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Floral Court Missive: Demons & Divinely Portents


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score


May all lives be graced
By Her bountiful shade
May Compassion guide you
Mana smiles upon you


Among Floral Court, the largest gathering for Estelley faithful, the Ordvaan propose the following stances be adopted retroactively, where it concerns:

Divine Entity Recognition and Binding
Recognition Criteria: Entities claiming divine origin will not be recognized as such unless:

They undergo rigorous testing adhering to Amontaari customs ascertaining divine nature.
They are injected by the local Suvial authority, the highest authority in matters of Spirit-Binding, or banished by local Sihndar authority.

Recognition Validity: Even if recognized as divine, such recognition is contingent upon the entity being actively bound under Karamatology, or until banished by local Sihndar. Otherwise, they can only be recognised as Demons and will be treated as such accordingly.

Thus do we sign this,
Elamöna, 12,401st of the Inulvaan (@bahmboozled)
Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth, Grove-Warden & Ordvaan of Mana (@SneakyLinguine)
In place of the expected discourse, I will now address the following:

My refusal to apologise has been, regrettably, twisted into an accusation of adhering to Talean or Cemaan ideology. This distortion is then weaponised to forment conflict with the Draconists, a malicious intent that is entirely unfounded, and is further amplified by third parties.

The Regalian propensity to distort Estelley narratives through the lens of Allorn rhetoric is a persistent problem. We witnessed this with the Lothar Order last year, and it has been a recurring issue long before my time as a priestess situated in Floral Court.

I maintain my stance. An apology would offer a false sense of resolution, merely shifting the target of aggression elsewhere. Such a hollow gesture would only invite further conflict - and as proven, only a few individuals who uttered apologies are spared from the declared bloodshed. The rest are not.

To illustrate, I will draw a crude comparison, as the weight of tragedy is subjective and any such comparison risks trivialising suffering. The local Kaahls' atrocities on November 14th, mirroring the Night of Weeping Stars, and the actions of the city-goers in old Crookback, where they danced on one another's barrows, were both horrific. Yet, I do not intend to demand apologies from the Kathar population.

They are not all culpable.

In the same vein, I had hoped to be treated as a fellow funeralgoer, rather than implicitly coerced into uttering a forced apology or being labeled as 'Allorn'. I refuse to compromise my integrity or betray my beliefs, and perhaps staying quiet about it would have passed off as an apology. My honesty has been mislabelled.

I am disheartened to have to remind others that the Estelley faithful honored the graves of Dragons Gaia and Aurora not with Talea's cloud of swords, but with flowers during those seven days. I wonder if this same tolerance would have been extended had I not been Estelley.

I shall conclude here. Should the attacks persist, and circumstances prevent my direct involvement, I will take necessary actions. However, I do not condone or endorse independent actions taken by other Estellians who may feel compelled to respond more forcefully.

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