Archived Faction Stat Page

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
Similar to the Player MCmmo Skills Page, could one make a Faction State Page that tracks the size and activity of individual factions? As well as powerlevel, overall MCmmo power, and faction money?

Just a thought :) And a small one at that.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a really good idea, and would be a really a nice addition
I believe its a good idea but I think its also a bad idea because then big factions could see what the smallest factions are and go and raid them!
maybe be able to see how many the total of all the regals in that faction combined too? I mean, these stats would allow a leader to help his faction become more productive and see how many hours all the members spent online in total; for example if the faction's mcmmo level was 10,000 and I said every month we have to increase by 1,000 skill points or consequences would apply; I mean this kind of thing allows faction leaders to track stuff, but I'm sure there could be more added to this suggestion.
I believe its a good idea but I think its also a bad idea because then big factions could see what the smallest factions are and go and raid them!

Actually, most big factions leave smaller ones alone unless they've really done something that caused the bigger faction to become irritated and gave them a real reason to raid them; besides, factions aren't allowed to raid each other without a valid reason. if a small faction DOES irritate the big faction and cause them to raid you..then its totally the smaller faction's fault anyways.
Actually, most big factions leave smaller ones alone unless they've really done something that caused the bigger faction to become irritated and gave them a real reason to raid them; besides, factions aren't allowed to raid each other without a valid reason. if a small faction DOES irritate the big faction and cause them to raid you..then its totally the smaller faction's fault anyways.

Okay I forgot about that then Im all for it!
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