game, that's insignificant, its being raided indefinitely that should change because that's just darn unfair on a new faction or a small faction. You don't know that there may be plenty of people who disagree with the rules, that just don't have a say on the forums so don't make assumptions. And stop attacking me for being the only person here who believes such, because I will adapt and alter my ways of dealing with it. When the rules were written and the vote casted I would've had something to say. That's all.[DOUBLEPOST=1365211532,1365211463][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is even worse than when you said "make a peaceful world in Massivecraft". You act like this is a minor change to the server that can help people, but instead this would just remove all pvp!If you don't like pvp, that's fine. Be like Osai or Hisoka or ANY OF THE OTHER PEACEFUL FACTIONS OF THE SERVER! Do you see them posting a DOZEN different threads complaining about war? NO! Adapt to the situation! Be creative! Come up with a service that will discourage people from attacking you! Be more POLITE! I am sure that some people are enemied or raiding you because of how you acted on the forums, and they have GOOD REASON! I'm sorry if this is starting to turn into a rant but I find that if you be nice to people, THEY'LL BE NICE TO YOU!
You can talk, you've been perhaps the rudest of all because my ideas conflict with your violent nature.
You have said you accept it thousands of times on every thread, so why continue, if you don't like getting raided stop making enemies. It is that simple, no one is going to go to war with you if you simply act nice and thankful as well as keeping your emotions inside.
This is coming with 9thLegion. They've offered to make peace for a double chest of carrots. Maybe two. If it bothers you so much, I'll pay your fricking tribute if you stops your damn whining.
You have said you accept it thousands of times on every thread, so why continue, if you don't like getting raided stop making enemies. It is that simple, no one is going to go to war with you if you simply act nice and thankful as well as keeping your emotions inside.
No that's rubbish. People can enemy me all they want and I can't do a damn thing to atop them. They enemy because of my forum posts, which is utter crap and pathetic because they let their relations with me on the forums effect their relations with me in game. Its just infantile because they have never met me or know me personally or even uh understand anything about me and yet they are willing to enemy me because of some post on the forums.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212093,1365211880][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is coming with 9thLegion. They've offered to make peace for a double chest of carrots. Maybe two. If it bothers you so much, I'll pay your fricking tribute if you stops your damn whining.
They asked for 2 chests of carrots then when funky monkey killed artilles when he was killing our animals he made the tribute 4 double chests instead out of spite, which really sums up how pathetic he is, that he needs to be spiteful to assert himself. So after some heated negotiation he said ok I'll change it to red wool. And i now owe him 11-20 stacks of red wool which is ridiculous considering some of his people killed all our sheep.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212281][/DOUBLEPOST]If that's not unfair what is? Seriously and the reason they enemies us in the first place is because he didn't like the posts I put on the forums in January and that's utter bitch behaviour because I was punished for my disrespect to that admin and now he is still trying to make me suffer. Haven't I suffered enough. They killed all our sheep and chickens. I just hate them now.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212387][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just Great just great I want to join the people to raid you now
That just about sums you up, as a completely insensitive raider who couldn't give a crap about an injustice to a serve member.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212734][/DOUBLEPOST]
I still fail to see why we should change how the entire rule works because 1 person out of 5000 logins a day is not happy with it.

And as for the demands and tribute, they demand things, you can then negotiate so that if you are poor you say im sorry but i only have half of what you want and then the negotiations are on. People are asked to be reasonable when demanding things. But if you refuse to talk to them or negotiate and just say i dont want to surrender, i dont want to give you a tribute to have peace for the 75 days then that will make you unreasonable wouldnt it? Its all about give and take.

You cant be 100% happy with everything on the server all the time. This is how it is, its infact very medieval and rpish aswell. Raiders went to raid and got loot and items or food from villages in order to feed their own villagers. The fact that you dont like it but everyone else seems to be fine with it leads me to the question of who is really being unreasonable here? Did you ever come to think that you might be the one not being reasonable?

Asking the server to change the rules just because they dont suit your needs seems a bit strange to me.
Your continuing to show how insensitive you really are. They shouldn't demand things of you in the first place. What do I owe them. Nothing. Because I don't have any pleasure in being their enemy and because they enemied us for a weak reason which I highly question. If people leave me alone I leave them alone. They have started this and now I'm not relenting because I'm sick to death of this rule. You don't understand and probably never will because like I stated above your insensitivity is getting rude.
You're making it sound like unfairness in a power relation is a bad thing.
You're making it sound like unfairness in a power relation is a bad thing.
I don't know how to respond.[DOUBLEPOST=1365213170,1365213014][/DOUBLEPOST]Artilles enemed us because of the way I spoke to uh you on the forums in January but I WS as punished for that and am sorry about it but now he's enemied us and demanded all this stuff and his reason is because of what happened. That's unfair because its making me suffer. Haven't I suffered enough? Haven't I been punished enough.
I don't know, I kinda thought you'd never come back after I had to ban you to stop the insult train on the server. You made a fairly quiet come-back but something drew attention to you at some point. I haven't been paying enough attention to the forum to tell what that is.
I don't know, I kinda thought you'd never come back after I had to ban you to stop the insult train on the server. You made a fairly quiet come-back but something drew attention to you at some point. I haven't been paying enough attention to the forum to tell what that is.
Well I thought I'd persevere with it and see what had happened to the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1365214227,1365213524][/DOUBLEPOST]
No that's rubbish. People can enemy me all they want and I can't do a damn thing to atop them. They enemy because of my forum posts, which is utter crap and pathetic because they let their relations with me on the forums effect their relations with me in game. Its just infantile because they have never met me or know me personally or even uh understand anything about me and yet they are willing to enemy me because of some post on the forums.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212093,1365211880][/DOUBLEPOST]
They asked for 2 chests of carrots then when funky monkey killed artilles when he was killing our animals he made the tribute 4 double chests instead out of spite, which really sums up how pathetic he is, that he needs to be spiteful to assert himself. So after some heated negotiation he said ok I'll change it to red wool. And i now owe him 11-20 stacks of red wool which is ridiculous considering some of his people killed all our sheep.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212281][/DOUBLEPOST]If that's not unfair what is? Seriously and the reason they enemies us in the first place is because he didn't like the posts I put on the forums in January and that's utter bitch behaviour because I was punished for my disrespect to that admin and now he is still trying to make me suffer. Haven't I suffered enough. They killed all our sheep and chickens. I just hate them now.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212387][/DOUBLEPOST]
That just about sums you up, as a completely insensitive raider who couldn't give a crap about an injustice to a serve member.[DOUBLEPOST=1365212734][/DOUBLEPOST]
Your continuing to show how insensitive you really are. They shouldn't demand things of you in the first place. What do I owe them. Nothing. Because I don't have any pleasure in being their enemy and because they enemied us for a weak reason which I highly question. If people leave me alone I leave them alone. They have started this and now I'm not relenting because I'm sick to death of this rule. You don't understand and probably never will because like I stated above your insensitivity is getting rude.
You have no idea how long it takes to meet those demands and how much wasted minecraft time it would take and all because someone dislikes something I said on a forum. Grow up people, this is amoral behaviour. Idc if its rpish I'm not threatening that, I just want the raided indefinitely rule changed because thats saying well if you don't give us what we want we will attack and harass you forever, that's harassment whether you like it or not. That's not letting someone do their own thing and all because of some petty b****y issue on a forum.[DOUBLEPOST=1365214664][/DOUBLEPOST]That's right. I was enemied because of a post on this forum.
I'm going to stick to several facts that sums up this argument:
1. Sure, Artilles may be acting like a bitch to you. And maybe all of 9thLegion does hate you. I do realize that you do not have money, but how about you invite them calmly on TS to negotiate a certain time period for you to get the tribute required? Maybe even apologize to them? They are nice people and surely won't continue to "harass" you.
2. You aren't going to change the rules that have been here since it started by yourself. You aren't getting public support, so I would just leave the issue behind because this will only ruin your reputation in the end.
3. Your threads all stem from personal issues that are with another player. It's not about for the common good, it's for your own benefit. I'm not going to use the word "selfish" because I don't want a repeat of what happened on the last threads.
4. If you cannot pay tribute, go ask allies or a bank for a loan. MechBank is always happy to loan you amounts of money. Maybe you can raise a white flag and call a truce so that you can calmly negotiate. I bet that when Artilles was killing your animals, you were screaming at everybody to get him out. That's not how you talk to your enemies.
5. You're acting like Artilles doesn't have a good reason to enemy you. In this case, if your facts are right, then I agree. Artilles is being a bitch if he is enemying for something said in Janurary. However, this does not mean that Artilles can't enemy you. It's not recommended, but he can if he wishes to. There is no server rule against that and there shouldn't be due to the fact that so many people would leave the server due to its low tolerence of raiding for fun.
6. Posting one or even two threads is ok. However, posting in random places, flaming about it, and then creating another one isn't fine. It's against the rules to fourm spam, and it's plain disrespectful to foumr members.
7. Finally, to sum it all up, be respectful. As the saying goes, "Treat people the way you want to be treated." As MonMarty said, this started from long ago, and nobody had been insulting you. You took on an arrogant attitude and constantly expressed that attitude to us all. Even if they aren't being respectful to you, don't sink to their level. Just stay polite and cool. Once you talk calmly, they'll respect you.

That's my 2 cents. I would recommend that you take some time off Minecraft, go spend time with your friends, and sit back for a week.
I'm going to stick to several facts that sums up this argument:
1. Sure, Artilles may be acting like a bitch to you. And maybe all of 9thLegion does hate you. I do realize that you do not have money, but how about you invite them calmly on TS to negotiate a certain time period for you to get the tribute required? Maybe even apologize to them? They are nice people and surely won't continue to "harass" you.
2. You aren't going to change the rules that have been here since it started by yourself. You aren't getting public support, so I would just leave the issue behind because this will only ruin your reputation in the end.
3. Your threads all stem from personal issues that are with another player. It's not about for the common good, it's for your own benefit. I'm not going to use the word "selfish" because I don't want a repeat of what happened on the last threads.
4. If you cannot pay tribute, go ask allies or a bank for a loan. MechBank is always happy to loan you amounts of money. Maybe you can raise a white flag and call a truce so that you can calmly negotiate. I bet that when Artilles was killing your animals, you were screaming at everybody to get him out. That's not how you talk to your enemies.
5. You're acting like Artilles doesn't have a good reason to enemy you. In this case, if your facts are right, then I agree. Artilles is being a bitch if he is enemying for something said in Janurary. However, this does not mean that Artilles can't enemy you. It's not recommended, but he can if he wishes to. There is no server rule against that and there shouldn't be due to the fact that so many people would leave the server due to its low tolerence of raiding for fun.
6. Posting one or even two threads is ok. However, posting in random places, flaming about it, and then creating another one isn't fine. It's against the rules to fourm spam, and it's plain disrespectful to foumr members.
7. Finally, to sum it all up, be respectful. As the saying goes, "Treat people the way you want to be treated." As MonMarty said, this started from long ago, and nobody had been insulting you. You took on an arrogant attitude and constantly expressed that attitude to us all. Even if they aren't being respectful to you, don't sink to their level. Just stay polite and cool. Once you talk calmly, they'll respect you.

That's my 2 cents.
There is nothing else to say. Thx for summing it all up. ;) PS will you actually pay the tribute because we are so poor right now.
I think I'm going to enemy you. For rudeness to my friends and allies. Yes, that's RP enough. Surrender terms are to never use the forums again >:)
Why don't you simply join an empire with a well-built military?
I think I'm going to enemy you. For rudeness to my friends and allies. Yes, that's RP enough. Surrender terms are to never use the forums again >:)
Well thanks for nothing, so predictable you are. This is exactly what im talking about, people who are "just supporting their allies" and who are "butthurt" at some comments Ive posted on this forum. Like Ive said before Don't get your relationship with me ingame mixed with the one one on the forums. Don't let your opinion of my posts hurt your fragile emotions. If this is all it takes then it simply shows how "weak" some people are. I could've enemied many of the people on this forum because I simply thought they were rude to me and my allies but I don't, and thats because I believe that the two are serarate and because I have some common sense, enemying me because of this post is ridiculous considering Artilles was the one getting butthurt because I was rude to one of his faction members/admins and he subsequently enemied us for that pathetic reason. Grow some.
To resolve your issue, you need to make friends and allies. Spamming and whining on the forums is not a good way to do that, so expect to make enemies if you keep it up.
I have allies and friends. Ps. its not your issue. Its between me and artilles. You only call it whining because you disagree with it, if you agreed or even understood or were vaguely sympatheic you would not call it whining. Margaret Thatcher's motto was "never compromise".
I have allies and friends. Ps. its not your issue. Its between me and artilles.

I support Artilles. You're not pleasent to talk to, and I can understand fully why someone would raid you. I've gotten along with Artilles just fine in the past (even though we once got into a war over a misunderstanding) and I respect him. I do not respect you because you have not earned it, nor tried to earn it. All you have done is complain, whine, and get pissy b/c pvp is allowed. If you don't want pvp, find a creative or non-pvp server. If you think this is bad, try a hardcore pvp server (like
) and learn what it's like to have your dick lopped off and shoved up ur ass. massivecraft is so much more balanced then a peaceful or pvp server that the very fact you have the audacity to whine will make you and everyone you associate with a massive target for other factions who actually like the server.

So, my final word of advice:

Get the frick off this server, you don't deserve to be here.
I have allies and friends. Ps. its not your issue. Its between me and artilles. You only call it whining because you disagree with it, if you agreed or even understood or were vaguely sympatheic you would not call it whining. Margaret Thatcher's motto was "never compromise".
making 100s of threads because you die is whining. and If you touch my artilles, your gonna die.
I support Artilles. You're not pleasent to talk to, and I can understand fully why someone would raid you. I've gotten along with Artilles just fine in the past (even though we once got into a war over a misunderstanding) and I respect him. I do not respect you because you have not earned it, nor tried to earn it. All you have done is complain, whine, and get pissy b/c pvp is allowed. If you don't want pvp, find a creative or non-pvp server. If you think this is bad, try a hardcore pvp server (like
) and learn what it's like to have your dick lopped off and shoved up ur ass. massivecraft is so much more balanced then a peaceful or pvp server that the very fact you have the audacity to whine will make you and everyone you associate with a massive target for other factions who actually like the server.

So, my final word of advice:

Get the frick off this server, you don't deserve to be here.
Mind your language because your going off topic and being really rude now. You havent earned my respect either.
It is weird how you find 'people supporting their allies' irrelevant reasons. I believe you do not understand the decisions we make based on our allies because you do not have any 'quality' allies that mean any importance to you or your fellow members.
Mind your language because your going off topic and being really rude now. You havent earned my respect either.

I don't want your respect. It would be an insult I think. Anyway, I agree, I should watch my language and apologize for losing my self control. It's just very, VERY, annoying to see someone dissing my friends and server over a little thing like raids and raiding.

Could you please just try to adapt, and to get peace with others even at minor expense on your part? If you surrender to 9th then they need to protect you due to the tribute, so that will be a large reason for others not to raid you. It doesn't last forever though, so you would also need to get on good relations with other factions so they WANT to protect you. It's worked for others, why not try it yourself?
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