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Flowers Need Attention. Sonnet No. 2


Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score


{!} Once more, a piece of parchment would be pinned up at most major locations in Regalia.




Passers-by may notice the lack of title. Thank you for the support on the last poem!

Affiliated character sheet: Saphaya

Hello! Me again. This time I have used the English / Shakespearean sonnet formatting to mix it up. This style is my personal favourite, consisting of three four-line stanzas (also known as a quatrain) and an ending couplet.

The rhyming scheme for a Shakespearean sonnet is as follows:
With all lines, once more, consisting of 10 syllables.

I've really enjoyed playing around with concepts not found in the contemporary world, for example: Ullaline. Which is a flower usually picked by Asha slaves due to their claws dexterity. The line in of itself is a metaphor for Asha slaves, representing them as downtrodden flowers.

The entire poem up until the conclusive couplet is a statement, in spite of the first line. I'd like to say that the sonnet is a complex allegory for how those in power step around the point rather than addressing it directly, but feel free to create your own understandings of it <3

Once more, thank you. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my manic poetry episode!