Archived Faction Plugin Modification

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Sep 6, 2013
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Hi MC team and followers :)
I would like propose you a modification to your plugin "Faction".
I'll try to do it myself but I did not succeed :/
I'm still a java student (would java devlopper be my futur job).
I study java for 1 year.
I don't know how begin the modification or how can I do to do it properly :'(
So I'll tell you my idea/suggestion here. This is a translation, my english is a bit bad, i wish you'll understand :)

Essential changes to do :

Change in the method claim territory :
First step :
The player must build a structure that will give him an area of a certain size depending on the type of structure. (16*16 chunks for instance, but it'll be amazing if it could be configurable).
It will have the choice between two types of structures: City or Outpost .
The center of the territory will be this structure.
2nd stage :
If the structure chosen is type City, the player must place three other small structures (Checkpoint).
Whatever the kind of structure , the player must place another small structure XX blocks away outside the territory.

The gameplay level , it will make life a little more RolePlay thing to me.
There is no need of points and no limit maximum territory.
Require no more waiting to claims other territories , this time , they are resources that will be required. (resources to build structure)

Type City:
Territory size is large .
The three other small structures represent checkpoints.

Type Outpost :
Territory size is medium.
A single checkpoint : the basic structure .

Respawn point of a player is the center of the nearest team territory
The structure outside the territory is the alternative spawn.

Change of method to attack and conquer enemy territory :
The offensive team must take control of all checkpoint of the ennemis territory :
wait the end of a timer OR kill all opponents remaining on the territory.
NB : If there are two offensive teams , the team that has all checkpoints , if they don't want to wait for the timer, must kill everyone on the other team offensive as well as defensive team in the territory .
Once a checkpoint is attacked, the owners of the land are alerted.
defensive players respawn outside the territory, to their alternative spawn .
If the defensive team regains control of all checkpoints, it keeps the territory and can respawn at the basic structure.
There must be at least X players of the defending team to launch an assault on a city and Y for Outpost . (X and Y will be proportional to the number of connected players (make this parameter cofigurable too is a good idea ;) )) .

A player can teleport from one area to another via the basic structure , even if the destination or source is under attack.

Take a checkpoint :
- The player must right click on a specific block is located within the structure of a control point.
- Wait X seconds inside the structure in order to take the checkpoint in the possession of his team. (a little like a battlefield)

I don't know if the gameplay will be playable on a massive server with 500 or 1000 players, but I think it's could really works with less players.
I often did server with faction and 5-20 players and I always ask "How to make this system better".
I think a lot, and when I start to play PlanetSide2, I believe this idea and this gameplay could make senses :)
What do you think about it ?
Thank you for the time you gave to read this post
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Aside from the point, I, as curious as I can be, I wonder where you're from.
I come from France ;)
Is that it shows in my post ? x)
France or suggestion ? x)
Tell me why please :) I agree there are maybe some gameplay elements I didn't think :)
I don't understand what this dog means and why you posted it everywhere ...
Thanks for support all <3
sorry for not explaining more before
Hi MC team and followers :)
I would like propose you a modification to your plugin "Faction".
I'll try to do it myself but I did not succeed :/
I'm still a java student (would java devlopper be my futur job).
I study java for 1 year.
I don't know how begin the modification or how can I do to do it properly ;(
So I'll tell you my idea/suggestion here. This is a translation, my english is a bit bad, i wish you'll understand :)

Essential changes to do :

Change in the method claim territory :
First step :
The player must build a structure that will give him an area of a certain size depending on the type of structure. (16*16 chunks for instance, but it'll be amazing if it could be configurable).
It will have the choice between two types of structures: City or Outpost .
The center of the territory will be this structure.
2nd stage :
If the structure chosen is type City, the player must place three other small structures (Checkpoint).
Whatever the kind of structure , the player must place another small structure XX blocks away outside the territory.

The gameplay level , it will make life a little more RolePlay thing to me.
There is no need of points and no limit maximum territory.
Require no more waiting to claims other territories , this time , they are resources that will be required. (resources to build structure)

Type City:
Territory size is large .
The three other small structures represent checkpoints.

Type Outpost :
Territory size is medium.
A single checkpoint : the basic structure .

This would mean people have to build there faction a certain way. It also means someone could just build lots of outposts and have lots of land but very little members. Not really very RP at all.

Respawn point of a player is the center of the nearest team territory
The structure outside the territory is the alternative spawn.

So people could just teleport around to all different places without needing to travel or use a portal? The only thing I can see this doing is making people be able to get around and fight faster with no work been done to set up portals and also making the faction home location less controllable, who says I want to have a faction home in the center of my claim. My faction home for 1 is not like that.

Change of method to attack and conquer enemy territory :
The offensive team must take control of all checkpoint of the ennemis territory :
wait the end of a timer OR kill all opponents remaining on the territory.
NB : If there are two offensive teams , the team that has all checkpoints , if they don't want to wait for the timer, must kill everyone on the other team offensive as well as defensive team in the territory .
Once a checkpoint is attacked, the owners of the land are alerted.
defensive players respawn outside the territory, to their alternative spawn .
If the defensive team regains control of all checkpoints, it keeps the territory and can respawn at the basic structure.
There must be at least X players of the defending team to launch an assault on a city and Y for Outpost . (X and Y will be proportional to the number of connected players (make this parameter cofigurable too is a good idea ;) )) .

A player can teleport from one area to another via the basic structure , even if the destination or source is under attack.

So you can come in and just take all the stuff people have built if you are better at pvp or you can just log off so the minimum number of people defending is not reached. Also what is to stop people building an unreachable checkpoint?
Take a checkpoint :
- The player must right click on a specific block is located within the structure of a control point.
- Wait X seconds inside the structure in order to take the checkpoint in the possession of his team. (a little like a battlefield)
sounds a lot like a ctf plugin and not much like a land protection and team creating plugin
I don't know if the gameplay will be playable on a massive server with 500 or 1000 players, but I think it's could really works with less players.
I often did server with faction and 5-20 players and I always ask "How to make this system better".
I think a lot, and when I start to play PlanetSide2, I believe this idea and this gameplay could make senses :)
What do you think about it ?
Thank you for the time you gave to read this post
If you don't think it would work on massivecraft, why post it here and not on the faction plugin forums?
All in all I think this would just encourage pvp and senseless building take overs and force people to build in a certain way with no chance for creativity or tactics. Ruining RP and the faction plugin.
This would mean people have to build there faction a certain way. It also means someone could just build lots of outposts and have lots of land but very little members. Not really very RP at all.
Yes, everyone who have resources, and who be a leader or other statut which allow to claim can do it, but if there are not enought powerfull, other teams will be able to capture their new outposts.

So people could just teleport around to all different places without needing to travel or use a portal? The only thing I can see this doing is making people be able to get around and fight faster with no work been done to set up portals and also making the faction home location less controllable, who says I want to have a faction home in the center of my claim. My faction home for 1 is not like that.
Alternative respawn point must be at XX block from the territory. So if player want to be into the fight to protect their land, they must work to travel the fastest to their territory (minecart, portal, ship, horse, underground ways etc...).
I just bring this idea to avoid the spawncamp and spawnkill.
Currently, if you want conquer a enemis faction :
first :
you must have power point to capture it.
So if you are more powerfull than the enemis, you can't if a number in not enought high. And this number increase with time, not with the real power of your team.
Currently a team with full wood stuff could be more powerfull than a team with full diamond stuff.
Second :
If you have enought point, your enemis team must have less than they can control.
So camp spawn and chain-kill ...
This is the only one solution to decrease fastly their power point :/
(And they could disconnect to wait enemis go away ...)

So you can come in and just take all the stuff people have built if you are better at pvp or you can just log off so the minimum number of people defending is not reached. Also what is to stop people building an unreachable checkpoint?
If you are better in pvp, yes :) This is how war works xD
But you have diplomacy ;)

Volontary disconnect, unreachable checkpoint etc ... This is the gameplay of no-RP and no fair-play players.
You can't make a RP server without RP players, with this modification or not ;).

sounds a lot like a ctf plugin and not much like a land protection and team creating plugin
In a ctf plugin you need take a flag and return it to your base.
Here there is no return ^^ Precisely this is only build, conquest and defend :D

If you don't think it would work on massivecraft, why post it here and not on the faction plugin forums?
All in all I think this would just encourage pvp and senseless building take overs and force people to build in a certain way with no chance for creativity or tactics. Ruining RP and the faction plugin.

I post it here, because I thought this have been the faction plugin forum ^^
Faction is devlopped by MassiveCraft and I didn't find how contact the staff to submitt my suggestion other here.
But maybe it could work on massivecraft server too xD Only staff and community could know ^^

encourage senseless building, no I don't think.
You know I already saw on somes Faction servers people who build a giant and ugly cobblestone cube, water and lava coated and say "Yeah I have a impenetrable base !". This is no-RP too and this is senseless building.
As I already said, a RP player never do that and a RP server with no RP players couldn't exist.

It's the same for creativity. RP players will build a beautifull and strategic base :)
With hidden way, traps, somes differents manner to enter into the base etc... :)
And exactly, this creativity, this working to protect base, will probably force the enemy team to ask a real tactic to capture the territory.

I'm happy to have differents opinions about my suggestion and discuss about it :)
I don't want my suggestion replace the faction plugin, but just be an add-on :)
I know a lot of people use faction and like it gameplay and I wish even if devloppers make my suggestion real, original faction plugin continue to exist :)

I believe it's always impossible to please to everybody, but sometimes not impossible to don't displease to someone :)
I like it. Makes the takeover of factions actually possible, and a little more fun than just getting up in your god armor, and killing everyone who steps outside their house.
Well, I think it could use some fixing, but aside from that it's a nice idea. I especially enjoy the thought of tactics in the raiding:). Some of it strikes me as a bit over powered and other things very cool and fun. I think "capturing" their land is a cool idea but... it would really tick me off if someone pretty much stole one of my builds. Perhaps some way to limit it or make it considerably harder to capture it. McMMO is sorta the deal breaker for me, if you have a faction filled with noobs or RP'ers other factions with strong PvP'ers can waltz up and take it. You'd need some CRAZY traps to get rid of multiple god armored opponents like Lord_Noodles.
I don't see how this is truly a better system then the one we have now. If we made it possible for people to actually take over factions, this could possibly lead to mass grief as rampaging groups of noobs or raiders took over and destroyed peaceful factions of builders. What if you're a small faction? Or if you only have one person online? One day everything could be fine, then BOOM, next day your prized town is a smoking crater. Also, you're limiting how people can build their towns. One of the things I like about Massivecraft is that there is a huge variety of towns in different and interesting biomes, often radically different from each other. I can see how this would work well on a small server, but I'm simply afraid that this isn't a small server, this is Massivecraft, where hundreds of players are online concurrently. You say that good RPers wouldn't make huge impenetrable checkpoints. Maybe you're correct, but that doesn't matter because I bet that less than 10% of the Massivecraft playerbase are actually good RPers. The larger the community of a server gets, the lower the overall quality is.

You keep coming back to RP, i don't see how taking over 1 building in a city and then owning the city is RP correct. And fine, not ctf more like king of the hill.

Do you often play on massivecraft? If you do you would know you cant take over another faction on this server. If it was added so you could then say goodbye to nice little RP towns, and say goodbye to grand castles. All the ones that exist would be a constant battle ground.

Also, a cave faction/ a faction that is in an impenetrable castle that is totally self sufficient. All they have to do is build the outposts inside. The outpost thing just limits RP and PVP so much. Plus, the whole build one building and own land around it thing does not really make sense, unless you are going to make every building give a land claim, which is hard to manage because you then have to let the plugin know what defines a building. All in all I think this takes away from the idea of factions, makes it more complicated, more RP and PVP limiting, and less fun.
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