Archived Flaw With The /nick Feature, Suggested Solution

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Butter Elf the Wise
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
This plugin is a step in the right direction. You can set your rp nickname to increase immersion.

... However, there is a flaw.

The nickname only applies in the chatbox. Thus, when "~Ancotar" says something, players around me don't know that it is actually "prestatamore" who is speaking.

To remedy this, I think it would be a good idea to stick players' nicknames under or above their overhead nameplates, similarly to how power levels are displayed.

Better yet, remove the power level display altogether. :I It detracts from immersion and hinders rp. Place players' nicknames where their username currently is, and bump their username down to where the power level currently is, and put it in parentheses.


That would be nice, right? Who needs to see another player's power level above his or her head? You can only see their power levels when you're so close as to be able to just /inspect them, anyway.

This suggestion is aimed at providing players with a means of identifying, in-game, which nicknames in the chat belong to which of the players that stand before them, as there is currently no means of doing so with this plugin. I'm also pushing for the removal of the display of players' power levels above their heads which serves literally no purpose aside from being able to tell who's a n00b and who isn't.

Please, discuss and provide feedback.
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The current implementation is stage1, stage 2 which will be a long the lines of Ancotar (prestatamore) will be released soon.
I agree with the power level thing but I think names should stay hidden and away from above the players head . That way you have to ask the players name and such before you talk to them, I don't know, I just think it would be better for RP that nicknames stayed away from your actual username -my opinion
I agree with the power level thing but I think names should stay hidden and away from above the players head . That way you have to ask the players name and such before you talk to them, I don't know, I just think it would be better for RP that nicknames stayed away from your actual username -my opinion

If you are rping, then your rp would not know the person, so you would rp that. On the other hand, if the person in question is someone famous, but you didn't know them, then you should rp recognizing them from the paper or something, which you couldn't do if you didn't irl know who they were in rp.
I also think a toggle feature should be included regarding the display of usernames. Players could type /nick toggle,t usernames,u to turn the (prestatamore) part off wherever my name would be displayed. Players could be totally immersed in rp in doing so (if they so desired) and would only momentarily have to pop out of it to toggle usernames on and see who's who. Or, if they wanted, they could just leave usernames on at all times. This provides more options for those who wish to become more immersed in their character and environment.

For example, if you appear in-game as Alex Kade (MonMarty), and the same format applied to everyone else, I could type /nick t u and make you appear to me as just Alex Kade. If I forgot who Alex Kade was, I could toggle usernames back on, remind myself who he is by seeing that he is MonMarty, then toggle usernames back off.
I hope that in the future, you would be able to make your nicknames a liiittle bit longer. My RP name, Esteliel Calemirien, has too many characters for me to be able to use as a nickname. So, at the moment, I am stuck using the first name as a nickname. xD
To be fair, not everyone is going to care very much about their nickname. I like the display of power levels, so I don't boldly charge another guy when he is actually much stronger than me. I'd imagine having the user, power level, and nickname would be a bit cluttered, but maybe there is a solution to being able to find all of these in game without cluttering the screen. I'd much prefer that as to doing away with one or the other. And in consideration of people thinking power levels are taking away from immersion, you can tell how powerful someone is in real life by looking at them. Sure, it isn't floating above their heads, but when somebody has biceps the size of your head, you know you're in trouble.
It would also be good if when you do /seen (player name) their nickname was one of the things you saw too
Unded, I see where you're coming from regarding power levels, but I don't think looking at someone's power level above his or her head is an accurate parallel to looking at someone's physique irl. Looking at a player's MC skin is a more direct comparison, which displaces being able to look at someone's floating power level.
I like the power thing RP wise, it helps me see how powerful a person is so if someone RP's a fight with a guy wtih 4000 power, while they only have 15...they clearly would lose.
Honestly I do not use this plugin to put the name of my character, I use to put a short description of how it is and if anyone wants to know the name only has to ask. For example, in my case, "hooded man" and goes according with skin.

This is an awesome plugin, should get rid of the minecraft names all together tbh
I have a question about the /nick plugin, I tried to set my /nick as just Yendor instead of Yendor46, but got an error that that name already existed on Massivecraft (as a mojang account name). Will people lose their nickname if someone with that mojang name joins Massivecraft.
I have a question about the /nick plugin, I tried to set my /nick as just Yendor instead of Yendor46, but got an error that that name already existed on Massivecraft (as a mojang account name). Will people lose their nickname if someone with that mojang name joins Massivecraft.

That's why you put a space and a last name in, so that not a single username can take away your nickname if the player suddenly joins MassiveCraft
I was thinking perhaps an identifier in the local chat.

~Ozgho (Ozgho) says: blah blah blah
Most of these suggestions are now implemented. The first 12 - 14 characters of the nickname are visible above the head (a tech limitation). The full nickname can be at most 20 chars long (increased since before) and it's visible when using /show playername.
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