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Floral Court Notice II

Which topic is most interesting to interact with for your character?

  • On the Matter of Defense (CRP)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of the Recent Mana Tree Attack

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of Hickory

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of Arenthir

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • On the Matter of the Mage Storm

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of the Impending Vampire Attack

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of Religious Gentrification and the Displacement of Estelley Followers in Floral Court

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of Last Temple Occupation

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of Civil War

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • On the Matter of District Reform

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score

Floral Court Notice II
By: Vanectus Netollihua
November 21, 312 AC

This is not a time for indecision. Stand with me, stand for the faith, and let us reclaim what is rightfully ours.

I bring to you the most recent updates regarding the state of our district and the challenges we face. Read this not as a burden, but as a call to action and awareness.

On the Matter of Defense
If you witness an Estellian of true faith under attack, stand with them. Do not hesitate to act in the defense of our community.

On the Matter of the Recent Mana Tree Attack
Root Court was recently struck by an assault on its sacred Mana Tree, infected at the hands of an individual named Azerov. This threat is being pursued by those who still hold the Commonwealth's values dear and seek to protect Estelley's faith and interests.

On the Matter of Hickory
Hickory remains under investigation for unethical actions, though no confirmed harm to Floral Court has been reported. The situation is being addressed with diligence. While Hickory has made questionable alliances, including with Carmelita and a demon, it is clear she has since repudiated those agreements. The Vanyastra has been entrusted with guiding Hickory towards redemption.

Declassified Information from the Cult of Faces:
  1. Aakhya was indeed cursed which caused them to do terrible acts which they still hold remorse over, and have been working to repent.
  2. Hickory made two attempts but the full intentions are still unknown. Nieve and Hickory found Aakhya in Crookback, and Aakhya was shot over an argument that transpired. Another got involved thankfully to prevent anyone from being seriously harmed.
  3. Hickory was initially unaware of Aakhya's state, but assumptions that Hickory intended to claim the bounty on Aakhya were suspected. This was never confirmed.
  4. On November 12th at the Watchmans Tower there was an ambush on Aakhya. Hickory was among those who took Aakhya to the Hollow to have it removed. No known harm came of Aakhya and the bounty was removed due to the loss of Animus.
  5. The Cult of Faces and its informants are very confident that Hickory has connections in the Undercity, and that she is around those she should not be. We have also discovered other individuals who live in the Estelley Commonwealth who cohort with similar connections in the Undercity. Though, Hickory notably has not as of this time been noted to commit any specific harm to Floral Court and its interests.
  6. Some situations exist by word of mouth that put doubt and have the Cult of Faces questioning Hickory's allegiance to the Estelley Commonwealth.
  7. However another witness claims Hickory made deals with those against the Estelley faith. Including Carmelita and a demon. Aakhya has confirmed this, but mentions that Hickory does not plan to act upon this, breaching the deal they made with Carmelita and the Demon to protect Aakhya.
  8. Hickory has also been discovered to have made a deal with Sylas, though this was handled and broken as well.
  9. The matter has been delegated to the Vanyastra to set her on the right path, per Aakhya's wishes.

On the Matter of Arenthir
Arenthir has been observed as a Starfallen under two charges.
  1. Prior issues regarding immortality through phylactery
  2. Responsibility over the Mage Storm.

On the Matter of the Mage Storm
A sudden mage storm which materialized hours after the cleansing of the Mana Tree has left the Library and other arcane reliant amenities and infrastructure in disrepair inside Rootcourt and Floralcourt. For example, the Cult of Faces had been moving back into Root Court to rebuild their once previous base there, which has been delayed due to the loss of magic. Many members of the Commonwealth are already in disrepair and confusion.

On the Matter of the Impending Vampire Attack
Strong recent evidence points that a Vampire attack is imminent upon the district given its current state of affairs regarding its weakened state due to the Mage Storm, lack of unity, and lack of consolidated faith. Plans are underway to prepare for this.

To further add, a vampire by the name of Mesmessei has attacked Elamona and members of the Commonwealth, made threats to the district and its people, as well as made strong suggestions of an incoming attack. Mesmessei's identity was revealed to the Estelley Commonwealth by Mosheng Ren. Following the cleansing of the Mana Tree's roots, Mesmessei defended the actions of Azerov claiming them to be a "messenger" and "curse-broker" who was likely paid to infect the Mana Tree's roots. The stance of the Cult of Faces denounces both individuals and believes both equally guilty and deserving of Artarels punishment.

[The Estelley Commonwealth has been warned]
"Everyone gets one warning, and this is yours." - Mesmessei

On the Matter of Religious Gentrification and the Displacement of Estelley Followers in Floral Court
Religious gentrification by individuals with ulterior motives pretending to be trustworthy has resulted in the displacement of religious followers from Floral Court District, and the diminishing influence of the Estelley Faith in Floral Court.
Many Estellians who were exorcising the Mana Tree spoke of specific examples regarding individuals conducting slow yet persisting "faith-based displacement" in Floral Court where the spiritual environment of the area has gradually reshaped to favor non-Estellian interests.

On the Matter of Last Temple Occupation
The temple as promised by Vyara and their company was unscathed and peace talks have been held thus far. Some of the individuals who were believed to have insulted the Draconists and their community during their Week of Mourning for Lady Aurora have been investigated. Punishments are being considered.

On the Matter of Civil War
The Civil War continues, marked by escalating tensions between Estellians. I do not campaign for the title of Mayor but fight for reform, a new direction for our people. On November 22nd a rally will take place to demand the changes our district so desperately needs in favor of radical reform.

If someone intends to fight for Mayor of Floral Court, they will be committing the same treasonous act of usurping the current status quo and council of power as I am attempting to do.

On the Matter of District Reform
I intend to make a last offer to end the civil war by hosting another debate to discuss the importance of the reforms mentioned thus far, being:

  1. Floral Court will adopt a stricter stance on outsiders who propagate faiths contrary to the greater good of Estelley.
  2. Estelley faithful will be emboldened to speak and practice openly, reclaiming their rightful prominence in the District of Floral Court.
  3. Demons and their sympathizers will face total exile, ensuring the purity and strength of the district.
  4. A structured and reorganized military will be consolidated to defend the Temple and Floral Court from any future threats.
  5. Efforts to reconcile with Vyara and their followers will be upheld. Any action escalating conflict between Estelley and Draconist before the treaty expires will be met with severe consequences.
  6. A specialized task force will be created to monitor and address any subversive activities that threaten Estelley's divine vision.
  7. A thorough review of all public and private faith practices will be conducted, identifying and eradicating doctrines that sow discord or weaken the moral fabric of Floral Court.
  8. Regular assemblies will be held to educate the population in Estelley's values and to expose the dangers of divisive beliefs and demonic influences.
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A small script is penned to the Notice with the aim to amend it with even more information:

On the Matter of the Dark Tower
We are unable to confirm nor deny whether rumors orienting a Dark Tower housing an apparition by the name 'Hapi' and a Shade by the name 'Saasizima' are true or false, however given the level of threat such a rumor poses among the other articles of topics, we have reason to at the very least notify the public and any other factions in Floral Court working against the Cult of Faces, as it concerns them just as much as us.
- "venture to Floral Court and conduct kidnappings to bring back to a magically infested tower to watch their flesh rend and bones melt." - A witness claim by the name of Korsik
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