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Played Character Firat Van Westhuizen

This character is actively played.


Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
"I am overjoyed to meet you, and honored to now know we are part of each other's ever-growing world."

Character Information

Full Name: Firat van Westhuizen
Race/Culture: Anglian Ailor/Kissut Eronidas
Age: 32
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Occult: Unionist God Magic

Core Concept

Firat is a Bloodcast Knight of the Thousandblade chapter, who believes in the sanctity of life, freedom to pursue your dreams, and honor in the way you carry yourself. He stands for the common people and seeks true justice, not only by the letter of the law, but by the needs of Regalia's citizens.

Appearance Information

Firat at a glance could pass for an Ailor, but under any scrutiny or closer inspection his Eronidas heritage is easy to see. His skin is lightly tanned but his build is broader than a typical Ailor, with tusks smaller than the average Eronidas. He stands at 5'11" (180.3 cm). He keeps his dark hair and beard well groomed and short, and has brown eyes with dark sclera.

Strength 6
  • Melee
    • Concussive Blow
    • Technique Parry
    • Unyielding Strike
  • Athletic
    • Breakdown
    • Force Toss
    • Steady Body
Constitution 7
  • Shielding
    • Shield Cover (Included with Shielding)
    • Shield Block
    • Shield Wall
    • Shield Bunker
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Taunt
  • Training
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Interception
    • Rage Counter (Free Pack from Eronidas)
Faith 1
  • Paladin
    • Divine Aggro
  • Cleric
    • Sacred Gear (Free Pack from Eronidas)
  • Common
  • Anglian
  • Vaman

  • Ailor are the preferential lords of the Regalian Empire, Ailor are by nature always considered more seriously for job applications and positions of authority.

  • Ailor have preferential treatment by the Knight Orders (excepting Argentum/Senleya), giving them more leeway to break their Code (within reason).

  • Ailor willingly can close their heart and mind to certain emotions or their conscience, allowing them to commit acts of great evil without feeling bad.

  • Eronidas, when using out-of-combat Strength competitions that involve Dice Rolls, can add +5 to any Dice Result, same as Urlan, but always beaten by Fury Arkenborn.

  • Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.

Life Story
  • Firat was born to an Anglian Knight named Klaus van Westhuizen and a Kissut Eronidas named Bethfira. He became a squire for his father's longtime friend Jan van der Cleij serving in and around Axford before finally receiving his knighthood at the age of 21. He traveled much of the Regalian Archipelago, serving the common man and doing what he could to help those in need. After many of the world's dire turns he now resides in Regalia, a place always in need of a kind hand.
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