Archived Fence Gates

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The Tickler
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
I was talking to Addrion, I think about fence gates as I made a ticket about fence gates. Right now they only work with iron fences, oak fences, and nether brick fences. I'm pretty sure its just a plugin, and not a massive plugin but I think it would be cool to add other blocks to it such of other wood variants or glass panes (As they work like fences in block material sense). I think it would be pretty neat to have large gates to factions that have designs from glass panes or maybe darker wood from spruce gates to go with a darker accented build. Like I said I think its just a plugin and not a massive plugin, but I think its worth looking into making it a massive plugin as I think it would be pretty cool.

I later talked to Oblivaify about it and he was like glass panes wouldn't be very medieval which I now see is a good point, but other wood variants would be a cool idea I feel.
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So I looked into this the other day... The plugin massive uses hasn't been updated for a long time... As in February 2014. So probably not much luck in just updating the plugin, Madus/ulumulu/cayorion would have to rewrite it or update it.
So I looked into this the other day... The plugin massive uses hasn't been updated for a long time... As in February 2014. So probably not much luck in just updating the plugin, Madus/ulumulu/cayorion would have to rewrite it or update it.
Get busy working, or get busy dying ~Morgan Freeman, The Shawshank Redemption
After spending a couple of hours reading the script and stuff I finally realized that I could just change the config, to add all of the blocks mentioned above replace the line in config that says 10portcullisMaterials: [85, 101, 113] with 10portcullisMaterials: [85, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 101, 113, 139, 102, 160] it worked fine on my test world, however only problem was that different types of fences/glass didn't work together, but since I'm banned from massive and bored I might look into a way to reprogram the plugin so that pattern gates could be a possibility.
TL:DR staff could implement this at any second but the gate patterns wouldn't work yet.
After spending a couple of hours reading the script and stuff I finally realized that I could just change the config, to add all of the blocks mentioned above replace the line in config that says 10portcullisMaterials: [85, 101, 113] with 10portcullisMaterials: [85, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 101, 113, 139, 102, 160] it worked fine on my test world, however only problem was that different types of fences/glass didn't work together, but since I'm banned from massive and bored I might look into a way to reprogram the plugin so that pattern gates could be a possibility.
TL:DR staff could implement this at any second but the gate patterns wouldn't work yet.
wait when did u get banned lol
Rejected simply because this plugin is not ours and unfortunately we can't change much with it and the author is inactive. It's one of those plugins we'll use until it stops working basically.
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