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Played Character Geertruida van Sluyters

This character is actively played.


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Character Info
  • Full Name: Geertruida van Sluyters (Sometimes called "Geertje" or "Trudy")
  • Heritage / Culture: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: appears 27 (
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Triton-favoring Evolist, enchanted by immortality
  • Occult: Bremnevel Vampire
  • Character Occupation: Bog witch vampire
Character Concept
  • A cautious type-A personality bog witch vampire biding her time in Gloomrot and Regalia's underbelly to pursue her fantasies of immortality under Triton's watch. Geertruida presents as a selfish, patient, self-preserving, and manipulative witch who takes extreme caution not to draw too much attention to herself. She can often be found sowing discontent among naive Gloomrot travellers, pestering local knights for her sadistic machinations, and playing with alchemical substances. She is isolationist by nature but takes a nurturing approach towards other fledgling vampires.
  • Eyes: dull, sunken red
  • Skin: gaunt, sallow pale
  • Hair: dry, brittle hair that was once blonde
  • Height: short and squat at 5'4"
  • Body: wry, thin, flimsy
  • Clothes: a hooded cloak with dark embroidery of swamp lilies
  • Nurturing Personality. It is because Geertruida was surrounded by the love of her mother, her mentors, and her siblings that being a nurturing force comes naturally to her. As a vampire, this shows through her care and wisdom towards other vampire fledglings. This rarely extends to non-vampires unless she sees their pragmatic usefulness. She is more likely to manipulate non-vampires feelings for her benefit or attempt to turn them towards the vampiric cause.
  • Perfectionistic Healer. An Anglian Witch once nursed her younger brother back to health. Mesmerized by the powers of healing that Anglian Witches possessed, Geertruida joined them when she was old enough and embarked on her journey to become one of them. She was ripe with ambition and dedication, so much so, that her self-induced pressure to succeed and her inability to accept mistakes was a crushing blow. In her exhaustion, she makes an alchemical mistake in a plague-torn village that leads to a young man being permanently blind. He could no longer work the fields or bring money to his family, which led to his wife divorcing him and taking his kids away. In his depression, he despaired and eventually came to pass. This destroyed Geertruida's sense of purpose, and she, too, despaired.
  • Vampiric Escape. Geertruida took many long and lonely walks into the woods at night, pushing away friends and family who tried to talk to her. She had not experienced a failure this catastrophic before. She became quiet, reclusive, and depressed in her struggle to cope with her mistake. During this time, she unknowingly encountered a vampire, disguised as an Anglian Witch, who manipulated her into false security and weaponized her emotional devastation. She became weak physically, mentally, and emotionally, and it wasn't until she was at her breaking point that the witch offered her a way out. Geetruida did not want to die, but she also did not want to suffer. Thus, she accepted and was reborn as a vampire.
  • Immortality and Regalia. Unable to face her family for her decisions and cowardice, Geetruida flees to Regalia to pursue her curiosities of immortality and vampirism's history as an answer to suffering and a short lifespan. Back in Anglia, her family leaves candles on the front porch at night, hoping for their daughter's return.
Attack Stat = 7 (Magic)
Defense Stat = 5 (Wisdom)
Points Spent = 14/14

Wisdom = 7
- Medical Buff
- Medical Revive
- Medical Bolster
- Medical Extension
- Medical Purging
- Medical Resist
- Medical Rescue

Magic = 7
- Arcane Aura
- Arcane Warp
- Arcane Shove
- Shapeshift Pack (Adapt Point Buy) (Magic Variant)
- Mindcontrol Pack (Adapt Point Buy) (Magic Variant)
- Oceanic Pack (Adapt Point Buy) (Magic Variant)
- Wardrobe Pack (Adapt Point Buy) (Magic Variant)
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