Archived Factionsplus A New Improvement To Factions A Good Idea Or A Bad One

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To be good you must have had to been bad.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I have always wanted a faction jail to stick those bad members in with out kicking them and I be leave FactionsPlus can help with that which adds more commands and more uses enhancing the role playing atmosphere making factions even better this includes

Some of the enhancements are
1. Creating faction warps
2. Creating faction jails
3. Faction bans on certain players preventing them from joining the faction
4. Faction leader boards
5. Clearlocks which removes a deadbolt in a faction that is not owned by faction members
6. Announcements of which players are in need of a faction
7. And much much more!!!

The plugin webpage is in the description below :D
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Since Cayorion is the one who codes factions, he will most likely continue to use his own version.

You could /try/ talking to him about adding these things to his version of factions.
Since Cayorion is the one who codes factions, he will most likely continue to use his own version.

You could /try/ talking to him about adding these things to his version of factions.

If only I could get his attention on this idea he could add some of the code into his faction plugin
I think this was suggested before and rejected because too many of the features could be abused (Such as a faction jail.)
I don't believe clearlocks is a good idea. Any faction can run around claiming chests, taking what they want, and unclaim it.
I like the faction warps, the prevention of allowing certain players into your faction, and the way for people to announce their need to join a faction outside of general chat. Other than that, I don't see how the benefits out weight the negatives for the other points in your suggestion.
I think this was suggested before and rejected because too many of the features could be abused (Such as a faction jail.)

not to mention clear locks. Someone could easily abuse that to break in to locked chests away from factions by just claiming the land, using clearlocks, looting the contents, then unclaiming
The only one I like is faction ban, however factions needs to bring back f chat muting T.T I miss it.
I looked at the FactionPlus code, and it does not appear to be sharding compatible, so it would have to be rewritten to be implemented on MassiveCraft. I also agree with the above posts, pointing out that some of the features would not be desirable for implementation in MassiveCraft. There are several threads discussion possible new features for Factions, and those threads would be a better place to continue this discussion. I am locking this Thread.
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