- Joined
- Aug 13, 2024
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"Will moonlight guide me once more?"
"Will moonlight guide me once more?"

|| Theme ||

Core Information
Full Name: Aesir Erdene D'yrnwyn Ul'Sarnai Sarangerel
☇ IsldarOccupation(s):
☇ Wayfarer: A wandering nomad, Aesir travels from place to place without root nor home, performing odd jobs varying from simple deliveries or painting to delving into dangerous ruins. Some may think it odd for an Isldar to be in such a way, but few complain at such an aide. Payment is usually of the monetary variety, though on occasion Aesir feels a compulsion to lend his hand for nothing but the feeling of being useful. Age: 25
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
☇ Preference: Aesir subscribes to the rather traditional way love works for many Isldar, though is perhaps more frigid in the first steps before expression of affection. Privately, he's always wanted to share a moonlit dance with a lover, Sabre in hand.Occult: Mundane -
Aesir stands at an even 6 feet with a dancer's build, formed from dexterous combat and agile maneuvers while exploring. Keeping his long hair mostly loose, the snow white color contrasts the more earthy tones of his armor. An assortment of studded leather and chainmail under a combat doublet, The flexibility allows Aesir to move quickly but not fear a blow or two. Casual clothing is a hard sight to catch Aesir in, but in such cases Aesir prefers simple yet fine clothes fit for a dashing swashbuckler or blade dancer. no matter the outfit however, one trademark feature is a pair of blued metal hairpins shaped like the wings of a dragon tucked into his hair.
Eye Color: Wisteria
Hair Color: Snow white
Hair Style: Long and loose
Skin Tone: Pale, almost like moonlight
Height: 6' -
Faith | Draconism
☇ A common faith among kin, Aesir is loyal to the faith and dedicates his work to Aurora. He interprets the light of the moon as their hand guiding him in their plan for him. Growing up in Isldar the light was more common, but nowadays he feels that particular pull only sparingly.
Identity | The Way of the Pilgrim
☇ Aesir grew up in the order of pilgrims, learning their dogma and even traveled along with their processions in an attempt to learn more of the word of the Dragons. During the Civil War he fought as so many others did, but an event during a skirmish broke a part of his faith that he never truly got back, and set off alone in pilgrimage in order to find his way. Whether that be back with the pilgrims or somewhere else, only Aurora knows.
Proficiency Information
7 Dexterity
☇ Fleet Footed
☇ Fancy Footwork
☇ Escape Artist
☇ Close Save
☇ Venomous Strikes
☇ Theft
☇ Improvised Attack7 Strength
☇ Technique Parry
☇ Veteran DemonSpite
☇ Veteran Tri-Slash
☇ Veteran Swiftstrike
☇ Veteran Sentinel
☇ Veteran Solitude
☇ Veteran ParryHeritage
☇ Building Scale
☇ Sharp ReflexesFree Pack(s)
☇ Careful Fighter
☇ Veteran Stance -
☇ Song of Life/Death | If Isldar are near a person who is about to die, they can either ensure that the soul passes into the afterlife and is not stolen by other entities or prevent it from even detaching from their body, thus turning that person into an Undead forcibly (OOC consent).
☇ Artic Survivalist | Isldar are immune to the harm from frost or cold sources, and do not suffer loss of vision or orientation during a blizzard or weather conditions. Isldar are not affected by Magical Weather Area Effects. Isldar can sing frost into the water, causing ice crystals to form that do not melt when exposed to heat.
☇ Farsight | Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets).
☇ Soul River Reader | Isldar can see the Soul Rivers, the natural pathways souls take to reach the afterlife, and can tell if a person has died if they know their true name.
☇ Secure Mind | Isldar have natural suppressants in their own mind against interference and meddling from the outside. Even with OOC consent given, Isldar minds have stronger protection against any form of Mind Control. Their emotions are also not readable by those who can read and change emotions, unless they specifically let their mind be entered. Finally, Isldar minds also hold strong protections against the prying of Spirits. While they are not immune to a Spirit's influence, Spirits cannot easily detect their vices and ambitions to seduce them.
☇ Cold Inclined | Starting Combat in a cold weather environment (with blocks of snow or ice present), Isldar gain +2 Attack Stat (breaking Cap up to 11) for every Attack Emote. This is limited to mountainous regions and Magical Ice Area Effects, but when the snow has blanketed Regalia during winter, this applies to the whole map for a 1-and-a-half-month period between November 15th and January 1st, but the bonus is halved to 1 instead of 2. - N/A
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Story Information
☇ Purpose | Aesir deeply wants to find something or someone to give him purpose, and finds it hard to turn down work of almost any nature. Joining groups fills him with unease, but a part of him wishes to belong to a community once more.
☇ Odd Jobs | Aesir has done a great number of odd jobs, and the occaisional rumor of an Isldar who will do your work has popped up in various small towns or shops. Those who have a task only need message him with a time and place, and he will arrive to hear the duty out in due time.
☇ Guiding Moonlight | Aesir seeks out places that draw the most moonlight, and prefers to spend his time in it's glow.
☇ The Sins of War | The war may have ended in favor or greater enemies, but that doesn't mean he is forgiven for his actions. Aesir has blood on his hands, and Interacts with Rexit with the fear they will have him judged for any pain he may have caused them. He dreads the possibility of running into old enemies, or their families.
☇ Wandering Light | Aesir has wandered for quite while, and has potentially been seen by others in various locations.
☇ Nightmare In White | Nightmares have plagued Aesir ever since he left the mountains, of a frightening duel with a monster surrounded by his destroyed clan and family. While Aesir has not had a family since the war, He now feels quite guilty whenever he thinks of his left home and often wakes up clutching a dagger.
'Firsha (Common: Brush)' | A Signature dueling sabre, ceremonial in nature and heavily ornamented. As the only remaining member of his house, Aesir keeps his close so that it's history is not lost.
'Naht (Common: Carve)' | A much less ornamental yet still blade, this Isldar-made Sabre is Aesir's signature weapon in almost all encounters. - N/A
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