Archived Faction Wars

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Keeper of the Light
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Just an idea that I thought of when reading this thread: .
For those of you who have played Guild Wars 2 this idea is based a little on their Server Vs Server Battleground.

I'm not sure if this is possible but I think it would be cool with a new map claimed by warzone.
This map could contain several cities, strongholds, forts and villages that could be captured by factions in a domination type manner.
This map would need 4 peaceful spawn areas in NE, NW, SE and SW to prevent spawncamping.

To make sure that people are not running around alone capping everything, guards could be created with either Massivemobs or NPCs and they will attack anyone not in the owning faction, making it harder to capture bigger, more awarding structures without a large army or strong warriors.
The mobs will have to be strong enough to be a challenge in 1v1 to enhance the importance of friendly units.

To make this more awarding for the players different structures could give occupying factions a bonus amount of exp or regal gain from slaying mobs in the other worlds based on the tier and amount of dominated locations (example: village could give +1% XP whilst a city gives +5% XP and +4r).
Maybe a reward of a random voting item could be given to the factions online players when they capture a new location.

To reduce lag i suggest that mob spawning except MassiveMobs is turned off and that they only spawn in set areas (domination locations)

I also recommend that Item drops are disabled to get as many people as possible to join in without the fear of losing their stuff. Aswell as getting moved from this world upon logout so that you can't spawn inside the greatest structures domination area upon login.
Disabling ender pearls would be a good idea to make sure that people have to fight their way to the domination area.

The world should be reset every week so that a powerful faction doesn't just take the highest rewarding location and then hold it forever.
Neutral locations should have guards just like occupied locations so that it is a challenge to take control of these.
Killing an enemy in this world could give your faction a "Faction Wars" Currency that can be used to upgrade Guards in your occupied areas, thus giving a suitable reward instead of item drops.

Adding this may also decrease the amount of minor factions crowding MassiveCraft since the best way to gain the reward buffs is by being in a big faction that is powerful enough to hold several areas.

Please feel free to comment any Ideas or Pro's and Con's you can think of and I will add them here :)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, the main colliding point that you are suggesting is the creation of a new world. This will take ages to be released if staff need to make another custom world.

I'm proposing that players build the fortresses, cities and villages, and they are turned into Warzones, so that we are able to enjoy it in a quicker way.

I'm like the idea of the new world, but world staff has it's ahnds completely full at the moment. :S
Ah okay, I understand what you are going for now, however I think that with players creating the warzones it would be a lot more inconvinient. One of the reasons I can think of is that players could just set portals outside the warzone to quickly travel around and gain dominance.

Even if the world takes a while to create, I believ it will be worth it. Every village or fort doesn't have to be completely unique, meaning that the world staff could build 5-10 buildings in different styles depending on the environment, then worldedit these in with different rotations and spacings and then adding minor details. This will speed up production yet make every village different in a minor way.
Perhaps use this world to see how stat nerfs and other changes to pvp directly effect large-scale multi-player pvp? For example, removal of Portals, enderpearls, a 15 second delay before you can move at the spawn after death? Stuff that could make pvp more interesting but wouldn't/shouldn't be tested directly in the main universe.

World size wise, it should be large enough to have 2-3 bases that are unoccupied so that there are always bases that people can snag without worrying about attacks from high-end pvpers. Make it so that it is impossible for 1 group to control the entire map, but small enough that 1 group can attack the entire map.

I concede the worlds point. Maybe if it was put under general 'honor' not to attack people who are too much weaker than you unless they are the aggressor? Could be done with a world-announcement: "Jquaile has killed Noob110 - JQ's Powerlevel | Noobs Powerlevel" so that it becomes embarrassing to attack noobs because everyone replies to it "hur, what a brave pvper... come fight ME!" lul. Sorry... I have a thing against noobkillers.
Personally I don't find the powerlevel differences too much of a problem, seeing as there will be 4 spawns which will make it impossible to spawn camp unless the person you are killing is stupid enough to keep coming back. In addition to this you could make it so every player may only yeild a set amount of rewards per day to a faction upon kill, stopping foul play with allies killing eachother for upgrade currency and making it useless to target the same person all day.

I do agree with you on the size of the world, couldn't have said it better myself.

As for what you said about alterations and balancing, that would work out great, as long as the changes are made between rounds(at reset) and that everyone is informed of the changes.
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Just saw some things I missed responding to. Seeing as only the occupying faction will be getting the rewards, it will be faction vs faction meaning that medieval universe alliances will not work here. As you said, facyions like Mag will have an advantage over smaller factions, don't they have a right to have that advantage though? Seeing as since they are a big nation it only makes sense that they have a big army and can control more land.
Ok, I didn't read the most recent posts...but what I see with this is that there is one fundamental problem. We should not have the goal of this to force people into larger factions. It should be able to be equally played by anyone. There should be additional perks with larger factions, but the idea of Mag being able to conquer a world over and over just by virtue of it being a major pvp faction, with no one else being able to seems like it would take away a lot of the fun, at least when fighting them. Other factions would have more equality, like Wannag's and some others, but it would completely outclass the people who aren't that good at pvp. Granted they wouldn't lose fac power or items or whatnot, so they have nothing to lose, but it still creates a massive balance problem.
So, since I'm starting to try to get into the pvp community and keeping with the rp part, this seems like a brilliant idea for two main reasons. The first reason would be that in the Medieval Universe, it could reduce the amount of 'proxy wars' since it would give pvp factions something better to do than keep asking allies if they're being raided just so they have something to do. Granted, this won't instantly stop people from having proxy wars and misc wars such as "Steve insulted me and my faction, I'm going to war with him!", but it could hopefully make the wars that happen in the Medieval universe more rp based than pvp based. The second reason, I accidentally already stated sort of, but this can help make the medieval universe's pvp scene still be rp based by having more wars that involve rp stuff such as 'King Harold the forth was assassinated by the military of [insert nation/town/faction thing], so as retaliation, we will kill them all for revenge'. I hope that makes sense, seeing as I'm fairly tired as I'm typing this, but these are definitely reasons this should be considered, aside from the fact that it would require coding and would have to be added the list consistent of the magic plugin and the empires plugin.
Ok, I didn't read the most recent posts...but what I see with this is that there is one fundamental problem. We should not have the goal of this to force people into larger factions. It should be able to be equally played by anyone. There should be additional perks with larger factions, but the idea of Mag being able to conquer a world over and over just by virtue of it being a major pvp faction, with no one else being able to seems like it would take away a lot of the fun, at least when fighting them. Other factions would have more equality, like Wannag's and some others, but it would completely outclass the people who aren't that good at pvp. Granted they wouldn't lose fac power or items or whatnot, so they have nothing to lose, but it still creates a massive balance problem.
I believe that me and mecharic covered most of this in our discussion in the recent posts that you say you haven't read :P to summarise it:
The world would be too big to control every area, meaning that smaller factions could take lower tier targets since the big factions will most likely go for the higher tier targets.
A single strong soldier will most likely change the outcome of a battle but since he is one person he can't be defending/attacking everywhere, meaning that even he has to prioritise what area is most important for his faction.
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I brlieve that me and mecharic covered most of this in our discussion in the recent posts that you say you haven't read :P to summarise it:
The world would be too big to control every area, meaning that smaller factions could take lower tier targets since the big factions will most likely go for the higher tier targets.
A single strong soldier will most likely change the outcome of a battle but since he is one person he can't be defending/attacking everywhere, meaning that even he has to prioritise what area is most important for his faction.
That would reduce the problem...but it would not eliminate it. I don't know...I will just leave that up to the people who matter. The whole thing is a great idea anyway!
That would reduce the problem...but it would not eliminate it. I don't know...I will just leave that up to the people who matter. The whole thing is a great idea anyway!
Yeah, I can't seem to figure out a better way without ruining the whole experience, hopefully this will work out well.
This reminds me HEAVILY of WoW and Guild Wars 2. I love this idea.

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