- Full Name: Dario
- Heritage: Half-Eronidas (Eronidas dominant, Ailor recessive), Cantaluna
- Age: 25 years
- Gender: Male
- Religion: Unionism
- Occult: Fury Arkenborn
■ Core Concept
- Originally an Arkenborn from the slums of Montania, he was suddenly elevated to Guard Commander of the Iron Duke's court thanks to his combat prowess. His loyalty now sworn to Rafaello Lamperni, he attempts to navigate court politics and defend any physical threats that may come his liege's way.
■ Appearance Information
- Dario is tall with a broad-shouldered frame, indicative of his time spent in Montania's fighting arenas. While he was born with Fury's golden hair, he tends to dye it a dark reddish-brown. He sports a short beard, with the hair on top of his head bound in tied-back dreadlocks. Marking Dario's heritage as an Arkenborn, his eyes are a vibrant gold with a red limbus, contrasting with dark grey sclerae, and the messy eyeliner he usually wears. His lower canines are small tusks, inherited from his Eronidas mother.
■ Proficiencies
- Proficiencies: ATK - Strength, DEF - Constitution
- Strength: 7
- (Free) Veteran Stance
- (Free) Weapon Throw
- Veteran AntiMagi
- Veteran Impurity
- Veteran Banishment
- Veteran Tri-Slash
- Veteran Sentinel
- Veteran Swiftstrike
- Technique Parry Pack
- Constitution: 6
- Shield Cover Pack
- Shield Snare Pack
- Fortitude Pack
- Rage Counter Pack
- Breather Pack
- Iron Will Pack
- Intelligence: 0
- Wisdom: 0
- Dexterity: 1
- Sharp Reflexes Pack
- Faith: 1
- Guided Prayer Pack
- Magic: 0
- Strength: 7
■ Languages
- Canta (Native)
- Common (Fluent)
- Vasar (Intermediate)
■ Mechanics
- Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
- Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
- Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness.
- Eronidas have two independently beating hearts, meaning that even if one heart were to stop (damage/heart attack), the other would keep them alive.
- Eronidas however, because of their two hearts, have a faster heartbeat, resulting in a quick temper, and their bleeding being more profound (this does make them die faster).
- Furyborn have an in-born dislike of Magic. What makes them really angry though, is losing. Having lost any Dice roll or CRP, makes them angry, giving them +3 to all Persuasion rolls for 2 Hours.
- Fury Arkenborn can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
- Fury Arkenborn can Transform into a War Demon, made of solid golden flames with large horns, a bladed tail, and large claws. This Transformation counts as a Disguise but breaks when defeated.
- Dario was born to an Eronidas mother in a busy border city of Montania, near the then-Vultaro border. The first few years of his life were relatively uneventful, travelling to neighbouring regions somewhat regularly for his mother to fulfil mercenary contracts.
- His mother, Mesharra, was a renowned mercenary in the area of and around Montania. Your character may be familiar with her name.
- Around ten years old, his mother became ill, and providing for the two of them became more and more difficult over the next couple of years. It is then that Dario started to spend more time on the streets, getting into fights because of his temper, and stealing to make up for what they could not pay for.
- Another few years passed, and without improvement to her condition, Dario was eventually left to fend for himself in his teenage years. He became involved in underground fighting rings to earn what money he could with what he was good at: punching things.
- Dario has somewhat of a reputation in fighting pits in the east of (old) Montania after (accidentally) severely wounding some of his opponents. Your character might have fought him, or seen him fight there.
- After the usurpation of Montania, the Iron Duke started to make his rounds to assess the state of the country in late 306 AC. On one of these trips, Rafaello happened upon a tournament Dario was fighting in. Seeing his potential, he recruited Dario into his court, and promptly started his training officially as the Guard Commander.
- The main reason why the Duke recruited him was because he noticed Dario constantly pulled his punches, recognising the potential lying underneath. Adjusting the power behind his blows is something he still struggles with, though he welcomes new opponents to train with if they accept the risk.
- Dario has been deeply loyal to him ever since, serving faithfully and shadowing him wherever Rafaello would go, which would ultimately lead to the core of the Vultarin court as a whole coming to Regalia.
- He has been tasked to recruit more guards to protect the members of the court, and can thus be found roaming various parts of the city to scout new talent.
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