Archived Faction Recruitment Idea.

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
So I was reading the wiki and I came across a page for Silveredge City, in Ceardia. Now this is way before my time on the server. But I came across a part on the article where factions could rent spaces and have embassies for recruitment.

Now there is a lot of discussion of removing PVP chat. Now I personally think recruitment chat is the most useless one.

If the embassy system were to be re-implemented you have a safe and more interactive way to recruit people to your faction. Not just somebody on recruitment chat saying "Help I need a faction"

Also perhaps, you could have those npc Player models like in the premium info room in each embassy for the leaders/officers. That way new recruits will know who to look for in the faction if they join.

And you can charge factions a good amount of Regals to rent/purchase this space so you only get factions who are serious about recruitment and don't have a lot of nonsense crowding up the space.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
-Recruitment chat is probably used as much if not more than Pvp chat is. Is a (sometimes) effective way of recruiting and there is really no reason to remove it.
-The embassy would require people to stand at this place and hope that a recruit walks past? Faction officers are usually busy and don't have time to stand around waiting for people like that.
-Regals to get a 'spot' to recruit people with?
-Recruitment chat is probably used as much if not more than Pvp chat is. Is a (sometimes) effective way of recruiting and there is really no reason to remove it.
-The embassy would require people to stand at this place and hope that a recruit walks past? Faction officers are usually busy and don't have time to stand around waiting for people like that.
-Regals to get a 'spot' to recruit people with?
The regals part was off the top of my head. That doesn't have to be a factor.

And no. Nobody has to stand there. The embassies, I would think, would have info on the factions. So new players can stroll threw and see what the different factions have to offer. With direct chat the leader/officers don't have to just wait there.
Also perhaps, you could have those npc Player models like in the premium info room in each embassy for the leaders/officers. That way new recruits will know who to look for in the faction if they join.
-The embassy would require people to stand at this place and hope that a recruit walks past? Faction officers are usually busy and don't have time to stand around waiting for people like that.

I think he meant NPSs, like if you go to the prem showcase room, there are a bunch of staff member NPCs showing off premium features.
I think he meant NPSs, like if you go to the prem showcase room, there are a bunch of staff member NPCs showing off premium features.
Oh yes. That's what I meant. I just meant basically a thing that looks like me standing there so new people know what I look like if they want to talk to me in the faction.
Why you remind me of Ceardia...... *cries in corner*

But an embassy area could be cool. But the current system in place is also effective in my opinion.

Either way is fine by me.
I personally would like this, as I'm quite particular about my recruits, since SunKiss is a pvp focused faction, and therefor don't mass recruit in recruitment chat like many people do. A plot however, would both act as a money sink, which is always good, and a way to get the word out about my faction to those who might be interested without sitting in recruitment chat for a couple hours to recruit one or two people.
I personally would like this, as I'm quite particular about my recruits, since SunKiss is a pvp focused faction, and therefor don't mass recruit in recruitment chat like many people do. A plot however, would both act as a money sink, which is always good, and a way to get the word out about my faction to those who might be interested without sitting in recruitment chat for a couple hours to recruit one or two people.
Yes. And like i mentioned above...
Nobody needs to be there to recruit. The info will just be there. It takes no extra energy to spend to recruit. You can spend that energy enhancing your faction!
Gather round for story time kiddies,

Back in original Regalia, many of the rich mansions were occupied by factions. Two prime examples would be Alamut and The Imperials. The imperial embassy was filled with signs on what the imperials were up to as well as recruitment stuff. The Alamut house was a big parkour course that if you completed you would get recruited by Alamut. This would not work anymore though because several blocks are restricted in Regalia because they cause lag.